Thursday, November 16, 2023

Early Morning Memories


It's 4:15 in the morning and I've been up for over an hour now. David had an out-of-town trip to do today, and the alarm went off at 3:00 a.m.  I debated going back to bed, but coffee sounded so good and it won out over crawling back under the covers. But as I was contemplating what to do at this early hour of the morning, I remembered some times in the past, when early mornings were routine and I began to reminisce a bit.

There was a time, when my kids were younger, that I would get up at 4:00 a.m. to write. With two young boys, I had to be intentional about how I spent my time, so the early hours were the only time I had, that offered complete quiet. 

I would sit in my office for several hours, writing and working on ideas and projects. I had my first blog back then and I would share my heart there every morning. I looked forward to that quiet time. Eventually the routines changed, as they always do, but I still look back fondly on those early hours and am kind of proud of myself for the discipline it took.

Several other memories have been going through my head this morning - memories of early mornings, when David worked out of town for weeks at a time and I was left with the boys on my own. I'm sure it was hard at the time, but when I look back on it, it doesn't hold hard memories. I think I just did what needed to be done at the time and made the best of it. The boys were young then and I can't imagine the stress of getting them ready for church, co-op, going to the grocery store, and the hardest of all...bed and bath time - all on my own. David would drive home on the weekends and I'm sure that felt like the best reprieve of all time.

Years later, when Ted was around 15 years old and Collin was 9, David was working in Dallas for a few months and Ted was leading worship at a local Christian academy every Wednesday. The catch was, he wasn't driving yet, so every Wednesday I would have to drag Collin out of bed, so we could drive Ted about 30 minutes away for a 7:00 a.m. practice. Uggg. That was tough! 

Those early mornings eventually settled down and we made it through, but even as hard as it was, I'm so glad I can look back on those times with my boys. I would do it again, if they needed me to.

I've always been a morning person, even as a little girl. I would be the first one awake and I would always find my way to the tv and watch cartoons. 

I'm still a morning person (just not a 3:00 a.m. person) and I still love the feel of a quiet morning, hot coffee and time spread out before me, to think, write, pray and just let my mind walk into the day peaceful and ready. I feel like that's a luxury these days.

When I think of how many people have mornings full of hustle and hurry, it makes me sad - for the kids and the parents. I hope they will find a few mornings to sit and enjoy the quiet. 

Well, now it's already 5:00 a.m. I've been up for 2 hours. I will make myself another cup of coffee and I think I'll make some pumpkin bread. It will have the house smelling warm and cozy and be just the thing to top off this quiet morning. 

Then I will continue my day with some reading, talking to the Lord and getting ready. I have a few errands on the schedule for today and some simple chores. 

I need to wrap some Christmas gifts and do some organizing projects. Then...maybe I'll close my eyes for 15 minutes or so, just to give myself that extra bit of energy I'll need to wait for David to get home. 

It's been a nice, quiet morning. Thanks for sharing it with me.

Until Next Time...



  1. Thank you for this. I was never a morning person until our sons came along. Many GOOD memories from those years, even though Hubs worked very long hours and we moved quite a bit for his work. I'd get up before everyone else, while it was still quite dark, sip coffee and soak up quietness before the busy-ness got underway. Some of those years were homeschooling years, which were also my own writing years (I wrote nonfiction for $$). Even now I'm not sure how I managed, but by the grace of God did. --Elise

    1. Elise, those were my homeschooling years too and it had to be God's grace that saw me through. I got through it and was left with good memories :)

  2. That's such a pretty, warm and cozy photo you started your post off with Debbie. Thank you for sharing those lovely memories. It's sometimes amazing looking back and thinking of how much we had to keep organized, all the hard work involved and not thinking much about it because it's just what we had to do. My husband when he was in the navy, went on six, sometimes eight-month deployments, and his second career involved a lot of traveling. Now when he is gone on a weekend occasionally, it feels like forever, lol! I am not as early a morning person anymore but I do love to see the sun rise. It is such a special time of the day.

    1. Thank you, Denise. I can't imagine how hard being a military family would be. That's a long time to be alone.

  3. I am, for sure and for certain, a morning person! I love my mornings and, like you, love the way mornings change and evolve through the seasons of life. In this season, my husband and I are truly able to enjoy and savor the first part of our day! But I have to say, as much as I love the first hours of day, I don't think I could start them in the middle of the night?! Yikes. Three AM is definitely still night...but not exactly sure what hour is the first one of morning:)

    1. I completely agree! 3 a.m. is not my idea of getting up early :) It's getting up in the middle of the night! Not planning on making a habit of it :)

  4. 3AM sounds a bit too early for me, although I do get up about 5AM - just because. You shared what sounds like lovely memories and good times. Thank you

    1. 5 a.m. is our normal time to wake every day. I love it!

  5. Oh my that is early. I'm still sound asleep at that time. I get up at 6.

    1. Too early! I get up at 5:00 and that feels normal.


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