Monday, July 3, 2023

34 Years and Counting


July 1, 1989
I was 23 and David was 25
We were engaged 3 months after meeting
and married 7 months later.

This is what real life looks like...wrinkly hands 
that have weathered many storms together...

vs. wedding day hands.

For 34 years we've loved each other through...

College - when David worked nights and went to college during the day and I worked days and went to college at night. David graduated in 1992 with his Bachelor's Degree and I quit due to morning sickness with our first baby (and never looked back!).  

Babies - Two beautiful baby boys who changed our lives and our love and enhanced everything about being married. 

Houses - From renting to buying, to fixing up and tearing down. We've endured many moves and every one of them have memories that we've built together. 

Jobs - from bouncing paychecks, to living off $25 a week spending money, to abundance, and everything in between - we have endured it all! Good jobs, bad jobs, and finally moving on. Life is a journey and a job is just a means to pay the bills. God is the resource. He's the one that supplies all our needs!

Parenting and Grandparenting - our greatest joys, our finest legacies. Parenting has made us a team. For the most part, we have parented together, agreeing to disagree sometimes, but always together when it came to the big stuff.  Now we're grandparents of the most precious 5 babies and it's a season of joy like we have never known.  If all we're ever known for is being Millie and PawPaw, then we are good and blessed! 

Traveling, homeschooling, in-laws, funerals, weddings, births, bills and budgets, tears and laughter. These are the things of real marriage. 

Real marriage isn't Instagram pretty.

Real marriage is often gritty, tiring, dealing with life and people.

But real marriage is also beautiful, loving, fun, playful, joyous, putting each other first, never putting others ahead of your spouse, spending time together and coming home to your best friend at the end of the day.

The one constant in our marriage is God in the middle. We have endured many trials and because we've had Jesus to turn to, council with, seek answers from and comfort us, we've come through life stronger and closer to one another and Him.  

I can't imagine doing life or marriage without God in the middle. 

I can't imagine life with anyone else but this one that God has given me.

Here's to another 34 years and more adventures to come! 

Until Next Time...


  1. Congrats to you.

  2. I keep forgetting my name isn't attached to my comments....Linda

  3. Happy Anniversary! I loved reading about your past years. So many good memories. We will celebrate 55 years in August. Simple Blessings, Teri

    1. Thank you, Teri! Congratulations on 55 years! That's amazing :)

  4. Happy Happy Anniversary! This year my hubby and I celebrate 25 years! Where did it go? 25 years of ups and downs and I wouldn't change a thing! Have a wonderful day and a happy 4th! Cheers to you both! Xx

    1. Danielle, thank you so much and congratulations on 25 years!!

  5. I love the photographs! You have presented a wonderful testimony of a blessed marriage. Happy Anniversary! God bless you and your family!

  6. What a beautiful post to read. Love and sincerity and God in your heart. You brought tears to my eyes.
    God bless you both. Jayne xxx

  7. I saw your face on a comment on Billie Jo's blog, and I remembered you from reading your blog several years ago. I know you had stopped blogging for awhile. And I no longer blog (at least publicly). Congratulations on your 34th anniversary! Marriage isn't easy (though my parents---who celebrated their 64th in May---make it seem so). But when we weather the storms, our marriage is made even stronger. My husband and I celebrated our 37th in February, so, like you, I am an 80's bride. Wishing you many more years of walking through the ups and downs of life together.

    Love, Patti

    1. Hi Patti! Yes, I used to blog at A Million Skies, many years ago :) Congratulations on 37 years!!

  8. Congratulations on 34 years!

  9. Happy Anniversary.
    Tomorrow is an anniversary for us. Not wedding but meeting 52 years ago. We were married 6 months later.

    1. Hi Karen, we still observe our "meeting" day too :) And yay for short engagements!

  10. What a lovely, and most touching post of your Anniversary. Congratulations! You touch on what a real marriage looks like and how true through all the trials and blessings, God in the middle, and Jesus Christ to hold you and sustain you. I love the hands ~ then and now. I makes me look at my deares and mine. A lifetime shows in our hands. Yours show the love of your 34 years.

    1. Thank you, Wanda :) I always love your kind words :)

  11. Hi, Debbie! I just found your blog yesterday and started following. Congratulations on 34 years of marriage! What a beautiful anniversary post on what true love and marriage looks like. I love the photos of your hands together. My husband and I were also engaged 3 months after we met, but we had to wait 11 long months before we could get married due to being so young (without money or credit) and having absolutely nothing available to us in the way of housing. Once we did find a house, we got married the very day they turned the electricity on. We couldn't wait another minute to be together, and being together is still the best thing ever.

    1. Hi Kelsey! Thank you for following the blog and welcome :) I can totally relate to not having anything when you got married. Thankfully we had a family home that we were able to rent for $100 a month! Those were the days!

  12. Such a beautiful and true post! Happy belated anniversary to you and David! What a milestone, and what a legacy you're leaving for your sons and their families. I love the wedding hands vs. the today hands- I often find myself looking at people's hands and admiring them and what those lines in them mean- the life they've lived. Again, such a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing with us and for your godly wisdom!


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