Friday, May 31, 2024

Finding Your Joy


Yesterday I grabbed my journal and my prayer book and I headed for Starbucks to get a coffee treat, then drove to the local park for some alone time, which may sound strange, since I have the house to myself all day. But when you're at home, the laundry is calling, the dishes need doing and there's always something that seems to get in the way of truly just being able to focus. 

So I decided it was time for a change of scenery and some one-on-one time with Jesus. 

The park was kind of crowded, but I managed to find a parking spot away from the noise. I got out my journal and pen and began to write out some questions I had for the Lord. As I would pray and ask my questions, I would write down the answers as I felt them in my heart. 

I then opened my prayer book, which is a small journal I made last year, that is filled with my favorite verses from the Bible. As I read the scriptures and spent time talking with Jesus, my mind began to calm and I was able to truly focus on Him. It was a sweet, sweet time in his presence.

One of the things that I asked the Lord was "Where can I find my joy?" Now, I wasn't seeking to find happiness in that moment, but I wanted to hear from the Lord, where my joy could be found. And his answer was the same as it's been for 35 years...right where I've put you...your home and family.

You see, the world tells us that we need to do more, be more, make more, produce more and women... we are killing ourselves doing it. We are selling ourselves out there, trying to be the keeper of the home, the paycheck, the kids, the extra curricular activities and the world of social media. We've been fed a lie that we can "do it all" and that we need to, to be counted amongst the "important" and to prove ourselves in a world that craves attention and status. 

I have always known that my calling from the Lord was to be a homemaker. To care for my home and my family is where my heart has always been. It's where I find the peace and the joy. 

But every now and then, I mix up my calling with my desire to do more and it brings the discontentment, every time. It never brings satisfaction.

So, as I prayed and spoke to the Lord about the confusion I feel sometimes toward what the world deems as important, I heard him loud and clear that I'm right where he wants me to be, which is where he put me all those years ago. 

That doesn't mean God won't use me to produce something, write something, or create something. But if he does, it will be within the context of where he's already placed me and it will flow from there, where my joy is found. 

I share this private situation in hopes that it will help someone else who struggles with "just" being at home. As I have always's not a "have to," it's a "get to." Everything else is just the cherry on top.

If you're feeling a lack of joy these days (this is different than just being happy), I encourage you to go somewhere, away from the duties of home, and get alone with Jesus. Ask him the questions that are on your mind and listen to his answers. Trust what comes during this time and know that it won't be a burning bush, a talking donkey or even fire from heaven. Some people think it has to be big and showy to be God, and they are missing the point of having an intimate relationship with him. (But that's a whole other topic). 

Listen for that still, small whisper in your spirit. It's the sweetest moment. We make Jesus so complicated and he honestly doesn't have to be. He wants to speak to you, but he wants you to lean in and hear him when he does. 

Whatever you take from this post, know that the Lord has plans for you and always has. 

I pray you find your joy there.

Until Next Time...



  1. Thank you for this truth, so beautifully stated. There are ‘whispers’ in my brain some days that I’m ‘not’ …..doing, being, whatever. I’m 77 years old now but still active cooking from scratch (bread rising right now😁), tending to our chickens, cleaning our home, teaching toddlers at church, yada yada. BUT….since many of my friends are younger, the temptation to compare always lurks. My JOY is here in our home but that sometimes incites guilt. Thank you for the reminder (especially needed in our culture)
    to continue to bloom where He has planted us. Conni

    1. Conni, thank you for sharing :) Yes, a lot of our pressure comes from comparison. Comparison is just looking at someone else's path and wondering if we should be on it. I think our confidence comes when we can stand firm in knowing what God has called us to.

  2. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.
    "Just" being where we are is most often the greatest joy.

  3. Debbie, I am so glad you found me as it means I also was able to "meet" you on the pages of your blog! I remember quite well the first time I had to fill out a form and check off my occupation. I sat looking at the space wondering just how to fill it in - wife, mother, homemaker, unemployed - and none seemed right. But I have now fully come to terms with who I am and where God has placed me. And I love that all we need to do is grab a cup of coffee and quiet ourselves, and our God joins right in to speak to our souls. Blessings!

    1. Joanne, so very true! Thank you for visiting the blog today :)

  4. Thanks for sharing such an insightful post. Speaking from personal experience, It's amazing how one can get caught up in the "should dos" and "need to dos" of life. Yet, when I take the time, it's in those moments that God meets me and provides the stillness needed to find true and lasting joy. I just need to be still enough and faithful enough to step away and listen to His goodness surrounding me!

    1. Laura, yes, we have to just take time to be still. That's why I find it helpful sometimes to get out of the house. I have a lot of intimate conversations with Jesus in my car :)

  5. I've been having such a hard time trying to comment. Blogger won't let me until I keep refreshing the page over and over again and trying to re-log in. But I just wanted to say how lovely this post is. It is a wonderful reminder of the joy we can have walking with the Lord and seeking Him as we live out a life of taking care of the home and family. Thank you!

    1. Mrs. White, I'm glad you finally go through on the comments! Blogger does strange things sometimes :) Thank you for visiting today. And thank you for always demonstrating a love of home and Jesus so graciously.

  6. Thank you so much- I really needed this today!

    1. Terri, I'm so glad you stopped by today. :)


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