Tuesday, February 4, 2025

I Started a New Job, Won a Prize, Felt a Little Sad

 Happy Tuesday everyone!

I hope your week has taken off in the right direction 💛

Mine is off to a good start. I started my new job yesterday, at the library. It's a lot to learn, but the women are all so nice and the camaraderie is very inspiring. I felt very welcomed and am looking forward to being there for years to come. 

I never realized there was so much to do at the library! But it seems it's a place of many resources for the public, such as tax forms, packets, newspapers, computers, copy machines, passports and then the normal resource...books. 

I had been in the habit of going every other Wednesday or so, to get a fresh stack of books, but there are so many other things that people use the library for. Who knew?

I'm looking forward to going again today and learning more things. It was really hard to walk out last night and not take a stack of books with me! But I have plenty of days to start a stack to take home, so no worries there 😅

In other news...I won this beautiful flower arrangement, which is actually made out of paper! Isn't it beautiful? Carrie, over at Northwoods Scrapbook was having a give-away and I won one of her prizes!

I never win any contest, so this was a fun surprise!

Here is a picture of the package. She included a card set for me to use, as well as a Starbucks card, which I've already taken advantage of.  It was fun getting real mail 😀

Over the weekend David and I visited some of our oldest friends (as in time, not age). It was like a balm to our souls to sit with our friends and be inspired by their faith and have them encourage us as we go through my husband's health issues and job loss. 

It truly reminded me of why we need to share our burdens and testimonies with those around us. God's word says that we go through things so we can comfort those who come behind us...

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,

who comforts us in all our troubles,

so that we can comfort those in any trouble

with the comfort we ourselves

recieve from God."

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 

I've always loved that verse. It's the perfect example of how to use our trials as inspiration for those who will eventually walk through hard times. Everything has a purpose. I like to say that God doesn't waste anything. 

On the homefront...

Not much of anything new except trying to establish a routine this week with my new work schedule. I work 4pm-6pm so I need to have dinner prepared ahead of time. When I got home last night (about 6:05), I was starving! My mom suggested fixing a big lunch (like our dinner meal) and that way we can just heat up leftovers for dinner. That's a great idea! That means I'll have to be very organized and deliberate about how I spend the morning and afternoons before work. 

There was a moment yesterday, as I was standing in the library, that I felt a pain of sadness. I've been home for 32 years and it's been the biggest blessing in my life, to be a stay at home mom and Millie. I wouldn't have traded those years for any amount of money. But as I stood at work yesterday, my heart was aching a bit for the change that time has brought about. Not that I expected to never work again, but the reality hit me, that the season I've been in for so long, has come to an end. 

I heard someone say the other day, that mom-guilt is real and so very strong, and to that I say I agree wholeheartedly! I've always been available for my kids and my grand babies, so just the thought of not being available for something they might need, is hard for me to imagine. However, I know that they are fine and it's just growing pains, but it's real, nonetheless. 

Change is hard. But God is so good. And in his infinite love, he gave me the one job I said I would ever want to do, should I ever have to work outside the home. Thank you Jesus 💝

Well, that's a lot of news for a Tuesday, huh? 😊 I'll sign off now and pick this up later in the week when I have a few more days under my belt. 

I hope you all have a great day! Share your testimonies today and be a blessing to those around you. There is someone who needs to know they can make it through the hard times, because you did. 💛

Until Next Time...



  1. Hello there, my friend! Congratulations on your new job! I know exactly what you mean when you say that change is hard; I remember thinking the same thing when I went to work part time a couple of years ago. While I have loved all of my jobs (of which I'm on number 3--I worked at an attorney's office, then at an elementary school before my current job) and am grateful for them, with change came a little bit of heartache. I am pressing onward, though, and am determined to not look back so much because of my life circumstances.

    All that to say, I am proud of you. You're doing hard things, and you are more than capable. You have got this; but more importantly, God's got you, and He goes before you. I'll be praying specifically for you in the days to come. Much love to you, my friend.

  2. Your bouquet of flowers is amazing and to think that it is made from paper. Simply wow! Congratulations and best wishes to you on your new job! Change is always a tough issue, but with the Lord at your side, you will be fine. Thinking of you.

  3. Congratulations on your big WIN. I would have never guessed it was paper. It really is beautiful. Adjustments are difficult and I would imagine more so after being home for 32 years. I wish you the very best in this new adventure and I know each day will get easier and easier. I will say, I know how you were feeling...I have been at home for most of our 52 years of marriage and there have been times when I did have to do something, that I felt so much anxiety just from not being in my home and taking care of things the way I always have. I did work at the school as the Librarian for a few years after my kids were grown...You've Got this and I know you will be a huge asset to the Library.. Happy Tuesday..

  4. Hello, my friend! Congratulations on your job! I think the library is a wonderful place to be. Like you, I am sure I would be surprised at how much does go on in addition to checking out books. I am sending a virtual hug, as I know how hard the decision to work after being home, caring, raising, and loving. Change is hard indeed. I think especially because if you are like I am, those years flew by in a flash! So good for you! And the Bachelor! We ended up not watching last night, as dinner was later than usual and Flynn had an art lesson, but are so excited to watch tonight! I agree with you 100%! He seems mature, grounded, and actually interested in the end goal. I hope it continues! Have a cozy day. I've missed you!

  5. Congrats on the job and enjoy it. Change is our one constant in life - it sure can be bittersweet.
    What a beautiful floral arrangement. That is just so neat!

  6. The flowers you won are beautiful! What a lovely surprise for you at just the right time to bring you joy! The library sounds like a wonderful place! May the Lord provide all your needs and bless you and your family!

  7. Hello my beautiful Friend! I'm SO happy that you loved the giveaway gifts and that you've been enjoying them already. :) They were given in such love and appreciation. And I love paper mail too! Really all paper ephemera. Maybe not best for our environment but feeds my soul and I find balance in recycling lots. 💗
    I got emotional with all you said about the chapter of time as a mom and the guilt etc. I relate so well. Change is hard. Seasons end. But God is SO amazing and loving and I'm excited to see what your next chapter brings!! Blessings to you always dear One. xo

  8. Change is challenging..to be sure. But change is exciting and filled with possibilities. I know God has something special in store for you at the library. And I had no idea there was a lot to do. And, girlfriend, you got off work at 6 and were home at 6:05!?! Stop!! I am happy for you!


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