Sunday, April 9, 2023

An Easter Prayer


Easter Sunday

5:35 a.m.

Lord, it's Easter Sunday and I'm up with my first cup of coffee,

reading your word.

My thoughts today are of thankfulness.

Had you not died on that cross for me, 

I would still be lingering in sin.

I would still be separated and lost and living

a life with no substance or meaning.

But you hung on that cross to rescue me

and you did,

and here I sit,

all these years later.

'Thank you' just doesn't seem adequate, does it?

But maybe living this abundant life you've given me,

with joy and appreciation, 

will show you my gratitude.

Maybe loving these that you've put in my life,

and loving them well,

will show my love for you.

Maybe stewarding all that you've given me,

and stewarding it well,

will show my love for you.

See my heart, Lord,

when you look at me.

Know that it's yours,



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