Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Sparklers, Great Food and Five Little Firecrackers


Hello Friends...

How was your 4th of July celebration? Ours was hot, humid, and very muddy! Just a few hours before the kids were due to come for dinner, we had a huge thunderstorm. I wish I could say it cooled things off, but that wasn't the case.  Unfortunately it made things even more sticky and humid.

But it didn't stop us from enjoying our feast of hot dogs, spicy corn dip, spinach dip, baked beans, potato salad and a delicious dessert of Tres Leches. Thankfully my daughters-in-law can cook, so they made the dips and dessert, which were all so delicious!

Here's a picture of our little firecrackers! All 5 grandkids, seated and still, just long enough to get a picture. Ella, Asa, Addie, Emmy and Calem - ages 7 years (almost 8) to 9 months old.  They are each so precious, in their own individual way. 

When it was finally getting dark enough, we were able to go outside with some sparklers for the girls to try for the first time. 

Thankfully the rain was gone, but as you can see, we had to stay on the driveway due to the muddy yard.

I remember doing fireworks with my dad every year. I think I'm old enough that sparklers are enough excitement for me these days 😀

(By the way, these pictures are courtesy of my DIL, so thank you Alex!)

After the sparklers were all done, everyone headed home. We could hear fireworks in the neighborhood until we fell asleep, but we were so tired that it didn't bother us too much.


Now today is another day and it's back to work for David and lots of office work on my agenda today.

I'm determined to find cheaper insurance for auto and homeowners, so I'll be working on that today. I'll also be checking on some subscriptions that I need to pare down to the bare minimum. 

I think I'll work on my embroidery project today during some downtime. Tomorrow is Millie Day, so it will be full steam ahead with all 3 girls. That usually entails some sort of craft project, puzzles, play dough and lots of snacks and food. 

I've also been purging photos on the computer and my phone. I'm determined this is the year that I take all the good photos and actually make albums we can feel and hold. 

So, I'm off to start my day!

I hope you have a great day and rest of the week and hopefully I'll be back with some earth shattering posts very soon! (not really...just the ordinary stuff, most likely) 😉

Until Next Time...



  1. My goodness! Your grandchildren are precious! Glad your day was filled with family and fun ,my friend.

  2. Your grandchildren are all adorable!!! Asa must be the new favorite name. At our church (which is pretty small), there are 2 little boys named Asa. I have to be honest and say that the 4th of July is my least favorite day of the year. Our dogs are traumatized by the loud (bomb-like) explosions, and I know a veteran who suffers from PTSD, and he is severely agitated by fireworks. Back when I was growing up, sparklers were the only things people did in their neighborhoods. If you wanted to see fireworks, you went to a community show at some park---it wasn't in your own backyard. I am always glad when the 4th is behind us.

  3. Auto and home insurance is so high right now. We have all our products with one company and hate to switch, so I tried everything I could to get our policy rates down.

  4. Lovely photo of all your grandkids.
    Sounds like a fun 4th.

  5. What a gorgeous photo of your little 'firecrackers'. xx

  6. What a fun celebration for the fourth! Those firecrackers are all so precious. I know your heart must overflow every time you get together with them! We, too, are in the dog days of summer. It's rained a lot here lately as well, and like it does for you, it just makes it even more muggy outside. Is it too early to start wishing for fall? It was good "hearing" from you!

  7. What an adorable "Five". I love your "Millie" time. How fun that you can have all of them at once time. I love your "ordinary" posts. I find them so full of life and goodness. So refreshing is a negative world. Love a basis BBQ and your's sounded so good.
    Our Jill and Tristan are on there way to LA as I type! Can't wait to love on Tristan!!
    We spent the 4th with family. It was great!

  8. Happy 4th of July!! It was rainy, hot, and humid here too, but we powered through! Your grandchild are adorable!!! Good luck with your projects this week. I need to purge and organize my photos too! : )

  9. Yes, you are correct - those are the five of the cutest firecrackers ever! Looks like a fun Fourth for everyone! Hope the rest of your week has gone well. I'm miles behind in reading blogs and keeping up...but I look forward to visiting often and catching up as I can!! Have a wonderful weekend!


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