Happy Tuesday everyone!
Well, as you all have shared on your own blogs...spring has sprung! The azaleas are blooming all around our area and they are beautiful. Likewise...everything is covered in yellow pollen! 🤧 It's the price we pay for seeing green again, and saying goodbye to winter.
Speaking of green...I had a note written on my calendar to "wear green" yesterday and totally forgot to look at my calendar before heading to work. 💚 Thankfully nobody pinched me!
I've been working since last Thursday, with the exception of Sunday. David and I went to church, then grabbed a deli sandwich and sat by the river, watching some boats go by. It was a nice, relaxing day.
I still have today and tomorrow to work and then I will start my week "off." I'm looking forward to catching up on some office-type tasks and maybe some housework. I will definitely be seeing my babies (big and little) at some point. Working has made me miss them even more than usual. Even though it's only been a week since they were here. 😅 I can't help it! I'm in love with all of them!
I've been reading some good books lately, so I thought I would share, for those of you always looking for recommendations.
I read this book when I saw that it was a true story from a town not too far from me. It's a story about three children adopted by a family that is abusive, and their constant attempt to get free. The author is the lady who tried to help them for years and she tells an unbelievable story about all the dead ends she faced, from authorities who kept sending these kids back to their abusers. This story will frustrate you, but it's a story that's definitely worth reading. You can find it on Amazon (who wouldn't let me copy the link today).
I'm just about finished with this one and I think it will stay on my shelf for years, as one of my favorites. It's literally about the author's history of all the houses she has lived in, throughout her life. Each house holds a story and though the stories are quite ordinary, they are stories that I can relate to, having lived in several houses myself. You can also find this on Amazon.
As you can imagine, working at the library has greatly increased my list of books that I want to read. Every day I see a book that I add to my ever-growing list. It will keep me busy for years to come!
Besides reading, David and I are really enjoying Traitors (UK version) this season. We are also watching Matlock, Tracker, American Idol, Georgie and Mandy and of course, The Bachelor (well, I watch and David makes comments 😅). I'm also looking forward to Farmer Wants a Wife! So many fun shows!
Well, I need to get off this computer and get ready for the day. I hope this week has started off great for you!
Take care everyone!
Until Next Time...