Friday, July 21, 2023

A Sweet Millie Day and A Compliment from a Stranger

 Hello friends...

This week has gone by fast, in my opinion. What about you?

Yesterday was Millie Day and instead of me picking the girls up, like I usually do, Ted and Alex brought them out, which was a nice treat. I got to love on baby Calem for a few minutes and see my big kids. We didn't get to have family dinner this week because the boys had to lead worship on Tuesday night. So it was nice to catch up on some chitchat before they left to have their day out. 

Every week I make a list of things to do and write it on the pantry door, which is covered in chalkboard surface. The girls love to see the list as they walk in the door. 

One of the things I planned this week was making cookies. I had everything ready to go, so I wouldn't be frantically reading the recipe and gathering ingredients while 3 girls were talking my ears off 😀 I had all the dry ingredients in the bowl and left the wet ingredients for Emmy to measure out. 

I wanted to bake these early on so the house wouldn't heat up too much. 

I told Emmy to get the stool and come into the kitchen. Then she informed me that she no longer needed the stool and I have to heart sank a little. My baby is growing up! She can now reach the stove safely and that is a reality check. She will be 8 in September and this Millie might not be ok 😩 Actually I say this every year, but 8 just seems old to me.

She mixed the wet ingredients in, even cracking the eggs all by herself, and set the cookies on the tray like a champ. No help needed.

The rest of the day consisted of crafts, dancing, a movie, lunch and playing with toys. In the late afternoon, while Addie took a nap on the couch, I taught Emmy and Ella how to sew by hand. 

Emmy has been asking me to teach her to sew and this was the perfect afternoon, since we were not going outside. 

I brought out my big basket of fabric and let them choose. I taught them to thread a needle, tie a knot and how to make stitches by hand. They loved it. I didn't get a picture of Ella, but got this picture of Emmy wearing some play glasses. She is my goofy, "I love Lucy" girl who likes to be silly and yet is very serious, equally as much. 

I think it's time to start teaching Emmy on the machine, although I think that might take some one-on-one time so she can really focus. 

They each made a pouch, sewn on three sides with an open top. I then used the pinking shears to cut the open side with a decorative edge. It was a very simple project, but a good place to start. I made one for Addie, so they would all have one to take home. Addie is only 4, so I'm not ready to give her a needle, just yet!

The girls played so well on this Millie Day. There was no fighting and everyone was being kind and agreeable. 

In fact, when David got home from work, we took them to Whataburger for a treat of dinner and a milkshake. This doesn't happen very often, but it felt like a good night to treat them. They still get excited at the notion of sitting inside the restaurant, as opposed to going through a drive thru and then home to eat. 

We placed our order, found a table and waited for our food. They got their shakes first and I had to keep telling them to save some for their meal. I mean, nothing like getting dessert first 😅 

After we finished eating, an older gentleman approached our table and told us that he was so impressed with our girls for having happy dispositions when they walked in. He said he noticed they were laughing and happy, rather than arguing or being unhappy. What a compliment! He said it was a blessing to see such happy girls. 

On the way home, of course the girls asked what he meant and we explained to them that they had brought a little joy to the man, by being joyful and not fighting or being unhappy. David told them that there are always people observing our behavior and that we represent Jesus everywhere we go. 

This was also a great reminder to me, that people are always watching and that my attitude certainly can bless someone else or not. Oh boy! Sobering thought!

All kidding aside, it truly was a good reminder to be kind and pleasant. You just never know who you might influence along the way. 

After getting the girls home (hopefully not too sugared up!), we headed home to get cool and settle in for the night.

What a full day!

Needless to say, I might not do much today. I'm picturing a quiet day around the house, continuing to purge magazines, maybe a little embroidery, some budgeting, and watching a good show or two.  Also trying to fix some meals that won't heat up the kitchen.

It's going to be a good day!

I hope yours will be too.

Until Next Time...



  1. What a blessing it is to live near your grandchildren, so you can be a regular part of their lives and have the opportunity to impart life skills (and life lessons) to them. I am 15 minutes away from my only grandchild, and I get to watch her 3 days a week, while my daughter works. Truth be told, I think my daughter returned to her job after maternity leave simply because she knew I would get this special time with Audrey. When I was growing up, I lived within walking distance of both sets of grandparents. They were HUGE in my life. I think grandparents are SO important in a child's life, and my heart breaks that so many of my friends' grandchildren live in other states. I almost feel guilty talking about my times with Audrey since they don't get time with their own grands.

    A fun memory I have of my paternal grands is McDonalds. Just like you and your husband don't do Whataburger with the grands often, my grandparents didn't either. Every once in awhile after an outing, my grandfather would surprise us and go to McDonalds. It was a real treat!

    Yes, people are watching and noticing our behavior. How wonderful that your girls were an example of good behavior. I'm sure that made their parents' day to learn that!

    Thanks so much for regularly stopping by my new blog. I appreciate you!!

    1. Patti, living close to my grand babies is such a blessing. I didn't grow up with my grandparents near and only have a few memories of them. My husband and I would move to a thousand different places to have better scenery, better weather, etc., but we wouldn't have our family and that's the good stuff, right there :)

    2. I hear you on that, Debbie! My husband and I would love to leave the Boise area (the growth here these past 5 years has been insane, and we hate how congested it has become here), but leaving here would require us leaving our kids and granddaughter, so it's not going to happen!

  2. What a fun day with the girls! Making cookies and sewing are perfect for a hot summer day! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you, Tanya! It seems that indoor activities are becoming the norm these days :) I'm not going outside until October :)

  3. That is the sweetest kitchen helper - and she is getting tall. Watch out, Millie!! Shakes for dinner - you are absolutely the best!:) Have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. Jennifer, shakes for dinner was risky, but they sure had a good time :)

  4. A fun day making precious memories♥ Wonderful.

    1. Mary, I hope these memories last for a long time :)

  5. Souds like a quite wonderful day and one of making memories. Wonderful lesson taught as well and a great reminder for adults.

    1. It was a great day and yes, a great reminder to be on my best behavior! :)

  6. What an absolutely perfect day. How wonderful to be an example of good behavior and smiles.

    1. I was very proud of them :) And thankful that the man took time to speak to us.

  7. I so enjoyed reading this post. Thank you for visiting my blog. We have quite a few things in common including an empty nest (that's not always empty). I love Jesus, homemaking, cooking, feeding people, and British television too. We lived in England for six years and a piece of my heart is there still. And I especially enjoy my role as Nana to four grands with another due next year. Looks like you had a fun day with yours!


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