Monday, December 30, 2024

Looking Forward, Setting Goals, and Growing Through the Failure

 We are a universal people, aren't we? Most of us taking this week to look ahead, make goals, change what didn't work last year and contemplate what might work better going forward. 

We make plans, choose words, vow to do better, lose weight, ditch the bad habits, and a few weeks later we feel like we've already failed.

I gave up making resolutions for many years because I just couldn't trust myself to actually follow through. 

There have also been years when I've laid it all out - new goals, ideas galore, a chosen mantra to live by - and you guessed it...still failed.

But here's a different perspective for those of us who have that drive inside of us and yet, feel a bit timid about trying once again:

Do it anyway.

Doing it and failing isn't really failing if you learn and grow along the way. As long as you can look back and see what you might have done differently, then you're growing! Take that knowledge and go forward and do better next time.

I'll give you an example...

I love budgeting. I love playing with numbers and fitting all the pieces together, like a puzzle. Call me a nerd, but this is fun for me. 

But I'm actually better at the process of budgeting, than the actual carrying out of the budget. Can you relate?

So every month I give it a go. And sometimes I try cash and sometimes I realize that cash flies out of my wallet faster than the credit card does. And sometimes I try details and I fail at that because I'm not a detail kind of person. I'm a black and white - point A to point B kind of person. The shortest route always wins for me. 

But I keep trying. Why? Because every time I try something new, I learn. I learn what works for someone else, might not work for me and that's ok! I learn that simplicity is my friend and details trip me up. I learn that having too many methods is a recipe for disaster for me and others really thrive on them. That's ok too.

The same goes for goals for the new year. 

I love what Mrs. White said in this post, that she wants to be ready to do the work that the Lord puts before her each day, rather than make a bunch of goals (paraphrasing). I love that! And while I have lived like that for many years, this year I am setting some goals for myself. But only a few and only the ones I've prayed over for years and am finally getting up the nerve to try.

And you know what? If I fail at every single one of them, I've still grown in ways that I never would have, had I not tried. 

So here's to giving it a go! Whether you're going to sit this year out and just see what God places before you each day, or whether you're going to finally step up and do something he placed on your heart a long time ago. Either way, as long as you're seeking him and his plans for your life, you really can't go wrong.

Failure isn't trying and failing. Failure is never trying at all and wishing your entire life that you would have tried something. 

My friend, I encourage you to pray and ask the Lord what he wants for you in 2025. Spend some time listening to what he's saying. You don't have to follow the world and all of their crazy goal setting ways. Just see what God has for you or what he's been speaking to you, that you've been saying "no" to.  Be brave and trust that if he has laid something on your heart, he's going to continue doing the work in you.

I believe in you and so does he!

Here's to an amazing new year and many blessings along the way!

Until Next Time...



  1. I totally agree with you! And I just loveeeeeeeeee your new look here. Wishing you a beautiful Happy New Year. smiles

  2. This has been a really horrible year for me (illness, injury, death of husband) but I did succeed (almost) with one of my resolutions (not so good on the other two, which I really don't remember). I stopped using bad language. TBH, I stopped 30 years ago but it gradually crept back in. I don't take the Lord's name in vain but I have used the S word for excrement and a few others like that. Well, a year ago I decided that had to stop, and for the most part I have succeeded. (I've messed up probably 10-12 times but that's not bad for 366 days! I'm going to try improving next year.

    Since my life changed so drastically this year, I'm in the process of writing a life plan for myself. I may not succeed every time, but as you say--improvement. What works.
    --Maxine aka mikemax

    1. PS I like British crime shows, too. But I would never go to Midsomer--too many murders, LOL.

    2. Maxine, thank you for being honest about your struggle with language. It's a challenge in this day and age! You can't watch a tv show without hearing all kinds of language that used to be considered 'bad'. And I'm with you on going to Midsomer! Lots of murders there :) (That's what I said after watching Hawaii Five-O too :) hahaha

  3. Hello, my friend. I love your new look and name here. And I appreciate this post, as I was just thinking about all the resolution pressure. I am at a place in my life now where I say so often, "Take this one, God. Please." Happy and Blessed New Year!

    1. Billie Jo, there's something so freeing about just letting Jesus take the wheel! Happy new year to you and your amazing family :)

  4. Love the new look! Amen - I also feel there is no failure if we try!

  5. I loved every word of this. Failing isn't really failing if we grow along the way...beautiful insight, my friend. I love new beginnings, so I am always excited at the start of a new year. I always strive for some things each year, but I've learned to give myself grace when I let myself down. Sometimes we're our own worst critics! I still keep trying, though, and know that I'll learn some lessons along the way. I've missed here you here, and I love the new blog look and title!

    1. Jennifer, we are definitely our own worst critic! My expectations of myself are ridiculous sometimes :) Thank you for the blog compliment :) It is time for a new look and a fresh start.

  6. Loved this post, and yes, I will come back soon. Your blog is so full of encouraging and positive words.
    Wishing you and your family peace, joy, good health, and a very blessed New Year!

    1. Great-Granny Grandma thank you for your kind words! I look forward to having you back :)

  7. Hello and Happy New Year's Eve dear Debbie! I love your new wallpaper - so cool. :) And I love all you shared in this beautiful post. It's all so true! I like to choose a word of intention each year. I tend to go back to it even in the months ahead. Just to focus on a richer way to live my life in some way. Because I agree - we learn in the failing. I used to always tell my kids that I'd hope they'd fail at some things in life because that is where we grow.
    Wishing you an abundantly blessed 2025 ahead my Friend! 🙏🏻✨❤️

  8. "Growing Through the Failure" -- when we look at it that way, it's a victory. That's one of many lessons I've caught onto in recent years when my life got suddenly turned upside down.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts for the coming year. Your new blog design is attractive. Happy New Year!

  9. This is exactly what my goal is ...hopefully not for just this year, but forever. I never want to take my days for granted and I want to do for others. Thank you for this wonderful post....I pray that we all seek God for every step we take. Happy New Years Eve and Happy 2025,

  10. One of the best things I've learned is "what works for someone else might not work for me" - and acutally probably will not. Not exactly. I so wish I would have learned that one a long time ago. So many of the fresh starts I've made, goals I started or resolutions I've recorded....but that "failed" often failed because I tried to reach them/complete them like someone else. Grr. I certainly have some goals, dreams and even resolutions for this year - but I'm approaching them "my way." Great post this afternoon!!

  11. This is so good! You are right, it is important to keep trying! It is also wonderful to have plans and goals to try to reach and look forward to. Thank you! God bless you!


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