Friday, March 15, 2024

Growing Slow - You Need It and So Do I


Happy Friday, Friends!

It's early morning and I'm sitting in my office with a cup of hot coffee. I woke up at 4:25 this morning and decided to get up and actually brew a pot for David and I. Sometimes I miss an actual pot of coffee that we share, instead of the convenience of a k-cup that brews instantly. 

I sat and finished the last few chapters of the bible study I've been participating in for the past few months.  It was such a great book, full of wisdom about slowing down and letting God do the work in us.

Some of the nuggets I've taken from this study are along the lines of God working in the winter months of our lives. So many times, when we feel things are stagnant and not moving along the way we hoped, those are the times when God is working in the hidden places of our hearts and our lives. 

This study has also reminded me that life is meant to be lived and savored; not rushed through with our eyes always on the next thing. 

How many people do you know who are actually living for today and not grasping and striving for tomorrow? Everyone I know is on a fast track toward something. Rarely do I see people who are content and satisfied with their current lives. 

While my sister and niece were here, we had conversations about the activities the kids are involved in, outside of school. These days coaches assign practices over every school break (holidays, Spring Break, etc.) with no consideration of giving kids time to just "be" or take trips with their families.  But, even when kids might have a break, the parents are enrolling them in extracurricular activities, for fear of them being lazy and actually having time to rest.

This is incredibly sad to me. 

Some of my best memories are of playing with friends after school or on weekends. We swam, we biked, we watched MTV for hours (ahhhh, the 80's 😀). Point being...we had down time. So many parents now are literally scared to death of their kids having down time. Kids are running ragged and so are their parents. 

Personally, I feel like this is the reason for kids who don't know how to function outside of a school setting or organized sport. They need someone spoon feeding them the next set of instructions, or they literally don't know what to do with themselves. Many of them stay in college (I call them professional students) because the world of work is actually terrifying to them. 

I could go on and on about the demise of the family and other aspects of families going ninety to nothing, but I'll save it for another day.

But back to Growing Slow and living slow...I want a slow life. I want a life that feeds my soul and not one that makes me feel like I'm always behind.

This week I've taken a break from social media and it's been wonderful. I haven't had to endure ads and "how-to's" in my face all day. I've taken the apps off my phone and therefore, haven't had notifications popping up, begging for my attention all day. 

You don't realize, until you turn these off, how much they influence your time. You're constantly checking your phone to make sure you don't miss out. You're constantly watching videos about how to do something - cook, craft, dress, organize, clean - and it puts this hurriedness in your heart that screams "you must do this!" 

Growing slow looks more like focusing on your own home, your babies, your garden, your friends and family and not neglecting your down time. Reading a book or just sitting outside and enjoying the sun. Having someone over for coffee or a couple over for dinner. 

It also looks like waiting on the Lord to do the work, in you, around you, and for you, instead of panicking and trying to manipulate life on your own terms. 

All of these things take practice, but if you don't start, you'll never get there.

I hope this speaks to someone's heart today. You have permission to slow down. You have permission to say "no," to take a break, to sit and soak. It's ok. The world will still be there when you get back up and are ready to take a step.

Grow slow, my friend. You need the break.

Until Next Time...

Blessings 💛


  1. I so agree about kiddos today. People need to 'let kids be kids'. It doesn't seem anyone does. Let them use their imaginations instead of a computer screen. Let them play instead of a regimented schedule. So sad.
    Computers can be good - but they steal our joy. I will look for a couple of minutes can easily turn into an hour or two. We need to stop and smell the roses.

    1. I agree, Cheryl. Kids are so scheduled that they don't know how to use their imaginations anymore. So sad.

  2. I agree about the kids etc. My nephews have no down time, sad really. I don't blog or get online much during the week due to my stressful work life. I really like this post, thank you for sharing. smiles

    1. Hi Linda :) I'm glad this post spoke to you. Personally, I think the parents are afraid to deal with their children being bored.

  3. Wow you sure were up early!!!
    It is nice to take things slowly and enjoy what you're doing.


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