Friday, August 30, 2024

Blogging Break


Hello Friends!

I'm taking a blogging break for a bit. I will still be checking in with all of my favorite blogging friends, so I'm not disappearing, just focusing on other things right now. 

Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully I'll see you soon!

Until Next Time...


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Catching Up and Lots of Family Time

Good Tuesday Morning, Friends!

Last week David was off for a few days and we spent those days moving the rest of his mom's belongings out of her apartment and into our storage building. On Thursday David and I did get away for a bit, about an hour or so down the road, to a town called Kemah. We indulged ourselves in a full lunch, complete with an appetizer, salad, main dish and dessert, just so we could sit and enjoy being away for a few hours. It was really nice. 

After that, it was back to work, moving, visiting with his mom, keeping Asa while Collin helped David move things and doing all the normal daily things around the house.

Saturday Collin, Morgan and Asa came back over to hang out. I mean, when your DIL calls and says they want to come hang out, you never say no to that! It's always fun conversation and built-in entertainment with Asa running around. 

Sunday they came back over for lunch and we had a lazy day drinking coffee, talking and just enjoying a  day at home.  I made chicken fried steak, rice and gravy and green beans. It was so yummy!

I snapped these silly pictures of Morgan and Collin. They are the mini-version of David and I, which makes us laugh all the time. 

I love getting to hang out with my big kids! I don't take it for granted, ever. 

In the meantime, our other kids are currently in Scotland. They spent last week in London and then moved on to Scotland. They are having such a great time. 

In this picture they are standing in front of Abbey Road Studios, the famous music studio where the Beatles and many other famous musicians recorded music. This was a dream for Ted to go to Abbey Road because he actually partners with them in his own business. He has been working with them for a few years now, but on this trip he actually got to meet the man he works with and the whole family was able to take a tour of the historic building, which is not open to the public. What a dream for Ted to be able to do that and have his family along too. 

They will be coming home at the end of this week and boy, have we missed them!

As for the new house news...we were waiting on the appraisal, hoping it would be favorable and it came back yesterday and it was great! We are so excited! I will continue to update you on that, as it moves forward.

Today Morgan and I are having a girl's day out and I expect a pedicure, some lunch and who knows what else is on the schedule. I'm looking forward to a fun day. 

For the rest of the week, I think I'll start packing a few things in boxes. I'm getting excited! Moving is a pain, but the setting up of a new house is always enjoyable. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week and hopefully I'll be back soon!

Until Next Time...

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Little Sewing and My Kids Are in England!

Happy Wednesday Friends!

How's the week been treating you so far? I've had a good combination of busy, productive, and calm, for the most part. 

I've been busy signing things on the computer, pertaining to the new house. All is going well, so far. The appraisal is today and we're praying there are no major issues to deal with.   

In case I forgot to mention, we made an offer on a house on our same street, just a few doors down. If this all goes well and we end up actually getting that house, I'll tell you more about it. 

In the meantime, we are still packing up my MIL's apartment and will finish that up this week. She doesn't have much, in the way of furniture, but has a lot of clothes and personal items to store. I'll be glad when we get that done and can mark that off the list.

I'm not packing up our house just yet, but I have been cleaning out drawers, toys, clothing, and other items that I really don't want anymore. I don't want to go full blown into packing things in boxes until I get the final word that the house has passed all it needs to pass. 

But, until then, my house is getting a good purging, which is never a bad thing. 


I did a little sewing project yesterday, which is always so much fun. I really need to start sewing more. It's just so satisfying to create something out of a piece of fabric and stand back and realize you made something that you didn't have before. 

I would really like to sew some cute aprons out of fun fabric. I think it's so fun to collect aprons and have them hanging in the kitchen. Whenever I see aprons at the antique stores, I will buy any that are $5 or less. I have several half aprons that are part of the girl's dress-up clothes in their playroom and I love to see them coming down the hall with one of them on. 

Speaking of the girls, they are all in England this week! They left on Sunday for a two week adventure to the U.K. So Saturday we had a goodbye lunch at a local pizza place. We already miss them greatly, but I know they are having the time of their lives (minus the jet lag, which has been tough). 

Ella, Morgan, Asa, Collin

Precious Addie


Our traditional family selfie

Millie and Emmy

Emmy was emotional as we took the family photo and she really didn't want to be in the picture. So her mommy took one of just us and it was just what we needed. She is my Millie girl and such a big part of my heart. 

I got to FaceTime with them their first day and she took me all around the AirBNB and showed me all the cool features. Today they are off to tour London. What a treat! 

Well, it's time to get ready for the day. It's going to be another hot and muggy day of about 100 or more.

Fall, please hurry! 🍂

Have a great week and remember, today has enough worries of its own! Don't waste time fearing tomorrow. But most importantly...God has already gone before you and is working out your tomorrow. He's a good, good Father 💚

Until Next Time...


Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Simple Recap of the Week So Far

 Hello Friends!

Happy Thursday! This week is moving right along.

Tuesday night we had our weekly family dinner and I surprised the kids with a little treat to celebrate the upcoming babies (due in December and January). Collin and Morgan are having another boy and Ted and Alex will be bringing their 4th girl into the family (they also have 1 boy) and we couldn't be more excited!

I bought them each a little outfit for their newborns-to-come and set out these blue and pink cupcakes for dessert. We are all getting excited to have two more babies in the family.

Wednesday I spent much of the morning working on new-house tasks, such as paperwork, roofing estimates and communicating with my realtor. I did a few loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen and made a big pan of chicken enchiladas for lunch. 

Banjo - our very spoiled dog
He's an old man now, so he likes to lounge most of the day. 

Wednesday there was a heat advisory outside. Though the temps were in the 90's, the heat index was in the 100's. At 7:15 pm, it still felt like 99 degrees outside. It's hot!

This heat makes me feel like joining Banjo for an afternoon nap, but instead I watched a few episodes of Gilmore Girls and folded laundry to keep myself awake. 

In the evening, when David gets home from work, we will watch old episodes of the tv show FAMILY, which was on in the 70's. Last night we watched one of those and sat and recapped our day. 

I made myself a fruit smoothie and had some almonds for dinner. David had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I guess we'll eat the rest of the enchiladas today. 

I have a few errands to run today and most likely, more decisions about house stuff will come up. I'm feeling a little bit out of it right now, around this house. With the prospect of a new house on the horizon, I'm at a creative standstill around here. I'm actually looking forward to having more space to decorate and organize in the future.

Well, I'm off to find breakfast. My sister says I need more protein in my meals, so the question is always "What to eat today?" I've always said that if I could have any kind of hired help around the house, it would be a professional chef. Wouldn't that be the dream?

What kind of help would you choose? Chef, housekeeper, lawn guy? Leave me a comment with your dream helper choice. Inquiring minds want to know 😉

In the meantime, have a great Thursday! Remember, focus on today and let God handle tomorrow!

Until Next Time...

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Delightful Book


Find it HERE

How many times do we get to use the word "delightful"? It's a word that can only be used to describe something that just makes you so happy and feels so fun, while encountering it. Such is this fun, delightful book, written by Susan Branch

Personally, I think the work of Susan Branch is always delightful, but this little book about the English countryside especially fits the description. 

In this book, Susan and her husband Joe, set off on the Queen Mary2 for a two week passage to England. Once there, they explore the countryside for two months. The book is set up as a diary, complete with drawings, paintings, and quotes, in only the style that Susan Branch can do (have you read her books?!).

I'm sharing this, not to give you a book report or even a review, but just to share with you her delightful work and tell you to put this one on your list of things to read, if you've ever wanted to go to England. 

That is all.

Have a delightful Tuesday, my friends 💚

Until Next Time...


Monday, August 12, 2024

A Surprise Visit and a Much Needed Hug

Happy Monday my friends!
You know I love Mondays 😀 Here's hoping this one won't let me down.

My fancy lunch on Sunday

David and I spent Sunday packing up his mom's apartment.  We will make room in our storage building until we get the new house. It seems we have also found a home for her cat, which is an answered prayer. 

Today I have items to complete on the list of things to do when buying a house. Why is buying a house so nerve wracking? So much to do, think about, pray about and then you still have to pack and move. It's kind of like having a's tough, but the end result makes it all worth it.

 Millie and Asa Miller 

After getting back from the apartment, we got a nice surprise text from Morgan, saying they wanted to come over. When you haven't seen your kids in two weeks, who cares if the house is clean or your hair is not fixed? This hug says it all. 

These visits are the best! No agenda, no planned dinner, nothing but family just missing one another and grabbing leftovers out of the fridge, throwing some bacon in the microwave for sandwiches, pulling snacks out of the pantry to munch on while you talk.

Morgan and I threw together some oatmeal protein balls for her to take home. We mixed oats, chocolate chips, honey, maple syrup, and peanut butter together and though I didn't intend for her to have to roll them all, I might have gotten distracted by the cute 2 year old running around. I had to get in all the hugs I could. 

Collin and I talked for at least an hour on all of his research he's been doing on some theology topics. I love having conversations with my grown kids. He has always been my kid who will research deep topics and I love that about him. 

While Morgan, Collin and I sat at the table, David and Asa were building things and destroying things with Magnetiles in the living room. That's right up PawPaw's alley! And Asa's too 😀

They headed out about 8:00 p.m. and it was such a needed visit. We will see all the rest of the kids and babies on Tuesday for family dinner. I can't wait!

If you think about me today, pray that I can find good insurance for the new house. I only have this week to secure the insurance, to make sure the monthly note is still affordable. I greatly appreciate all the prayers!

I will keep you all updated on the progress as the weeks go by.

Thanks for checking in!

Until Next Time...

Friday, August 9, 2024

Never Tell God You're Bored!

 Happy Friday, Friends!

I hope you've had a nice, cool week (wishful thinking here in Texas). The skies have been gorgeous lately, but the heat is unbearable. 

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind, to say the least. We've had David's mom in and out of the hospital twice and now she's in a rehab facility to hopefully improve her health and physical strength.

We've been faced with some life-changing decisions this week; ones that have changed the direction of our very near future.

Because of a multitude of reasons, it looks like David's mom will be coming to live with us, once she's released from rehab. She really can't live alone anymore (she's 83) and she doesn't have the money to go to an assisted living, so it's up to her family to take care of her. Needless to say, this will change our day-to-day living, for sure.

The Lord has brought some things to light this week, that have turned into David and I needing to make some decisions about buying a bigger house. I think we've both been feeling this for a few months now, but sometimes life pushes you off the edge you've been teetering on

Over the past few months, we've realized that this house is not working for our long-term future. We are about to have 7 grandkids, 4 big kids, two elderly moms still living and the tiniest house we've ever had. I remember writing about this house a few months back and saying that we would just have to make it work, but that's about when things started to shift.

Sometimes in life you can feel the Lord bringing about a shift in your life and you basically just have to hang on for the ride. Well, that's what's been happening around here and now we know why.  We have also grown very uncomfortable having the lake in the back yard and 7 little babies to protect when they're here. This just isn't the place to do that. 

So, in the near future, we will probably be moving and gaining a house guest for the long haul. But that's ok. Sometimes the situations that seem the hardest, turn out to be great blessings. I just have to trust in the Lord's love for me and my family and call on him daily for the grace and strength to handle whatever comes about. 

As for today...

I'm going to take the day to recharge myself. No hospital visit, no rehab visit. Just me and my house, cleaning, organizing, making lists of things that need to be done in the coming weeks and hopefully sitting down now and then to a cup of coffee and a good book. It's what's needed today.

One little blessing I'll share before I go...

Since having to make this decision about my MIL living with us, we've discovered so many of our friends who have had to do the same thing, at different times. It comforts us to know we have people that have already walked where we are about to walk. Thank you, Lord 💚

"He always comes alongside us

to comfort us in every suffering so that

we can come alongside those 

who are in any painful trial.

We can bring them this same comfort

that God has poured out upon us."

2 Corinthians 1:4


Thanks for hanging out with me for a few minutes today 💛 I'll see you soon.

Until Next Time...


Monday, August 5, 2024

Sometimes You Just Need to Bake a Cake (and a 10th anniversary)

Hello Friends!
It's been a wild few weeks and it's not over yet 😅
My MIL is back in the hospital (since Friday morning) and that means
that we have had a busy weekend, full of hospital visits, mixed with keeping

Yesterday we stayed home from church so David could go visit his mom.

While he was doing that, I decided to bake a cake. 

Seems like a random thing to do, but I guess I just needed something

normal to do and I had been wanting to try making a two layer cake

with jelly in the I did.

I had a jar of Sour Cherry Spread and I thought it might pair well with

this vanilla cake.

I didn't add too much; just enough to give you a taste of sweet and tangy,

mixed with the deliciousness of the vanilla cake.

I think it added just the right amount of something.

It was delicious! I topped it off with buttercream frosting

and it was the perfect snack for the afternoon

and my three little guests that came visiting.

We had promised Ted and Alex we would keep the girls as an anniversary gift to them.

Yesterday was their 10th anniversary!

We had their wedding at our old farmhouse, back in 2014.
We turned the carport into a wedding venue,
complete with hay bales to sit on,
candles in mason jars and shortbread cookies
in brown paper sacks for the guests to take home.
It was the most simple wedding and yet,
still to this day,
one of my favorites.

Ted and Alex drove down the driveway in David's old army jeep.
Thankfully they had a car waiting just around the corner.
They wouldn't have made it to Houston if that was their get-away car. 😁

A few fun facts about the wedding:

We forgot to tell our neighbors that we were having a wedding,

so as the ceremony was happening, 

our neighbor was mowing their land behind us. 😅

Also, just as the bride and groom had their wedding kiss,

our two horses put on a show and went running by as fast as they could

(just behind this picture).

You just never know what will happen at a wedding!

Ten years later and here we are 😅

We're so proud of them and the little family they've created.


So back to yesterday,

the girls wanted to sew purses out of fabric,

so that's what we spent the afternoon doing.

I have a feeling that we will be doing more sewing projects

in the future. 

I've taught them how to use needle and thread,

but haven't put them on the machine yet.

They seem content right now just sewing by hand

and with all the excitement we've had around here lately,

I think we'll just stick to that!


Well, I'm off to start the day.

I'm praying for God to rain down his blessings today;

whatever that may look like.

I hope you have a wonderful Monday, with a blessed week to follow.

Until Next Time...


Friday, August 2, 2024

Real Life and I Need Some Advice

 Hello Friends!

I've been missing around here this week. I haven't even had time to read any blogs until today. 

The week started out like a normal week, with the exception of us waiting on some results from an MRI that David had last Friday. Monday I got the grocery pick-up, talked to a friend on the phone, cleaned and did other chores and then got the phone call from David that his results from the test were perfect, thank you, Jesus! The afternoon was spent making more phone calls to our boys and just breathing a big sigh of relief about the good news. I couldn't wait for David to get home so I could give him a big hug.

But...he barely got in the door before we got a phone call that his mom was unresponsive and we needed to get to her apartments right away. So we grabbed a few things and headed out the door. No celebrating, no relaxing, just like that, the good news was put on the back burner.

His mom ended up in the hospital for a few days due to blood pressure issues, so our week was filled with sitting at the hospital for hours, making sure she got the care she needed. She finally came home Wednesday evening and for now, is doing well.

Yesterday I spent the day paying bills, getting August set up in the budget book and taking care of David's mom's bills too. I ran an errand, read a little and cooked the best Sausage and Tortellini Soup ever. It's definitely my favorite soup. I didn't have my girls this week and no family dinner either. Sometimes the schedule has to change because, well...I'm not superwoman 😅 I'm sure I'll make up for it over the next week or two. 

Also, for the past week I've been suffering through the worst haircut I've ever had in my life (with the exception of some styles my mother put me through as a child of the 70's 😂).  I went in last Wednesday for a bit of layering and came out with more of a shaggy mess. I've struggled all week with what to do...should I go back and have her fix it? No. What if she does a worse job (how is that even possible?) or should I go somewhere else? What if they mess up too? Should I at least mention to the lady that she did something totally different than the picture I showed her? Do I ever plan to use her again? Is it worth it? Or, just start camouflaging my hair with headbands, let it grow out and never cut it again? That's what I've chosen, up to this point.

What have you done in this situation? Surely I'm not the only one! Give me all your good advice.

Well, today will be full of errands and possibly getting our oldest grand girl for a sleepover. We actually have plans with some friends on Saturday night, which will be a welcomed relief from the stress of the week. 

I'm not usually one to wish the time away, but I think I'll be happy to get a bit down the road on this one. 

Hopefully next week will resume our very routine, predictable life 😅 I'm kind of partial to it.

See you soon, my friends!

Until Next Time...


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Decluttering Your Fantasy Self - You're Going to Feel So Free!


Hello my friends!

Let's talk about decluttering...because, you know...we haven't heard enough about that topic over the years. 😅
But this is a different type of decluttering called "decluttering your fantasy self" and it's going to free you up in ways that you will greatly appreciate in the future. It may even save you some money and who doesn't want to save money?

I recently heard this term and it caught my attention right away, because I'm always up for decluttering what I don't need. But what about all of those things that I just knew I would use "one day?"

Decluttering your fantasy self involves things that you have acquired as part of a fantasy of who you might become. 

For instance, I have buckets of fabric, just waiting for me to become a fabulous apron maker one day.
I have photo albums waiting to be filled with all of the pictures I currently have organized in a box.
I have paints I never use. I have dresses I never wear. I have dishes and gadgets I'll never cook with. And the list goes on and on. 

Maybe you saw an influencer on social media demonstrate their amazing passion for cooking, so you went out and bought the entire line of cookware and it's still in the box. (In the old days these were called infomercials and the result was just the same). 

Maybe you imagined yourself as an expert embroider and now you have a closet full of embroidery items you never use. 

Maybe in your fantasy mind you are a master woodworker and now your shed is full of tools and random pieces of wood that, in your heart, you aren't even half-way interested in. 

Or maybe you just knew you would rock those big, bulky earrings and you took one look in the mirror and realized they just aren't who you are, so there they sit, taking up valuable space.

These are the fantasy people we create in our minds, but they never really fit or maybe we just grew out of that phase, but can't seem to let it go. 

We've all been there! 

So imagine if you decluttered your mind and your fantasy stuff and set yourself free from having to live that lie that you're really going to use up all that yarn you bought years ago. I mean, how freeing would that be?

I can speak from experience, it feels great! And I need to do this again and again, because what you gain is a clear sense of what is really important to you. You also gain the wisdom of not buying things that you're not really into, but just wanted to try or were influenced to buy. We get better with practice. 

Years ago, when I realized that I detest scrapbooking, I gave away every stack of paper, decor, albums, etc. because it was a constant source of stress when I looked at it. I've never regretted doing that. 

There have been other things I wish I wouldn't have given away, such as my salad shooter 😅 because I really used that thing! But, the things that gave me stress, those things felt like a weight off my shoulders and I learned not to spend money on those things again.

This has happened to me numerous times with clothing. (Sometimes it takes a few dollars before we learn the lesson). One summer I decided that I wanted to wear dresses, so I went out and bought a few. I tried them on, but never felt comfortable, so I never wore them. I would see other women wearing cute sun dresses and I wanted to be that girl. But there the dresses hung and eventually I gave them away. I'm ashamed to say, this has been repeated several times over the years. 

That's ok. I'm not going to beat myself up for trying, but I don't want to keep repeating the same mistake. It's too costly.

So, what is your fantasy self hanging onto?

Is it the fantasy of being a master gardener, when you really detest dealing with plants? I can relate. 

Is it the fantasy of being a famous writer, when you would rather read than write?

Do you fantasize over fancy spices, delicious meals that take hours in the kitchen, when really you would rather cook simple meals and play with your kids instead? 

We all have fantasy selves we've created in our minds, but they just aren't who we are, at the core. It's time to be ok with that. I think it's part of accepting ourselves, as we were meant to be. Not that we can't try new things and acquire new hobbies or interests or even styles, as we age. It's always great to change and grow. But it's about being authentic and not trying to do something, just because it's the trend or because someone else makes it look so fantastic and we want to look that way too.

You're going to be good at what you're naturally good at and for some of us, that may be rocking a pair of jeans and a t-shirt every single day of our lives. Because being comfortable and joyful is going to beat wearing a dress and hating every minute of it. 

Be that girl!

So go on...purge something today that your fantasy self was hanging onto. I dare you! You're going to feel such freedom when you look around and you're surrounded by things that are truly YOU. And that's who you needed to be all along.

I love and appreciate you!

Until next time...

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

This Week and A Cute Video

Hello everyone! 

It's Tuesday and I'm finally sitting down for another post. I haven't been taking many pictures lately, so that affects my writing, for some reason. I need to get better about taking pictures throughout the day, but sometimes things just seem so uninteresting that I don't bother taking pictures. However, I did snap these yesterday as I was working in the kitchen.

Gingersnaps in a jar. I just about love the look of anything in a jar, don't you? There's something old fashioned about putting things in jars, in my opinion, and I love old fashioned ways. 

I also got a shot of the brownies I made for family dinner coming up (tonight). After they cooled, I cut them into squares and put them on my cake plate and as I was doing that, I was thinking about how the girls walk into family dinner every week and spot the dessert right away. It's amazing how little girls (namely a 5 year old) can get so "full" while eating her dinner, but have plenty of room for dessert 😉

I also made a pot of spaghetti sauce yesterday, in preparation for the lasagna I'll be fixing for dinner tonight. I try to do as much as possible on Monday, in preparation for Tuesday night dinner, so that I'm not exhausted by the time the kids get here. 

This morning I have a grocery pick up and this afternoon I will put two lasagnas together, prepare the garlic bread and side dish, vacuum, wipe down both bathrooms, set the table and then hopefully get some reading done while cooking dinner. 

I got 4 books from the library last week and have read one and started on another. I got side tracked reading 2 ebooks on my tablet, so that slowed me down a bit. 

These are the books that sidetracked me. They are two in a series of short stories and I really enjoyed them. The third one isn't due out until February, so I will be waiting a while to read it. They were good and short, but still found a way to endear you to the characters quickly. I'm looking forward to the third book.

I will admit, I had time to read yesterday while cooking, but I had clothes to fold, so I indulged myself in some tv time while the sauce was cooking on the stove and the laundry was going. I started watching America's Sweethearts on Netflix. It's the show about the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and the process of the organization and all they go through to be on the team. 

David and I had recently watched the documentary on the Miss America Pageant organization and it was really eye opening, as to what these women endure just to be in the pageants. So I thought this would be similar and it is. The thing that surprised me the most (so far), was the veteran cheerleaders having to try out every year, no matter how long they've been on the team. Most of these women have full time jobs, in addition to being at practice every night for hours and hours. What a grueling schedule! Of course they showed the history of the organization and in the 70's, when they first started the team, the girls only got paid $15 per game! I found that so surprising, considering the enormity of the salaries of the NFL and how much money the football team brings in. But enough about that!

Last Thursday, when the girls were here, we kept seeing this butterfly in the driveway. When we went outside to check it out, it didn't fly away, like they usually do. It kept flying around us and got so close to us, like it was playing with us. I got out my phone and tried to capture it all, because the girls were having such a good time with it.
Here's Ella trying to get close to it.


Well, I hope you enjoyed this little recap of my life lately. I'm off to start my day. I'll remember to take more pictures this week and hopefully be back with another post or two. 

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon!

Until Next Time...