Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Seeing the Creativity in the Ordinary

Hello Friends!

It's Wednesday morning and I'm drinking my first cup of coffee, catching up on some of my favorite blogs. I'm trying to get back in the routine of reading and writing. The holidays kind of threw me off, because I was sitting in the living room on most mornings, enjoying the lights of the tree before the day got started.

This week has brought back the normal tasks of grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, menu making and errands. And I'm not mad about it 😊 I prefer routines on most days. 

Speaking of routines, last night we had our first family dinner since Christmas. I took last week off, just because I was partied out. It felt like we had been going non-stop since October, with mothers needing us, holidays, birthdays and all the regular tasks and I just needed one week of doing nothing.  Of course, by Thursday I was ready to see everyone. Thankfully we had a birthday party on Sunday and I got all the hugs and love I was missing by then. 

Something I'm determined to resume this new year is taking ordinary pictures. Those are my favorites! I used to be so good about taking pictures daily and then I just got busy and really wanted to be present with whatever I was doing. 

But I realized that I was cutting out some of the joy of what makes me happy...the visual reminders of creativity. Even those little scenes that seem so ordinary, but can speak messages that are so sweet.

The beauty of being creative is that you may be the only one who sees anything worthy in the picture and that's ok. 

In fact, I read this quote in my devotional yesterday and shared it on IG...

"What you have in your hands or heart may seem small 

or even strange to others. 

But that's exactly what creates the opportunity 

for God to do the unexpected." 

(Holley Gerth)

I think that's the purpose of taking those ordinary, daily photos. It's what catches your eye and speaks to you. I plan to do more of that. 

Well, it's time to get ready for the day. It's 33 degrees outside, so I'm bundling up. 🥶

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Take notes and take lots of ordinary, every-day photos. You just never know what God wants to show you today. 

Until Next Time...

Stay Cozy! 


  1. It's going to be even colder next week! Predicted low 22 next Tuesday. brrrr I think you better stay bundled up. Happy New Year.

    1. oops, I forgot to tell you, Love your new header♥

  2. The weeks just fly by. I do the same thing with flatware when have casual company. I use a jar or a pretty mug. The normal and mundane of live is what makes it wonderful.
    Stay warm.

  3. I enjoy taking pictures of every day things too. Once you start looking for pictures to take you see so much more!

  4. One of my friends does that - takes ordinary pictures every day. It's a form of gratitude journaling, I think - training your brain to look for beauty.

  5. I would love to be able to capture the ordinary beauty throughout my days in photos. I would love to take photos that I actually save:) I so enjoy your pictures and the glimpses into your ordinary. Such a nice reminder of how sweet life truly is!! Thanks for sharing -


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