Friday, June 16, 2023

Weekly Ramblings and A Cat Named Betty White



Meet Betty White, the cat. Just after you read this, she will be going back to her previous home, because this one didn't quite work out for her. She had other ideas. 

When my friend Kim said the kitten had wandered up to her garage one day, I was so tempted to offer to take her. I've been wanting a cat to guard all of outside for us, but the ones that wander up, seem to only come for a time and then wander off again.

We picked Betty up one morning and brought her home to a cozy back porch, complete with food, water and a cozy bed to sleep in. All was good on the back porch. However, the visions of her following us around the nicely mowed yard, playing with sticks and pinecones along the way, quickly turned to the reality of her darting for our neighbor's fence and trying to get away, every single time we took her out. There was no meandering, no playful moments; just an instant running at full speed, every time her feet hit the ground. 

So, all of that to say, Betty White has to go back. Back to the yard where she wandered up and made herself at home and unfortunately it isn't here. But that's ok. Sometimes things just don't work out. 

On another note, we finally got the yard cleaned up from the storm that hit last week and it makes such a difference when looking out the window or driving down the driveway. And, all the roses are in full bloom this week, which just makes me so happy!

I bought a new recipe binder recently and one of my tasks this week was to transfer all of my favorite recipes onto the pretty paper that came in this notebook. 

This is one of those tasks that I wanted to do, but kept putting off. My old recipe binder needed to be cleaned out and many recipes thrown away. For whatever reason, it was just one of those things that never got done. 

But I finally sat down this week and decluttered all of the pieces of papers, old recipes, and ones that I had quickly written and shoved into the pockets of the old one. I kept only those recipes that I've made over and over, and know are all the favorites, typed them and printed them on the coordinating paper. It took a few hours, but it was so worth it! Now my recipe binder is clean, slim and I know it's full of our family favorites and not just "maybe" pages all over the place. 

You know that having too many choices isn't always a good thing, right? At least not for me. I do much better if I have a solid stash of choices, but not too much. That's how my recipe binder feels now. It's just right.

Last week the weather was mild enough to sit outside and read my Bible and some other books, but this week Texas is close to 100 degrees and so humid you can't last more than a few minutes outside. Which is a shame because I love going out on the back porch and reading. Just a small change of scenery can boost my mood or change the way I feel when I write. 

I have this cute Dollar Tree tote that I pile full of books and pens and it's just right for carrying outside. It's plastic and probably made for the beach, but it works great for this too, because I can just wipe it off if it gets dirty and it holds just the right amount of items. 

Today David and I are picking up the grand girls and having a day with them. I'm not sure what's on the agenda, but there will be food and play and probably lots of sweating. Where do kids get all their energy?

Thanks for reading about all my ramblings for the week! Life is an adventure, as always!

Have a wonderful weekend and...

Until Next Time...



  1. Kudos to you for organizing your recipes. That's one thing that is always in the far, way back, recesses of my mind. There are so many other things I'd rather be doing, but when it's done it's such a relief. Sorry about the kitty. The right one will land in your life at some point.

    I, too, love to sit on the patio to read, but until this heat and humidity breaks I'll be sitting at the dining room table. I can't remember it being this humid in Abilene in the few years I've been here. Linda

  2. I sit out on our porch most days and read. We don't get those real hot days here!!
    Betty was a cute little kitty, too bad she didn't work out.

  3. Betty White is cute! I totally understand her not working out, though. Kitties that roam are difficult to tame. I'm glad you got your hard cleaned up! I'll be doing that some tomorrow- we had major storms here this afternoon and have some big branches that fell on our deck and in the yard. I laughed when I read that you would be sweating a lot today- I totally feel your pain! I'm glad you've had a good week, my friend!

  4. Betty White is so cute, but cat's do have a personality all there own. I heard once that dogs are like tottlers, and cats are like teenagers. HaHa. (maybe some truth to that).
    I love your Susan Branch Recipe binder. I have used her large calendars on my refrigerator for several years now. They are so colorful and have great quotes and drawings. I live by the big calendar on my frig.
    Your yard looks so nice now...such hard work..but pays off.
    Sending hugs.


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