Friday, June 28, 2024

Somewhere Past All the Figuring Out

Happy Friday, friends!

I hope you've had a great week 🌸 

Recently I came across a great quote in a book I was reading and it was just one of those sentences that stood out to me, so I had to write it down. I wanted to share it with you today.


She seemed to love the stage 

of life

she was in…

somewhere past all the

figuring out.

Somewhere solid.

(Rebecca Serle)


I love this quote! It reminds me of all the stages of life we go through and how finally, somewhere around our 50's, we start to settle into who we really are and have been all along.

As women, we spend a lot of our time being defined by our stage of life and other people. For instance, when we are young girls, we are defined by our moms and drastically, our peers. As pre-teens and teenagers, we are very much defined by boys and our desire to be liked. 

In our 20's it's college, marriage, babies, and all of a sudden we are defined by what we do, who we serve, and the wife and mom we're trying to be. 

Sometimes we're defined by what our grown kids are going through, what our aging parents need, what our husband needs and maybe even what our job still needs.

But eventually we get there...that place where age starts to settle in, life gets a little quieter, the nest gets less crowded, our arms get flabby and our hair is showing our wisdom, if we allow it. 

We start to care less about the opinions of others, as it might define us, and we start to care more about doing what makes us happy and content. 

There's a shift in our mind that says, "It's time to be yourself." and so we grow comfortable with the haircut we've always wanted to try, the wardrobe that makes us feel ourselves, the food we like to eat, and not having to prove ourselves so much. 

The woman you've kept hidden, or quiet, or in the corner, can finally show up and not be ashamed or quieted, for fear of rejection, because at this point, your true friends are already aware of who you are and if they're still here, they really care. 

You're done figuring things out and your beliefs, likes, dislikes, quirks and things you still need to work on are there, where they've always been and you can finally just be who you are.

It's a journey getting there, and I surely have a long way to go, but I think I'm going to enjoy this stage best. 

I'll be 59 in a few months and it feels like a new era is coming that will feel more authentic than any other stage, so far. 

It's one of those lessons in life that you wish you could go back and tell your younger self, but the journey is all part of it. Without the journey, we wouldn't appreciate the revelation.

And the revelation is this...

the real you is the best you. 

When you're past all the figuring out, she'll be waiting for you there. 

Have a great week, my friends 💛

Until Next Time...



  1. This is 100% true. I am now in the phase trying to figure out who I am now! After taking care of parents, then hubby and always there when needed - being alone makes things all different. I am trying to find ME!

  2. 100% true...another beautiful post my friend.

  3. Spot on! This "Grand" phase of life feels very liberating at times! Have a great weekend!

  4. I'm here from Just Linda. Great post and it's one that fits me too. I'm 63, Grandma to 3, and soon 4. Thanks for sharing these great thoughts!


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