Saturday, July 8, 2023

A Photo Project, Lunch Out and Happy Saturday!


Happy Saturday!

Other than the pictures on 4th of July,
I haven't taken many photos this week.

In fact, one of the things I've been working on this week has been the never-ending task of deleting unwanted photos off my phone and computer.

When I started deleting things, it made me very aware of how many photos I take and just how many
I can realistically put in photo albums, which is my goal.

So I have been brutally deleting photos and at some point
down the line, I will start making some albums with the remaining photos.

Awhile back I bought a scanner and sorted through all of the printed photos I have
and still need to pare those down even further. 

As I've been working on this photo project,
I've tried to keep in mind the old photo albums
that we grew up with and what seemed important
at the time.

I remember flipping through and seeing mostly birthdays,
holidays, some pets, special occasions and pictures
of families in front of a car or house.

I want to make albums that the grandkids can flip through and 
see the special days we had. 

Now that I think of it, my mom has boxes of photos that
aren't being enjoyed by anyone. They're in a box!

On the other hand, when my dad and stepmom passed away,
they had an overload of pictures that had to be sorted through
and it became a burden to have to go through them and store them.

I want to do better and I want to sit on the floor and look through albums
with my babies and introduce them to people in their family
or remind them of cute things they did at certain ages.

I don't want to store my pictures in a box,
only to have someone go through them when I'm gone.
What's the point of that?


In other news...
Yesterday I had lunch with my friend Kim.
We met at Goodwill and found some thrifty things,
then sat for an early lunch and lots of chatting.

We ended our few hours together with each taking home a
box of Crumble Cookies.
Those are always a treat and few and far between.


Today I am doing an early morning grocery pick up for the week
and fixing a meal for some friends we haven't seen in a few months.

That means we'll be busy cleaning and cooking
until they get here. 

It's been a busy week!
But a good one filled with family and friends.

I hope you've had a great one!

See you soon

Until Next Time...


  1. Linda, Since I'm a photo person I can totally relate to your picture dilemma. Tough choices about which pics to keep or discard. I know my kids won't want to go through all the photos I have on my computer so I try to edit and discard regularly, but maybe making an album or two in the meantime might be the way to go. Good luck with your project.

  2. Oh Debbie ~ I hear you. I've been doning the same thing. I hate to admit I have a big bin in our storage unit on the balcony of photo's from years ago before all the digital. Many of them have no writing on the back, so some from my grandparents I'm guessing!! How sad. My goal is to get them out an at least sort throught the ones I know and put them in some kind of order!!
    You have inspired me...It will be a refreshing accomplishment when you finish!!

  3. The picture project you are taking on is a BIG job. Good Luck.
    Happy Saturday to you too. :)


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