Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Blessing of Friendship

(look at my babies - Emmy and Ella - 15 months apart, but always best friends)

 This week I've had the privilege of having lunch with two friends and just getting to discuss life in our current season of parenting, grandparenting, and empty nest occasions. 

One of these friends I've known since our 23 year old kids were in kindergarten and one I've only known for the last 6 years or so, but both are priceless to me and offer me something that fills up my friendship tank in all the ways I need. 

Friendships are such a blessing and I love that we can have a group of friends that meet different needs in our lives, yet are each valuable in their own way.

I used to envy groups of women who had been friends since college or elementary and remained friends into their later years. I was never a "group" kind of girl.

But, as I've gotten older, I've maintained some precious friendships that are solid and true and I can count on two hands.  And I'm good with that small, but consistent number, because honestly, who has time for more than that?

I also have some special blogging friends, whom I've known for over a decade now! We met through blogging and some of us have watched one another's kids grow up as we've homeschooled them, graduated them and sent them off to start their own lives. These are also precious friendships to me.

I love that we can have friendships that are different, such as the shopping friend, or the friend who loves to write, or the crafting friend or the friend who loves budgeting as much as I do. 

 I think it's such a sweet gift to have friends going through the same season of life, at the same time. I also think it's very valuable to have older friends who have already gone down the road and can pull you along with their encouragement and wisdom. 

It's nice to have the friend who wants to spend time with you and cares enough to put it on the schedule. It's also nice to know that even your busy friends will schedule a dinner with the husbands in tow, just to be able to catch up, as well. (It helps that the husbands enjoy one another's company too.)

There are also those friends who you don't get to see, but when you happen to run into one another, it's like you've never missed a beat. Or my best friend from high school that still remembers my birthday. These are so special!

Friendship is one of life's greatest blessings. True friendship leaves you feeling happy, but can also have a differing opinion than you do. True friendship can walk through the fire with you and hold you up when you're having trouble standing. True friendship calls, just because you were "on their mind" that day and they wanted to check on you. True friendship wants the best for you, even if it means less time to gather.

Whatever station you are at in life, I hope you have a handful of friends to call on. It doesn't take many - just a few good ones. Treasure them, nurture them, schedule them if you have to. Let them know they are important to you. It's an investment you won't regret.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Until Next Time...


  1. Oh yes, friends are so very important. Old ones and the new ones. Blogger friends are wonderful too and I've been lucky to meet a few of them in person.

    1. It's so fun when blogging friends become friends in real life too :)

  2. Debby, I'm sorry your friends are gone and your mom and sister too. I know there are times I've felt like I had no one significant to call a friend or that really cared. It's a tough season to go through. Thankfully it was just a season or just my perception of how people felt. Ask the Lord to bring a friend into your life :) One is all you need.

  3. New here...Lost my best friend of 48yrs on this past Christmas Morning...Alzheimer's. I don't think I'd like to re-visit 2022. Not a fun year but, I'm hoping I can embrace the chaos in my life and gain a new perspective.
    We did celebrate the birth of our first great granddaughter and are head over heels, in love again.
    Make lots of memories!

    1. Hi Donna :) Thank you for stopping by today! I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find peace in a new "normal" as they say. And what a great blessing, having another baby in the family :)

  4. My ladies group, GLOW, have been friends for 40+ years. We worked together and some of us went to school together so many years ago. They are a true blessing. We meet once a week for lunch, at one time we also did a Bible study. Since covid attendance has been down, seems health issues have come on most of us. Yet, we still meet when we can. It's been a while since we had a 100% attendance. Hope you're enjoying a great day!

  5. My comments are acting up or disappearing altogether. Hopefully Blogger will fix this soon! I know others are experiencing it too.

  6. I love this and agree wholeheartedly. I'm so blessed by my friends, both in real life and in this little blogging community. Those feel real to me as well, though...but for each one, I am thankful to the Lord. I struggled with friendship during my teenage years, but the Lord has redeemed all of that and has filled my life with many wonderful and godly women I have the honor of calling my good and even best friends. One of my dearest friends is 14 years older than me, but we have all the things in common. I love that I can go to her about everything...and she's been through most of it herself already with having grown kids and grand children. As I typed that, I texted her and asked her to lunch tomorrow. I miss her and haven't seen her since before Christmas. Thank you for this, my friend! 🖤

  7. Childhood friends, new friends, old friends, friends to vent with, shop with, craft with…friends come in many forms…love them all in each circumstance! And you my friend are one of my favorites❤️ Kimberly

    1. Kim, you are one of my favorites too :) Thanks for showing up here and taking the time to read this little blog :) And for leaving your name and not being a creepy anonymous person :) hahaha


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