Monday, February 19, 2024

The Duties of a Home Manager

 Hello everyone 💛

Have you ever been asked to explain what you do all day, if you're a work-at-home mom? When I say "work-at-home" I'm not referring to moms who have a job they get paid to do, at home. I'm referring to moms who stay home and their home is their work. Better known as "stay-at-home" moms.

I personally think we should change that name, because it gives the false impression that we stay at home and leaves out the "work" part, which is mostly what occupies our time.

I was recently re-reading an old book about homemaking and the author listed all the jobs that a work-at-home mom does and the list is very long. I thought it would be fun to share that list here and it, most likely, won't even be everything there is to do, but it's a good start.

Oh, and she gives herself the title of HOME MANAGER, which I think is absolutely fitting and the perfect description for those times when someone dares to ask, "What do you do all day?"

The Duties of a Home Manager





Inventory of household goods

Inventory of seasonal clothing

Menu Planning

Grocery Shopping

Appointment making

Holiday planning




Social Manager


Researcher of recipes, stain removal, home remedies

Caretaker of all humans in her care




Gift finder

Gift wrapper

Hair stylist

Child care worker

Administrative work


Coupon cutting



Playground duty

Teacher (this includes an entire list of it's own, when

you homeschool!)

I'm sure you can add your own duties to this long list, but you get the idea. Home management is no joke! If we were paid, based off of this list, we would have a pretty hefty salary, wouldn't we?

I have been a work-at-home mom for 31 years now. I quit working outside the home one week before my first son was born. Before that, I had been working since I was 16 years old. 

When David and I married, I told him that I wouldn't have kids unless I could stay home and raise them myself. So we both worked, went to college and the year before my son was born, we lived only off David's income, so we could save mine and get accustomed to having one salary. Our planning paid off and when our son was born, we were in good shape. Well, good enough. David made about $20,000 that year, but soon moved onto bigger and better jobs.

Through the years of me being the Home Manager, David has lost several jobs. But I believe God has always honored my heart's desire of taking care of my own children, because I have never had to get another outside job. Oh, I could have, if I wanted to own more things, travel more, buy more and live a different lifestyle. But to me, nothing was more valuable than being at home, raising and teaching my boys.

Even now, even with David losing his job a year ago, we've discussed many times, the idea of me getting a job outside the home, and every time the answer is "no." David values what I do here and he knows that he couldn't tackle that long list without me. And I appreciate that he values what I do.

There may come a day when I choose to work outside the home, but I know that decision will alter how our home looks and feels and it will also change in other ways too. Because, the truth is, we can only do so much and when you add outside duties, the inside duties will get neglected, to a certain degree.

So even though I don't earn a paycheck, I think I'll keep my Home Management job. The hours aren't bad and I do get breaks during the day. I also get Millie Days and travel days and I can stop and read a chapter or two now and then. Oh, and snacks! I get snacks 😋 Of course, I'm the one who has to bake them or buy them, but then again...that's my job.

If I've left anything off the list, feel free to add them to the comments.

Until Next Time...



  1. It is a HUGE job and one that benefits every single person in the home. "A coat of many colors" for sure!

  2. I loved my years as "home manager"! I also always only wanted to stay home and raise our sons. I also always did other part-time work, though, just to help out a little...until we homeschooled, and for all of those years, that was all that I did. My world was so wrapped up in them and doing that, that I faltered for a bit after they all graduated. That is how I found myself back at work outside of our home! I loved staying home, and I still do, but I also really, really love working at my church. It's literally the very best of both worlds, and I no longer get bored being at home like I used to. As much as I'm an introvert, I'm also very extroverted, which means I just love being around people. I was young enough that it made sense for me to go to work again, because I have a lot of good years left! ;) You know what I mean.

    That being said, today I am at home and loving every second. I'm catching up on house things, I grocery shopped, and now I'm working on my blog posts for this week. I love being able to do this on Mondays and in the afternoons! This was a fun one to read; thank you for sharing!

  3. Hello! And yes to it all, my friend. I too worked before we had children. And we saved my salary so we would have something when I stopped. Looking back, I would not change a thing. I enjoyed every single minute. And, it goes so quickly! Thank you for this one. Hugs!

  4. I feel very blessed to "not work" and to take care of my home and my husband. I will admit there are times when I ask myself "what did you do all day??":) Hope you are having a good week!


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