Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Silent To-Do List and Purging Books This Week

Hello Friends...

Did you know that in Texas we do our spring cleaning in the summer because we're all stuck inside, trying not to melt? That's the truth! 

So, here are some projects I've been working on this week:

#1 - purging books. Yes, that's right. I'm purging things and even though I thought I would never get rid of my books, I am. 

I've had to take some inventory lately...of my mind. And one of the things I've noticed is just how much stuff I have that screams at me from the shelves or corners of my office. 

I once heard the Minimal Mom talk about the Silent To-Do List (watch HERE) and how everything we own calls out to us to do something with it. 

I've always owned a lot of books, but lately I've asked myself "why" and I couldn't really come up with a good enough reason, to justify buying more shelves or having them stacked in corners. 

I don't read books more than once, so what was I doing with all of these books? Starting a library? I love and adore books, but why hoard them? 

I had to get very honest with myself and admit that they really were just taking up valuable space and I could very well pass them along to others and give them life and set them free. Very dramatic, I know, but books deserve a good send off 😊📚

So I texted a friend, whom I know is an avid reader, and asked if she would like my stack of books and she was happy to take them. I hope she reads them and then passes them along, so their life can continue for years to come. 


I also began the process of purging my shelf of magazines. Over the years I have invested so much money buying magazines that are more like books. Pages and pages of beautiful photos and heartwarming stories, only to place them on shelves and read them now and then. 

But recently I discovered a way to reuse those magazines and not feel like I've wasted money by just tossing them in the trash. 

I start by tearing out the pictures that speak to me; whether it's just the pretty colors or a scene that feels moody or thoughtful. 

Then I fold them over, add strings and rubber bands to hold the pages in place and make a book out of all the pages.

I then add lined paper for writing and the finished product is a beautiful journal ready for my own thoughts and words. 

Here is the finished journal. I used thick craft paper for the cover and added ribbons to tie the book closed when I'm not writing in it. 

The past few days I've been working on a stack of magazines and will make several more of these journals. I'll use these for special stories or thoughts, quotes or scripture that really speaks to me. They feel vintage and special and will become keepsakes to look at through the years.


Sometimes it's hard to let go of things, but more often than not, it's good to purge and take something off your "silent to-do list." 

Everything we have screams for attention. Whether it's a project, a messy closet, or even a good book, waiting to be read. And we only have the capacity to take care of so many things. 

I've had to start asking myself what's keeping me from doing the things I really want to do - such as more writing or creating beautiful photo albums for my family and one day I looked around and decided that part of the problem is that I have filled my space with too many options. 

When I have the time to work on something, I often feel overwhelmed at the choices. Should I do this or this? Should I read, write, or create? And honestly, I think it's the overwhelm that often leads to watching tv or doing something else that isn't fulfilling the need I have to be creative. 

It's like you may have heard - the essential vs. the non-essential - are we filling up our days and hours with things that help us achieve what we desire or are we filling up our days and hours with so many time wasters and then wondering why we aren't reaching our goals or why our days don't amount to what we desired. 

I think paring down our possessions, our projects and even those things that are screaming to be used up or given away, can free our minds and our time and help us really focus on what's most satisfying and rewarding. 

This week it's books and magazines. Next week - who knows? But with each paring down that I manage to get done, the freedom I feel increases. And this is what I'm going for...freedom to work on the essential things that really mean something and bring the most joy. 

I hope this post brings you some joy 😀

Until Next Time...


  1. Books are at their best when they are being read. So if you don't re-read them, setting them free to be read by as many people as possible is absolutely the right thing to do!

    I think we are all having a bit of your "Texas Summer 'Spring Cleaning'" experience! It's just too dang hot everywhere to do much outside. And since Spring is so lovely, why not savor it to the fullest and put off the cleaning for the hot, humid days we know are coming?

    I, too, am taking advantage to do some paring down. And I have noticed that a decluttered room actually "feels" cooler. Bonus! :^)

    1. Hi Sue :) I agree that books are better when they're being read :) And yes, a decluttered room certainly feels better! Kind of like a taste of freedom :)

  2. I have gotten rid of many books myself, it hurt a little, but I did it! Magazines I just had to quit buying. I do love the journals you have made those are pretty sweet.
    "sometimes" is always here - when it comes to the need to de-clutter. It never seems to end. Good job.

    1. Cheryl, that is true! Why do we keep accumulating stuff? I keep asking myself this :)

  3. Well this was inspiring to read today! I feel you on this one, my friend. I had the revelation about my books and magazines last year and gave away most of my books. I did keep my favorite ones that can be fit into two bookshelves- one downstairs in the living room, and one in a lawyer's cabinet at the top of our stairs. If they don't fit in there, I don't want them. I did keep all of my favorite authors books, though, so I still have plenty. I also use books to decorate with through the seasons, so I like to hang onto them for that reason as well.

    What a BRILLIANT idea with the magazine pages! I wish I had kept the magazines I threw out! Ugh. I will keep this in mind, because I love the thought of creating a beautiful journal. That would make a fantastic gift for someone! I just love your blog. I want to be just like you! 😉

    1. Thank you Jennifer! I did keep all my favorite books that were just really great stories and of course, all my inspirational ones too. I love to place books around the house as decor, as well :) Maybe you can find some magazines at the thrift stores and start there. It would be fun to make one this summer :)

  4. Well I've been finished with homeschooling for over a dozen years now (how is that possible?), but we always schooled through the summer and took the fall off, just because we hated being outside in the summer. Why not school through the summer and stay inside in the AC and then take the fall off, when it's more pleasurable to be outside. Kind of like you do with spring cleaning! Your journal is beautiful! What a joy to write in something so pretty! It is so hard to get rid of books---they are like old friends to me. My adage was always "You can never have too many books." But my husband disagreed---every time we moved (5 times in 3 years), he said I had too many books. Blessings to you!

    1. Hi Patti! I do love books and I've kept the ones that I really loved and would possibly read again over the years. And yes! School in the summer makes so much sense! I recently suggested that to my kids (for the granddaughters). We all love the Fall and love to be outside during those months. That's the beauty of homeschooling, right? :)

    2. Thank you for popping by my new blog! Seems like we are kindred spirits in many ways. I always enjoyed reading your old blog, so I am glad to reconnect with you on this new one. (I thought I "followed" a couple weeks ago, but I guess I didn't, as I hadn't gotten any updates. But I am following now.

    3. Patti, thank you for following and for finding me again! I love that you used to follow my old blog :)

  5. I did a big book purge some years ago, I'm glad I did because it was needed, BUT, sometimes I think of a book I once had and wish I still had it. I know, crazy!! Love your journal, what a great way to use old magazines!

    1. Mary, I do that too, with many things that I purge :) Especially clothes!

  6. I seem to aquire a lot of reference books which I never want to part with - although I do purge once in a while and I do reread certain novels that I have - I let go of some once and have rebought them to keep this time as they are my go to books when I am not well or stressed (I include books like the Miss Read collection and those by Mary E Pearce and now I am into the Persephone reprints), other novels that I would call easy read or holiday books I do pass on after reading only once.
    I also keep pictures of beautiful photography that appeal to me although I tend to store mine in one of those 20 page A4 clear pocket folders - one for each month of the year and this holds a collection of recipes, household ideas, crafts, gardening and anything that appeals and is relevant to the month. Each year I update them when I reach the next month with new finds from magazines. They are not as pretty as your journal though and I do like the idea that you have placed a sheet of paper to write on - I might just have to steal that idea from you.!

    1. You can most certainly steal this idea from me :) I have also filled journals (just cheap notebooks) with cut out pictures from magazines and used them as writing prompts.

  7. I know exactly what you are talking about, my friend. It seems we spend many years of our lives acquiring things, and then later years ridding ourselves of all that extra. I am feeling the need to have less and to do less. To just BE!

    1. Billie Jo, that's exactly how I'm feeling too! Trying to get off the crazy train of stuff and busy-ness.

  8. Book purging is HARD. Because of moves, I've had to do so a few times, in major amounts, in the past 6 years. We used to have 5 full bookshelves. Now, in retirement, we have pared down to one, limiting to one collection Hubs and I both love and some books that are sentimental to us. My silent to-do list is long, but little by little I'm making my way through it. --Elise

  9. Great thoughts. I am not a saver. I often throw out/purge things too quickly....only to need or want them again. Well, not that often but I am quick to left things go. Nevertheless, our spaces can be filled "with so many options" that we get overwhelmed and stuck. Thanks for the nudge I needed to just begin some of the "many options" I have waiting for me. And, I thought I was the only one who only read a book once. Truthfully. Knowing that, I have never seen the need to purchase books and am so perplexed when people own shelves and shelves of books. Are they going to reread all those books?? People do love their books, though:)

  10. Since my dearest is a retired Pastor of over 50 years, we have "books", but 90% of them are Bibles (many translations) and tons of Bible comentaries. Very hard to part with them since we retired. However when we retired my dearest gave a hugh amount to the Assistant Pastor, but it still leaves us with many shelves. They mean so much to us as they are highlighted , marked, notes, underlines...ect. We continue to give them away when we someone with a need.
    I've never been a saver of "magazines". Read them once maybe tear out a page and pass them on to a DIL. But I have journaled for over 60 years and those will be passed on to my children, grandchildren and greats. I have a friend that gives me books for "lighter reading" but when I finished I returned them to her.
    But I LOVE what you do with your magazines journals. Just beautiful.


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