Thursday, January 16, 2025

How I've Made My Living

"And then she realized she was replaceable in every area
of her life,
except her home."

(J. Benfield)

I just had my 59th birthday and it's given me some time to reflect on the years past.

Have I given life my all?

Have I contributed enough?

Should I have done more?

Then I look back to the 31 years I've been a homemaker, mom, wife, homeschooling teacher,

accountant, cook, cleaner, driver, wardrobe coordinator, deadline keeper, dog walker,

mother-in-law and now a Millie to all my babies and I see a life 

well lived.

I see a life of sacrifice.

I didn't earn my living in dollars;

I earned my living in love and service to this amazing

life that God has gifted me with. 

And I would do it all again.

I don't know what the future holds or where God will use me

over the next 20 years,

but wherever that may be,

I'll never regret one moment of the ones

I spent taking care of 

house and home.


  1. I love this....the reason why is because this is exactly how I have lived my life. My MIL once compared me to my then sister-in-law. She had a big job and I was a stay at home mom. After several years of feeling like I was a failure, I realized that I did not have to have monetary income. I had the best paying job!! My job was in giving of myself to be the best wife, mom and Shug that there ever was. I like to think that I still am the BEST at this never ending job. I will never regret the choices that my husband and I made for me to be a SAHM. and the best part.....I could never be fired! lol

    1. Shug, this is absolutely right! There's no amount of money I would take in exchange for all of my years at home. It's the best job ever.

  2. Good Morning! Love visiting here for inspiration. Thank you. This is just what I needed to hear this morning.

    1. Terri, I'm so glad this spoke to you :) What a blessing.

  3. I had my children later in life, and I had a big job for 15 years, with lots of travel and long days. I gave it up to stay home with my children and I am here to tell you that staying home is far, far harder. And obviously infinitely more rewarding, at least for me.

    1. I agree! There's a season for everything, but the rewards of being at home far outweigh anything a job can offer.

  4. What a lovely post dear Friend! And I think being a wife, mother, homemaker of any sort is one of the most rewarding jobs there are! Especially being a Mom and wearing dozens of different hats. God bless your "work" and belated Happy birthday blessings to you! 💝🙏🏻

  5. Hey you have an email address you can give me so I can send you a message....OR...are you on Facebook Messenger? Thanks..

    1. Shug, I am on FB and IG and you can email me at

  6. I don't know what the future holds either - but I was just discussing with a friend earlier this afternoon that it certainly is special knowing that God has a plan and specific purpose for us in every season of life. The transition from full-time mom and raising my family has been a bit of struggle for me...but I know there is rewarding work still to be done.

    1. Jennifer, I am right there with you. This is a whole new season and it takes a while to find our place after the kids are gone. But I know God has a plan for my life and this time. It's always an adventure and I'm hanging on for the ride!

  7. What a beautiful reflection! It's truly inspiring to read about the love and dedication you've poured into your family and home over the years. There's so much value in the roles you've embraced, from being a mother and wife to homeschooling and creating a warm, nurturing environment for your loved ones. Those contributions might not always come with a financial reward, but they certainly hold immeasurable worth. Your perspective reminds us all that a life of service and love is a life well lived, no matter the outward measure of success. Here's to the next chapter and the continued blessing of making a difference in the lives of those you love!

    1. Thank you so much Melody. It truly is a life of service, isn't it? Worth all the work :)

  8. This was wonderful to read. Thank you!


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