The Winter List


If you've ever felt dread as the winter months arrive, The Winter List is for you!

I started keeping a winter list one year after living through a very anxious winter. The entire family got the flu and the days seemed short and dark and I would find myself feeling anxious every night. The next year, as the holidays ended and the slower months of January and February rolled around, I began to feel that same feeling of dread. So I decided I needed something to take my focus off the dark days and make me feel productive...even in the winter.

I grabbed a notebook and went room by room, jotting down anything that needed attention, such as paperwork that needed shredding, items that needed decluttering, furniture that needed to be rearranged and anything else that simply bothered me and needed to be fixed. This became my 
Winter List

Every autumn, I would start making my winter list and add to it as the holidays approached. By the time Christmas was over I had plenty of projects to focus on and a list of creative projects to try, as well. 

The Winter List I've created the pages for you in a book you can keep, year after year. The Winter List is full of project pages, plus "Just for Fun" pages where you can write out creative projects you want to try. Personally, I've discovered needlepoint and I'm really enjoying it! 

If you enjoy making lists and you dread the dark days of winter, this book is for you! Grab one for a friend too. 

Everyone needs 
The Winter List.

Family Time

Happy Sunday friends!  Wow! It's been a busy weekend full of grandkids, but that means it's been a great one too! Saturday we spent ...