Friday, June 14, 2024

Let's Take a Drive


Our 1971 Chevy we called Mr. Green Jeans

This week we've both been sick with a bad cold, which the pharmacy claims is covid. I'm still calling it a cold. I refuse to give credit to the devil any further than we already have with this mess. But, nonetheless, we've been sick with congestion and general yuck, and so we've been taking it easy. 

I'm a few days ahead of my husband on the recovery, so I suggested we grab a burger and take it to the park, just for a change of scenery. That was fun, until the flies got interested in our lunch, so we moved on.


One of our favorite things to do together is take leisurely drives. We've always had our back roads we like to travel; some to see the donkeys, others to see our favorite ranch land. 

For years now, there has been a certain house and acreage that we love to drive by and basically dream of the "what if's." It's nothing fancy - just a house and some land - but for some reason, it has our hearts in a strange way. Who knows? Maybe it's nothing or it might be something, but for now it's someone else's house that we really like. 

It was nice to get out today and spend some time driving around in the sunshine. We stayed gone for about an hour, but it was just enough time to give us a change. Now we're back and settling in for the rest of the afternoon, and I thought I would share a story from my book, Notes from a Writer's Heart, titled "Let's Take a Drive." I hope you enjoy.

Lets Take a Drive


It's an early morning or a lazy afternoon and one of us says.....


"Let's take a drive."


Weve been doing this for years. Its where we have some of our best conversations.


Theres something about being in our old truck, taking the roads at a slower pace, that welcomes conversation undistracted.


It takes away the pressure of being face-to-face and allows words and thoughts to flow a little more freely between us.


We love the country roads; the ones where we search for the donkeys and the horses weve come to expect.  We reminisce about the horses we once had and how we miss them and wonder how theyre doing.


We pass the property of some friends and take notice of all the progress theyve made and talk about the projects we would like to get started on at our place.


Sometimes well stop by the ice cream shop where Ill get my favorite and hell take on a malt. Then we get back in the old truck and head out for some more conversation and adventure.


We may find an old junk store and take a minute to walk the aisles. Most of the time we come out empty handed, but its all part of the charm of the day.


Finally, one of us will say its time to head home and well start going in that direction, only to find ourselves drawn to the winding road off the beaten path.


It lends us a little more time and a little more talk, though by this time were both comfortable with the quiet of the ride, as we take in the sights of the country road.


A little while later we see our home in the distance and we arrive with full hearts.


It feels like weve been gone just long enough, but the truth is, both of us are anticipating the next time someone says......."Let's take a drive!”  Hoping it will be soon.



I hope you've enjoyed this short story.

You can read more like this

in my book

Notes from a Writer's Heart.

Just click the book on the sidebar

and grab one 


Until Next Time...



  1. I hope you are both feeling better soon.
    Love that you just drive. My Glen and I used to do that. If not camping, we would just drive. He would say "which direction", and then off we would go. So many backroads and fun things to see out there - and people just miss out. A cold drink at an old store, lots of parks and wildlife. If we would get lost - we would always look for a water tower as that would be a town! What fun memories. Thank you!

    1. Awww, Cheryl, thanks for sharing that with me! The back roads are the best!

  2. I sure hope you two get to feeling back to 100%...have a beautiful weekend my friend.

  3. We did Sunday drives every week when I was growing up. Apparently, my parents really enjoyed those as well:) Don't do those too often now but if there was somewhere my hubbie could "visit" some donkeys, we would probably go every day!! He is a donkey lover:) I hope that you are feeling better...if not 100 percent by now. I am sure it was "just a cold"!! Have a great week -


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