Sunday, March 23, 2025

Family Time

Happy Sunday friends! 

Wow! It's been a busy weekend full of grandkids, but that means it's been a great one too!

Saturday we spent the day with our big girls. We took them to the park, DQ for ice cream, home to play in the backyard, watched a movie, painted with watercolors and played a few rounds of Crazy 8's. It's was a full day. On the way home, they wanted me to put "princess songs" on the radio and they sang all the way home, which is always so fun to hear them sing. 

David climbing all the way to the top with Emmy 😅

Friday night Collin, Morgan, Asa and Sunday came for dinner. We had taco salad, queso, and brownies for dessert.  Asa loves to snuggle, even by himself 😀 He will grab a blanket and make himself cozy. His mommy snapped this picture of him on the couch. 

He also loves to read books, so he would run to the bookshelf, grab a book and bring it back for me to read. This makes me so happy! One of my favorite things to do with my own boys was reading to them. I hope my grandkids inherit my love of books. At least I know Asa will! 

We spent some time outside too. The weather was beautiful but the gnats were horrible! David even sprayed the backyard before the kids got there, but we were still fighting bugs the whole time. 

 Morgan snapped this picture of me and baby Sunday. He is precious, just like the rest of the bunch. He is wrapped in a blanket that my mom made for my own boys. So sweet. 

We are so blessed to have our family close by. I don't want to miss their growing up days for anything. 

In other news...

My credit card was hacked yesterday, which we didn't find out until we were in line at DQ! Thankfully I had my debit card to use, but that meant I had to get home and call the credit card company and then change anything that I pay with that card. This is actually the very reason I don't use a debit card! I pay with a credit card and then pay for my purchases every week with one transaction from my checking account. If your debit card gets hacked, they have access to your entire checking account and the banks are much slower at returning your money than the credit card company. Anyway, I got it all taken care of, but had to laugh at the look of us standing there with 3 girls in line for ice cream, people behind us and we were now those people whose card isn't working. Uggg. 

I also finally bought my first air fryer. With working until 6pm several nights a week, I need a quick way to cook, so we aren't tempted to eat fast food. As I was making this decision, it reminded me of many, many years ago, when I first became a stay-at-home-mom. Back then, Dr. James Dobson would share the statistics of what it cost to work outside the home. With daycare, gas, clothes, eating out, etc., it actually made more sense, financially, for the mom to stay at home, if the father was working. Of course, I always said I would sell everything I owned to stay at home with my kids, and there were months when we literally had $50 a week for groceries and spending, after the bills were paid. But I didn't care. I was at home with my babies and I made it work. 

This topic leads me to a question for you all...

When you were either growing up or raising your own family, did you have a set menu, where you fixed the same meals each week? Do you now?

My mom has told me stories of my grandmother fixing the same thing each week, such as pork chops every Thursday. Things were much simpler back then and we didn't have Pinterest or social media constantly displaying 1500 choices in our faces each day. I miss those days, actually.

When I was growing up, my mom alternated our Saturday meals. One week she would fix sloppy joes and the next week it would be tuna sandwiches and it would continue to rotate like that. I remember the meals at school being very predictable. Fish was always on Fridays and Mexican food on Wednesdays. 

I would love to go back to having a very simple menu, for the sake of not having to constantly reinvent the wheel, but also because the grocery shopping would be much easier. 

If you do this, let me know your tips and tricks for sticking to a set list of meals. I need motivation!

Well, that's all for this week. I hope your weekend has been good! I'm looking forward to catching up with your blogs in the next few days. 

Until Next Time...



  1. What a wonderful week for you and the sweet smiles on faces tells it all. Sharing life with grands is the best thing in the world. I feel is so frustrating when your card gets hacked. Mine was hacked 2 times last year. I have a cousin who has two weeks of meal plans. She alternates these plans. I asked her why she does this and she said the cost of groceries ends up being cheaper when she buys in bulk. So..for instance, they have steak, salad and potatoes every other Thursday. She buys enough steak and potatoes for the month to take care of these meals. It works for them. This is kinda the way my mom prepared as well. Happy Sunday to you all...

  2. Your weekend with family sounds wonderful, Debbie. The memories you are making with your grands are priceless. Our bank went with debit cards only (versus ATM or Debit), so we set up a separate account for the debit and only keep minimal funds in it. We didn't want it connected to our main account. Since the husband is the cook, he prefers to cook what he is in the mood for, so I guess our household is a no on meal planning. Have a blessed day!

  3. Oh how fun - the witches hat - I used to love that! Asa has the right idea - snuggles are the best. Your house looks so bright and cheery. Sunday is just the cutest little chub!
    I do remember growing up, Saturday night was always hamburgers and homemade baked beans or french fries. Sunday was either a roast or fried chicken. I am sure mom had other assigned meals too.
    Sorry about your credit card - that is always such a bummer. YAY on the air fryer. I sure hope you like it - it makes for less fattening goodies, and I think it is much faster than frying or the oven.
    Have a good week

  4. I love how precious your family time is with the grandbabies! It sounds like a wonderful weekend! God bless!

  5. What fun! I love spending time with my Grandblessings. They wear me out but oh my goodness, it's a good wearing out. BTW, I'm a little miffed that y'all are wearing shorts and I'm still wearing leggings and long sleeves. LoL

    Grace & Peace,

  6. You are such an amazing Mom and Grandmother and I see how you absolutely treasure your time with them! So sorry about your card getting hacked - that is the worst. I don't use my debit for the same reason too. Growing up we did often have the same meals at times - if our family really liked something. But it would shift depending on the seasons. When we would go cross country skiing as a family we'd come home and have a cozy pasta dinner. When my Dad would deer hunt in the Fall we'd have the meat processed and do things like venison stroganoff. That kind of thing. My kids were far more spoiled with all the options and catering to them more than my childhood. We had what there was for dinner, or we'd just be really hungry for breakfast the next day. Lol And no treat if we didn't eat all of our vegetables. :) And I LOVE my air fryer!! I use it all the time - you'll love it!
    Blessings on your week ahead. xoxo


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Wrestling With God

  Happy Wednesday, Friends 💛 Today I want to talk about some things on my heart; more specifically, why Christians have to suffer so much....