Thursday, January 2, 2025

The Winter List


Many years ago I wrote an article for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, titled The Winter Blues. In that article I shared the fact that every year, between Christmas and the month of February, I would start to feel the winter blues and how I came up with a plan to combat those feelings, called The Winter List.

Today I'm sharing this little tip with you, in case you have ever felt those wintery blue feelings and need a way to get through the next few months with purpose. 

The Winter List came about the year after we had all suffered through the flu one February. As the next year rolled around and the days got shorter and darker, I started to feel anxious about the inevitable winter.  I knew I needed something to occupy my mind, once the holiday rush was over, and to get me through to spring, when the sun would come out and the darkness would be over. 

So, that Fall I started making a list of projects I wanted to do around the house. I always have a list of projects pending, but this was a special list that I would save for winter. I grabbed a notepad and went from room to room, writing down things that needed to be fixed, decorated, embellished or decluttered, and kept the list divided by rooms. Even if these things could have been accomplished way before then, I saved the work for January and February and started calling it my Winter List.

As the holidays ended and the new year arrived, I would take my list and start working on the projects, day by day. All these years later, I don't even remember what all I accomplished, I just know that for several years, I got through the winter months with my trusty list. I would make a new list every Fall, hold it until after Christmas, and use it to get through the "boring months" as I like to call them. 

It's been a few years since I've written a Winter List, but I would do it again in a heartbeat, if I needed it. 

Maybe you dread the winter months. Maybe you're not a fan of the cold, dark season and you need a plan to make it to spring. Or maybe you just like to work on things while you're stuck inside. Whatever the reason, grab a notepad and start looking around for things that need your attention. Do a little each day, work on the list weekly or maybe just choose a big project for the month. There's no right or wrong way to make a Winter List, so just do it your own way.

Here's an example of some projects on my list this year:

Sell items on eBay

Hang pictures

Paint the paneling in the living room

Write letters to family

Empty the boxes in the garage

Work on family photo project


My list has evolved over the years, since we no longer live in a fixer upper (thank goodness!). But there are still many things I would love to accomplish during the next few months. Putting them down on a specific list helps to establish a timeline in my mind (Jan.-Feb) and will hopefully keep me motivated to keep working, when what my body wants to do is hibernate 😅⛄

I hope this idea will motivate you to make a list and feel free to share it on your blog or here in the comments. I would love to hear what you're working on this winter. 

And, if you want a keepsake notebook to keep your lists in, you can purchase The Winter List by clicking the link or visiting my page The Winter List at the top of this blog. 

Until Next Time...



  1. This is awesome. For me, the Winter Blues do exist. My daughters go back to their jobs at school, my granddaughter goes back to school and the huge rush of the Holidays is over. What to do with myself? thanks for sharing your list. I needed this today! Hope you have a awesome rest the day and a wonderful coming up weekend...

  2. Good advice. Winter is hard on many. I need the sunshine!

  3. Oh but I love lists!! And a winter list sounds like one I would not only enjoy creating but that would be helpful for me. I'm one who struggles with winter. The ugly hasn't set in yet for me...but I want to ready for it. A winter list is a good place to start! Thanks friend!!

  4. I wish a list would help me get through the "January's". I have severe S.A.D. although, so far, this year it seems I am holding it at a minimum. I believe it is mostly due to the weird, fall like weather we have had this winter. I hope this coming cold spell will at least have a few days of sunshine because that seems to be what keeps me "up".

    Grace & Peace,

  5. This is a wonderful idea, Debbie! While I have not done this as you described, I have found over the years that if I make a To Do List on my daily calendar, when I feel at loose ends, it helps me to check that list and work on those items. If you are familiar with the late Elisabeth Elliot (Christian teacher, author, missionary and more), she taught us to "do the next thing." That idea has helped many of us to just look around to see what logically needs/should be done and just do that. I hope many of your readers pay attention to this post because it really is sound advice.

  6. What a brilliant idea. I am going to take a page from your book and do my own version of this! Thanks for sharing a simple way to stay motivated.

  7. This is such a lovely idea Debbie! Productive yet truly a way to get through the wintering away months. Wishing you so much peace and joy for the new year my Friend. Happy 2025 blessings to you! 🙏🏻✨

  8. Happy Monday, friend. How is that winter list coming along? Here's to a productive week ahead:)

  9. Love the idea of a winter's list. I think mine comprises a lot of cleaning tasks, like carpet cleaning, from the aftermath of holiday parties. Hope you have a wonderful new year!


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