Monday, July 10, 2023

Old Friends and Good Memories


Happy Monday, Friends!

Don't those biscuits look yummy? Those are the Red Lobster garlic and cheese biscuits that you can make at home. 

Saturday David and I had our friends Mona and John over for dinner. I made beef tips with gravy and we ate that over egg noodles. I fixed a salad and these yummy biscuits and I also baked a Cherry Dump Cake. Have you ever had that? It's an old favorite I learned from Mona years and years ago. 

Pour a can of Cherry Pie Filling in a 13x9 pan. Pour a dry yellow cake mix over the cherries. Top with a layer of pecans, then pour melted butter over the entire cake. Bake for about 50 minutes at 350. Still one of the best desserts ever!

There's nothing like getting together with friends you've known forever. David grew up with John. They all went to school together, church together and Mona sang at our wedding. They are the kind of friends that we can go lengths of time not seeing and then pick up like no time has passed. In fact, our oldest son and their son were best friends when they were younger. We were all also in a Southern Gospel quartet together. But that was about a million years ago!

Anyway...the night was such a blessing. We had a good meal, coffee and dessert, then we walked them around the lake and back yard, sat outside for a while and just enjoyed catching up. We had some good laughs talking about getting older and all that entails. This is definitely something we need to do more often.

When we were all young, newly married and raising babies, we would get together at least once a month at someone's house. We had a very active Sunday School class and our social life basically consisted of church, church, and more church. Then, as if we didn't spend enough time together at church, we would have dinners together, get our kids together and everything in between. Those were good times and great memories.

Doesn't it seem like there just isn't enough time to visit with all the friends and family you want to see or talk to? It does for me.


Today's to-do list looks like this...

📞 making some phone calls

🧺 laundry

🧹cleaning floors

📸 photo project

👗trying on some new dresses I bought

It's going to be a full day, but Mondays are my favorites, so I'm just glad to be in my home, working or not. It's my favorite place to be 😀

Have a great day my friends!

Until Next Time...



  1. Friends like that are such treasures! We have had friends like that over the years, some we've grown apart from, some we still keep in contact with. Ours were all centered around church as well. You were in a Southern Gospel quartet?!?! I am so excited to learn this! I should have known, since your sons are both musical. I love getting to know glimpses of you! It's so fun to look back, isn't it? My dad always says "It's been such a fun life!" and he is so right. I agree wholeheartedly. Enjoy your Monday at home, my friend! I am doing the same and have grand plans of cleaning out my fridge and pantry after picking up my grocery order. I also hope to get caught up on my prayer notebook again- my son and his girlfriend broke up last night and my heart hurts for them both. Much love!

    1. Jennifer, the group was called The Believers :) I looked for an old picture, but not sure where it is at the moment. And I'm so sorry about your son! Uggg. I know your heart breaks when theirs does.

  2. What a fun night of fellowship. We had the Red Lobster biscuits this weekend too, and they are delicious!

    1. Those biscuits are so delicious! I need to make them more often. They are perfect with soups and stews too!

  3. Hello! Your meal sounds delicious! It is one of my favorites, and I think I need to put it on my schedule soon. Thank you for the recipe. I love anything cherry! So glad you had a nice evening with your friends. That is always a blessing!

  4. Oh I love those Red Lobster biscuits but haven't been there since before Covid!!
    I have had dump cakes before. Delicious and so easy!!
    Hope you got all your chores done today. :)

  5. You were in a quartet together? What fun!! So, when you get you guys sing? That would be so much fun! And, yes, those biscuits look amazing and time with "old friends" is just the best. My mom used to make dump cakes all the time. I think I need one now!! Have a great day friend!


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