Friday, January 5, 2024

You're Already Equipped

Hello Friends 💙 

Yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous day and today it is currently pouring down rain and we have a wind advisory. Isn't weather fascinating?

It's one of those cozy days where you really just want to curl up and watch tv or read a good book. But, there are chores to be done and I've procrastinated all week, so it looks like today is the day.

But I wanted to share some things from my heart that the Lord has been showing me already, in this new year.

Yesterday I read a wonderful devotional that spoke about David and Goliath. We all know the story, but what the lesson pointed out was this...

No one believed in David, except David. He had naysayers from his own family telling him to go back to the sheep and do his job. He had Saul trying to load him down with armor so heavy, that he would have been defeated under the weight of his "protection,"  had he taken Saul's advice. All David had were the tools of his every-day trade and his faith in his heavenly father. And we know how that story ends.

It reminded me of how each of us are equipped for what the Lord has called us to. The tools we have might look like ordinary objects or gifts, but they are sufficient for you to do what God has called you to do. 

If he's called you to wrangle kids in this season, you already have every instinct you need to care for those babies. If he's called you to be a writer, musician, sales guy or firefighter, he's put some kind of gifting in  your life to fulfill that calling.  

I believe God equips us from the beginning of life with the tools we will need later. That's not to say that we don't need practice, training, teaching and guidance. I'm just saying that the innate knowing inside of us is already there. 

These words encouraged me as I thought about them, because so many times I think circumstances and equipment need to be perfect before I start writing. But the truth is, if I would just use what I already have, the Lord will take it from there.

Whatever it is that you are supposed to be doing, just get busy. You most likely already have what you need for a good start.

And after you've taken that step, using your ordinary tools, step back and see what the Lord makes of it.

I feel like there is victory waiting around the corner.

Until Next Time...

Stay Cozy!


  1. Hello! This is a beautiful post, my friend. And I love your new look around here!

  2. I loved reading this today. We all need that constant reminder, right? Thank you for sharing from your heart once again. I love your new graphic at the top!


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