Thursday, August 10, 2023

A Quick Hello and I Rearranged My Office


My craft table

Hello Friends! It's Thursday and I have a little passenger coming to hang out while his parents continue moving into their new home, so I'll make this a quick post.

Yesterday I had a few errands to run and then I came home to work on my office and our guest room, which both needed some rearranging. 

We gave a desk to Collin and Morgan to use in their new home, and any time you take something out, the rooms need to be changed to fit what's left. This tends to cause a ripple effect on other rooms in the house. Do you have this issue?

So I basically spent the entire afternoon moving things around and getting better organized.

My Bible Study table

These enamel topped tables are my favorites! I will always collect them and find a place to put them. Of course I can't buy every one I see, but I have two of them and they are both in my office. 

One I use for my paper crafts and the other I use for my Bible study. 

I like having a designated spot to read and write, that way I can spread my books out and not be distracted by other things. This is also a great place to write or work on my journals, which are on the book shelf right next to the table. 

This first shelf holds my journals,

and the bottom shelf holds the new ones that haven't

been written in yet. 

My desk and office set up is in this corner and everything is within reach of my computer area. This is where I work on bills, my to-do list and anything else I need to do to run the household. I take care of David's mother's bills too, so I've got her files handy, as well. 

I think it's fun to have different stations where I can work on those designated things. It helps me focus on the task at hand and not have to move other things that might be in the way when inspiration hits or when I need to work on something different. 

I can also walk away from what I'm doing and not have to clean off the table or desk. I know it will be fine to leave out as long as I need to. 

I also rearranged the guest room, but still have some extra things lying around in there, so I won't be sharing pictures anytime soon. It's a work in progress...again. 

There always seems to be a room where "extra" things go when you don't want to mess with them right away. It's not ideal, but it's real life.

Well, that's my new and improved office area. 

Now I'm off to take on the day and chase a cutie pie around for a few hours. 

Until Next Time...


  1. I love enamel topped tables, unfortunately mine is currently in the shed, but after it spent years in my Dad's shed with no ill effects I'm not too worried. One day it will come indoors and be admired even more. Yours are lovely and put to such good use. xx

    1. Thank you! I'm not sure where I developed such a love for them, but I just love the style.

  2. What a happy place. I love your tables and having a special place for work and Bible Time. We had the carpets cleaned for our annual inspection at the Villa, and that made moving some furniture, so I did the same thing...rearranged a few things and it is making like easier for my dearest. He got one of my old desks! HaHa..he will have it covered in books in no time.
    You are an many ways.

    1. Wanda, fresh carpets and rearranging furniture...sounds like a great day! I love a newly arranged space. It's exciting to walk in the room and see everything look new and different. And thank you for always leaving me such encouraging words :) They mean so much :)

  3. Your work areas are so nice, looks to be a lovely room for crafting, studying your Bible and even paying the dreaded bills. :)

    1. Thank you Mary :) If you have to work, you might as well enjoy the space, right? :)

  4. We have a table just like your Bible study table on it is green. We got is at an auction years ago for one dollar!!!!
    Nice job on your office rearrangement. Looks like a great work space!!

  5. Everything looks great! Oh to have the space for different areas!

    Grace & Peace,

    1. Thank you Pam :) It's actually a pretty small bedroom that I turned into an office space.

  6. WOW. Beautiful!!! I have a roll top desk (well, we both do and we share a bedroom/office space, grin). He has his space and I have mine, grin. Have a beautiful rest of this Saturday.

  7. Your space looks like it suits you well. That's the best - I also love the little table!

  8. I love the little tables. They are wonderful to have.


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