Notes from A Writer's Heart

As a writer of stories, I always have a collection of them just waiting to be gathered together in one place. This is how Notes from a Writer's Heart came to be. 

Years of observing people, circumstances, memories and just everyday life, helped me to write this book and it truly is my heart on paper. 

My dream for this book is that it would sit on a table or a night stand and be read one story at a time; taking in the feelings that each story brings. It's meant to be savored. 

I offer this book as an encouragement to the reader, to pay attention to your life, for this is where our stories come from and you, my friend, have one to tell. Write them down. Gather them up. You just never know when they will come together to form your heart on paper. 

Family Time

Happy Sunday friends!  Wow! It's been a busy weekend full of grandkids, but that means it's been a great one too! Saturday we spent ...