Sunday, December 3, 2023

Sunday Stories - The Gathering


A few Sunday's ago I said I was going to share a story from my book Notes From A Writer's Heart on Sundays...then I got sick and didn't feel like doing anything. But today, I'm back and thought you might enjoy a story called The Gathering, which I wrote one Christmas.

The Gathering takes place at a company Christmas party, held at the home of some very good friends. My husband David was "the boss" and the other guests were employees, spouses and volunteers. It was such a fun night, where we ate and talked and everyone was on equal ground. Not boss and employees; but all just friends, gathered together to celebrate the season. 

I hope you enjoy this little story and can picture the festive scene as you read along. 


The Gathering


One by one, they come in the door.


Greetings and hugs, hellos and welcomes… “Ill take that dish and put your coat there”, echo into the entryway.


Old friends reunite and new ones shake hands - its the gathering of the old and new - all together, under one roof.


Some sit quietly, taking in the sounds.  Others chatter away endlessly, like they still have thousands of words to use up before nights end.


The blessing is asked, plates passed and the bravest one goes first.


Homemade dishes, festive treats - its the holiday of all holidays and all diets are off limits this night.


Some at tables and some in chairs - plates are full and conversations flowing.


Who wants coffee?” says the host, and mugs are filled with yummy, hot comfort.


Sugar and cream, plain and black - all the differences in their cups.


The gathering is the same - all the differences in each face.


Retired, still working, homemaker and boss.


But tonight, just friends, laughing and swapping stories.


How many years have yall been married?”  Forty-two?  Oh, they have you beat by one year!”


Come see this picture!”  “Look at those shoes!”


And just like that - the house is filled with people sharing life and its a beautiful event.


The gathering was made for people and the people were made to gather.


And all went home, and life felt good.



Christmas is the season for gathering your friends and family and just enjoying being together. Even though we do that all throughout the year, as well, there is just something special about the Christmas season that brings out a sense of love and compassion. 

I hope you enjoyed this short story and that you're on your way to a festive holiday season.

Until Next Time...

Stay cozy and warm!


  1. I really enjoyed that. Wishing you a beautiful day.

  2. That's beautiful, Debbie. Thank you for sharing it. --Elise

  3. What a beautiful piece m thank you for sharing.

  4. Lovely!!!!!! Yes, that is how it should be!

  5. A sweet and comforting gathering. I just love this time of year. I love the star on top of the tree as well.

  6. "A house filled with people sharing life" - the perfect description of a great gathering!! So enjoyed your story! Happy Monday to you, friend!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! Come back soon!

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