Friday, January 27, 2023

Homemade Bread and A Little Story For You

This week I had a friend over to work on some scrapbooking projects, so I decided to bake some homemade bread just for fun. 

Awhile back I found a very simple recipe on YouTube

(you can see it HERE)

and I decided to make a few loaves,

one for me and one for her.

It's a very simple recipe, but it does take a process of letting it rise

for at least 8 hours, so I made the dough

the night before, covered it, and 

got up the next morning to finish the process.

After it was cool enough,

I got out my decorative parchment paper and twine

and wrapped her loaf and tied the twine around it.

She was pleasantly surprised that she was

getting to take a loaf home with her

and I was happy she was happy 😀

I used to bake bread all the time in my bread machine,

but one day...

Well, here's a story from my book

Notes from a Writer's Heart

I'll let the story tell you the rest...

The Day I Gave Up My Bread Machine

One day, my friend Michelle and I traded items - my humongous coupon binder for her seldom used bread machine.  At the time, we both thought we were really winning.

A few loaves and lots of counter space later, I put the bread machine back on the merry-go-round of trading things and sent it off to the Thrift Store.  Boy, did that feel good!

Let me explain.

Baking bread is a lot of pressure.

That's right.  I couldn't take the heat (or the freakishly dense loaves) anymore, so one day I took myself right down to the bread aisle at the store and decided that this was my destiny - store bought bread - and I would wear this shopping badge proudly!

Sometimes you have to bake a few ugly (did I mention dense?) loaves of bread to realize there are people getting up at the crack of dawn to bake beautiful works of art-bread.  I mean, you have fat loaves, skinny loaves, buns and hoagies, and even an entire loaf of perfectly sliced pieces, just waiting to go home with you and make your sandwich dreams come true!

Who did I think I was, trying to steal these hard-working people's dreams of selling their perfect loaves of bread?   These people need a paycheck, for heaven's sake!

So, I loaded my buggy up with store-bought bread and held my head high at the thought of all the job security I would be giving these bread artists and I made my way home with the goods.  And, you know what?  I decided on that day, that I would never try to put someone out of a job again!

And just like that, I accepted my position in the world of homemaking and decided to stay in my own lane, whatever that was, and let the bakers of the world be at peace.

As for my humongous coupon book...I have wished for that back a few times, but let's face it...I wasn't any good at that either.

No worries, Coupon Queen!  Your job is safe for now!


I hope you enjoyed that humorous story 😀

I'm sure I'll enjoy this recipe again, but

most likely won't make a habit out of it 

and I won't be buying a bread machine 

anytime soon!

Until Next Time...



  1. Well I DID enjoy the story!lol
    But I must admit, I have a bread machine...and I LOVE it! It's the way you layer the ingredients in the machine that make the difference!
    Water mixed with the sugar... then soft butter, then the flour (cover the water around the edges if you can see it, using a fork...just cover the water...then layer on the next ingredient in your recipe...yeast, sprinkle it out to all four corners.
    If you have nuts or fruit to add, do it when the machine goes into the second kneading...Bob's your Uncle!
    It's how you Layer the can't just throw them in the bucket.
    Don't know Why it makes a difference but, it does. Most machines don't tell you this hint.
    Sorry you donated your machine!!

  2. I posted that comment above but wasn't signed in! Sorry!!

  3. Great story! I have my bread machine. In the basement. In a closet. I cannot seem to give that thing away. Every once in a blue moon I ponder the idea of pulling it out again. Thanks for the reminder to stay in my lane. Be thoughtful of those working so hard - and turning out yummy bread!!:) As for job security, I do my part with crafting. Or lack thereof. I support all the talented and hardworking crafters (while secretly yearning that I could do even the simplest craft with my hands!) Happy Friday, friend....and thanks for your encouragement this morning!

  4. I use my bread machine A LOT. Make pizza dough in it once a week.
    Sometimes I let the machine knead the bread dough and then shape it myself and bake it in the oven. I love my bread machine.

  5. I LOVE this! I have not owned a bread machine. I applaud those who do! And I tell my kids, "Everybody has a thing or two. This isn't mine!" Have a cozy weekend!


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