Tuesday, June 20, 2023

My Very Ordinary Days

Happy Tuesday Folks!

What happened to Monday? Well, sometimes the days just seem too ordinary to write about, but then I realize, that's what I like to read on other people's blogs, so why not share my very ordinary days too? 

Of course, Sunday was Father's Day and a good one. We went to church with our kids, which is always a blessing, then everyone came over for lunch. 

I had prepared a few pans of a Mexican casserole recipe that I found recently, and we had chips, guacamole, cheese dip, rice and an apple pie that Alex made. Lunch was good, but the company was better.

Everyone stayed for a few hours and then it was time for them all to go home for the evening. But before they left, I got a picture of all the boys and it's one of my favorites. 

All the Slaughter men:

David, Collin & Asa, Ted & Calem

I can't believe my babies have babies of their own! They all bring me so much joy and make me so proud.

Speaking of fathers...and a PawPaw...this one is the best! For these weeks in between jobs, David has been enjoying Millie Day with me and the girls love having him here. 

This week it was just Emmy and Ella, because Addie wasn't feeling well. We took them to Chick-Fil-A to play for awhile and then came home with a few new toys...water guns and bow and arrow sets.  They had so much fun shooting targets and then briefly playing with their guns. It was so hot outside that we only stayed in the yard for a short time. They had a party to go to that night and we didn't want them to get too dirty before taking them home.  HERE'S a little video of them that day (be sure to turn the volume on).

We're gearing up for a fun water day though, this week! We'll get the little pool out and have them wear clothes that can get wet and have an all out water gun fight 💦😅 They are counting on it!

Yesterday (Monday), David and I decided to shampoo the living room rug and rearrange the furniture afterwards. This took a few hours, but was well worth it. 

I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out files in the office and shredding old papers. 

For dinner I decided on Chicken Pot Pie, but had to make a homemade pie crust because I didn't have one in the freezer. 

As I've said here several times before...dough and I do NOT get along 😅 I don't know what it is about dough, but I either get it too sticky or too something.  Well, this time I got it too salty

I don't know what happened, but I might have been distracted and accidentally put 2 tsp. of salt, instead of just 1 tsp. The crust tasted good, but salty, so I'm thinking that's what happened. 

One of the best little cookbooks ever!

The recipe was very easy, but I need to pay more attention next time!

Today we're not having family dinner, since we were all together on Sunday, so I will probably spend my day knocking some things off my to-do list. I've got closets to declutter and need a few things from the grocery store. 

I've been in a "nothing sounds good" phase of cooking lately. Do you ever get that way? It may be time to pull out some new (old) recipes and get out of this rut. I think I find cooking for just two, challenging. It's something I'm working on, but haven't perfected yet. 

And that's how my very ordinary days have been lately.

I hope your ordinary days are going well. 💛 I always enjoy reading about them. 

Until Next Time...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi, Millie!
    I also love to read about people's ordinary days! I believe we should always be grateful for ordinary days.
    Your boys and grandaughters look so happy and so does your hubby! And your menu looks delicious, even if your dinner pot pie had a bit of a salty crust! ;)
    Around here, I always cook for 2 (my hubby and I) and I', trying to go back to the meals that my mother and mother-in-law cooked. They were simple and delicious.
    I also try to cook mediterranean recipes, because the mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest and is also simple to cook and tastes good!
    Not the mediterranean recipes you see online that have a lot of expensive and weird ingredients, but the ones that people used to eat a long time ago.
    Salads seasoned with olive oil, salt and vinegar, grilled and roasted fish, boiled and roasted potatoes, steamed and roasted vegetables, grilled beef and chicken, etc...
    Have a blessed week!

    1. Millie, I'm sorry, but I didn't realise that I was commenting as anonymous, and that my blog wasn't online!

    2. Paula, thanks for the meal ideas! I'm all about cooking simple and I love the idea of the Mediterranean dishes. They sound delicious!

    3. You're welcome!
      And I was reading another blog I usually visit and she posted about meal plans. :)
      Annabel is from Australia and she writes a lot about we should save like our Grandmother's did, so she always has great ideas.
      I don't know if you know her blog, so here is a link to that post about meal planning: https://thebluebirdsarenestingonthefarm.blogspot.com/2023/06/save-like-nana-did-meal-plan.html
      I hope this gives you ideas for future meals!

    4. How wonderful! Thank you Paula! I love finding more blogs about homemaking, budgeting and all the normal things :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just love the Father's Day photo! I also find cooking for two to be challenging!

    1. Thanks Tanya :) Taste of Home magazine used to have a section on cooking for two, so I have recently subscribed to them again.

  5. Oh how I love coming to your blog...and your ordinary day blog is just delightful. Love the pictures of your family. Especially the "Men". How our little boys and girls grow up and have babies of their own. I like the recipe for the oil pie crust. I will try that. I haven't made a pot pie in a while, think I will do that soon.
    We had a wonderful Father's Day too. God is so good.

    1. Wanda, I'm glad you had a great Father's Day! God is so good, all the time, in so many ways. And thank you for always leaving such encouraging comments! They mean the world :)

  6. I love chicken pot pie. I use the pie crust recipe in Better Homes and Garden cookbook, which I bought on our honey moon. :)

  7. I love reading about ordinary days! I cannot imagine how full your heart must be when all of you Slaughters are together on Sundays. I love that tradition! I am sure you all will have fun on your water day this week. As for crusts- I always used to have problems with mine until I started using the recipe for a crust from Better Homes and Gardens. There are a few keys- make your butter cold and don't maneuver it around too much. I always go for the "rustic" crust with lots of imperfections, and I have a pastry cutter that I use to bring it all to a ball. You shouldn't give up yet! I would try the one I mentioned and see if you don't have better luck.


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