Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A Busy Three-Day-Weekend

 Good Tuesday morning, my friends!

It's been a busy few days! I was actually off work this weekend, due to President's Day, so it was the perfect time to have family dinner, watch my husband get baptized, and have a dentist appointment, all within the span of a few days. Whew! That went by fast 😅

Saturday we finally had family dinner, which is normally every week, but we've had sick people and a new job and snow and other things that have prevented us from getting together. We celebrated our granddaughter Addie's 6th birthday with Bbq sandwiches, potato salad, chips, cookies, cake and lots of grandkids now! 

On Sunday I did the weekly grocery shopping, since Monday I had a dentist appointment and I wasn't sure how I would feel afterwards (more on that in a minute). 

Sunday evening we went to church and had a very special time watching David get baptized. He was saved as a 7 year old and baptized, but recently he wanted to rededicate his life to the Lord and be baptized as an adult. All of our kids and grandkids were there, which was so special for us and especially for David. 

On Monday I had a dental appointment, because on Friday morning (while the dentist was gone for the weekend), I had a crown fall off as I was eating breakfast. I had no idea it was a crown and was scared to death that my tooth had fallen out! I had to send pictures to the receptionist, so she could contact the dentist and tell me what to do. Turns out, it was just a crown and I would live 😅 I went through the weekend being very careful about eating and finally had the appointment on Monday. Turned out that my tooth was still intact and I didn't need to do anything right away. What a blessing! I was sure I would walk out of there $500 poorer, but she didn't even charge me. I will have to eventually go back and get the crown put back on, but that will be a few weeks from now. 

Also, while David and I were sitting in the waiting room, he got a call about a job interview and they wanted him to come to an executive meeting that night! He was able to make the meeting and had a great interview, so please pray with us for God's will and hopefully a job! 

While David was gone, I made a cup of coffee and sat down with a new book. I've been reading a lot lately, which is great. I folded some clothes, got on the exercise bike and watched a little tv until David came home from the meeting. 

Today I will head back to work. I'm looking forward to being there, which feels great. I will probably spend the day cooking and making sure we have a good meal plan for the week, before heading down the road to the library. 

We're supposed to have some freezing weather this week (come on Texas! Get your act together!), so we might be stuck indoors for a few days. 

Meanwhile, my 81 year old mother is on a cruise in Tahiti! 🛳 Can you believe it?

Oh well, she will be retiring this April, just before turning 82, so I think she deserves to take a vacation.

Well, that's enough rambling for today. I hope you all have a great Tuesday and accomplish all you set out to do today. 

I will be back soon!

Until Next Time...


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Looking For God

Happy Sunny Sunday my friends! 

We are finally having some sun on this crazy Texas day. We've had rain and hot humidity this week and now we're in the 40's today. You literally never know what each day will hold.

I took advantage of the sun today and had my afternoon coffee out on the back patio. I needed the sun and I needed the nature and it did not disappoint. 

We hung these bird feeders last week and have thoroughly enjoyed having birds and squirrels playing in the yard again. 

The squirrels love the barn because it's big enough for them to lay on the ledge. I don't mind. I want to feed them too.  They are playful with one another and it's entertaining to watch. 

As I was sitting outside, sipping my hot coffee, with the sun shining on my face, I spent some time in prayer, asking the Lord to show up. I don't need all the answers. I just need to know that he's nearby. 

I need to know if this house we just bought is worthy of our future dreams. I need to know direction on David's health issue. I need to know that my husband will find a job soon. So...I want all the answers, but I realize that I don't need them. I need Jesus. There's the difference.

I'm not good at waiting or guessing. I never have been. Being in the waiting period means turning over control and that's not really my thing. I like to know where I'm going and how I'm getting there, but this life with God is anything but predictable. 

Anyway, as I'm praying and thinking, a huge red bird landed on the tree in front of me. Like many of you, red birds have always signified God to me, especially if I'm in the middle of prayer. Thank you, Lord!


Later, David came out for a few minutes and asked if I had noticed the blooms on this tree that we thought was dead. 

I had not even noticed!

This tree is right by the back gate we come and go from and I've mentioned that we should get rid of it because it has looked dead since we bought the house. 

But as I looked at the pretty blooms popping out, even while the rest of the tree still looks dead, it reminded me that life is just like that. 

Even where there seems to be dead things looming, there is life. There are blooms. But are we noticing them? 

It's so easy to focus on the parts that seem to have lost their life, but when we focus on those parts, we are missing the pretty parts...the parts that are thriving. 

Just this morning I was finishing up a book and I copied this quote onto my phone, so that I would have a reminder that God is all around...I just need to look.

This quote fits perfectly with the blooms on this tree and the red bird that visited today.

Life is full of living, beautiful blessings and scary, hard seasons. They do coexist. 

It's up to us which one we focus on.

I hope you have a blessed Sunday 💚🌺

Until Next Time...


Monday, February 10, 2025

Lots of Good Food for the Weekend

 Happy Monday, my friends!

I hope you had a great weekend. Apparently I cooked a lot, hence the pictures of food in this post 😋

I had to make this Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake that Billie Jo shared HERE.  It just looked so good and I couldn't stop thinking about how yummy it would be with a hot cup of coffee.

I prepped all the dry ingredients the night before, so in the morning all I had to do was work on the wet ingredients and add the two together. 

I almost made the mistake of not putting the crumble on top, but thankfully I remembered at the last minute. It wouldn't have tasted the same without all of that extra butter, brown sugar and cinnamon on the top layer, would it?

If you like cake and butter and chocolate chips and brown sugar...this needs to be on your menu for the week! We had a piece for breakfast and just might have had an extra piece after dinner. 😉

And speaking of dinner...

A big pot of beef stew was on the menu this weekend. I made it as normal - ground beef, veggies, potatoes, beef stock. But I also added some juice left over from the last time I made a roast. I had saved a bowl of juice from the roast, put it in the freezer for this very dish that I knew was coming up and added it along with all the other ingredients as it was simmering. It added a rich, beefy flavor to the stew and made it even more delicious. 

A little tip I do during the month is keeping a baggie full of veggies in the freezer that I save for my next pot of stew. Every time we eat corn or green beans or carrots and have some leftover, I will add them to my "stew" bag and use them in the stew. So this time I had about a half a gallon bag of already cut up veggies, so all I had to do was add some diced potatoes and a bit more corn and it was ready to go. Oh, I did add some diced tomatoes too. 

Something that would save even more time, would be to add ground beef, as you cook it for other meals, to the "stew" bag. By the time you've added the veggies and beef, you've basically got your stew ready for the stove or crockpot and will just need broth, tomatoes and seasoning (I use a stew packet from McCormicks). I think I'll try that next month!

When I wasn't cooking this weekend, I was at work for a few hours on Saturday morning. The library was busy with people wanting books, to use the computer, tax forms and making copies. I also learned how to issue new library cards to a few patrons. As I said before...it's so much to learn! 

After work, David and I picked up a sub sandwich from a place called Firehouse Subs. Apparently it was "D" day, which meant that if your name started with a "D", you got a free sandwich when you bought one. So we each got a meatball sandwich, which was very good and a nice treat. 

On Sunday we took some things to our kids, who are sick. Baby Eden and all the girls were coughing and Ted had a sore throat, so we stopped by Kroger and loaded them up with Vitamin C items. After that, David and I made a quick trip to Tractor Supply to find a bird feeder (or 2) for the back yard. That's something I've really been missing from our little cottage on the lake, is watching the squirrels and birds compete for all the bird seed. 

We filled the houses and hung them in a prime spot in the backyard and never saw one squirrel or bird for the rest of the day 😏 But I did look out the front door and see a squirrel drinking out of the bird bath, so that was fun 😂

Sunday afternoon we watched Hillbilly Elegy, the story of JD Vance. I'll be honest - I cried during the entire show! The show was so disturbing and to see this kid, who had everything against him, turn out to be the VP of the United States...touched my heart in so many ways. It doesn't matter what your politics are, any time someone can rise above the junk of their childhood, to succeed on their own merit, I applaud. 

David did watch the Super Bowl and I read a book in my chair and did other things around the house during that time. 

It was a good weekend with lots of needed down time. 

And here we are on Monday again!

I've already spent some time with the Lord this morning and am about to have another piece of coffee cake and start my day.

I hope your weekend was good and all that you wanted it to be.

Here's to a week full of blessings and God's presence in your life!

Until Next Time...


Friday, February 7, 2025

Be Someone's Light Today

 Happy Friday my friends💗

This past week has been full of blessings and I'm so thankful for each one of them. I started my job, David sold his restoration project (a jeep), which has put more money in our bank, and we got to see our kids for a few minutes yesterday. We had a sweet gesture from an old friend that went above and beyond friendship and we had lunch with some old friends last Saturday. And all of those things have added up to us feeling loved and cared for, which has been nice.

Sometimes, when you're going through a tough season, you can start to feel a little isolated and wondering if anyone else is suffering the way you are. But over the years, I've come to realize that the enemy (Satan) wants us to feel isolated. It's part of his scheme.

If he can keep us focused on self and our own trouble, then he can keep our eyes off of Jesus (his enemy) and the victory that is available to us, through Christ. 

But, when we can gather with friends, family and even others who are going through hard times, we can feel like we're part of the bigger picture and not so alone. 

The past few months my eyes have been opened and I've noticed that just about everyone you meet is going through something. It might be small or it might be life changing, but to each person, it's enough. And if we can share our struggles with one another, we can minister to each other, just as the Bible says.

I believe this is what the verse means, that says:

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,

not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,

but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see

the day approaching."

(Hebrews 10:24-25)

I know some apply this verse to not missing church, but I don't believe that's what it's about. I believe it's about Believers gathering together, to love one another, carry one another's burdens, fellowship and spur one another on, so that we can all make it through this life with people by our side. 

I believe it's meeting over lunch, coffee, taking someone a meal, calling someone on the phone, and any other way you can meet up with someone and let them know they're not alone. Talk about trials and how God is working. Share fears and concerns and listen to one another, encourage one another and pray together. We are people who were meant for fellowship - with God and with one another.

So many people feel alone and that's heartbreaking. Even a 30 minute visit can boost someone's outlook on life. We just have to open our eyes to those around us and be willing to gather.

Life is so much about perspective. When we can see that others are going through trials too, we can see that we're not alone and though the world would classify that as "misery loves company," we can say, instead, that we can carry one another's burdens. 

Anyway, I hope these random thoughts speak to you on some level. 😊

Pray for God to open your eyes to someone who is feeling isolated. Go sit with them or call them on the phone. Let them know they are in your prayers and that they are not alone in their struggles. This small gesture goes a long way and it crushes the enemy's scheme to keep that person isolated. 

When we spread God's light, the darkness must flee. 

Be someone's light today. 🕯

Until Next Time...


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Growing Pains


Well...I thought I would pop in here and tell you how my job is going. So far, so good! Today will be my fourth day, but it feels longer than that, with all the stuff I've been learning. Every day I come home exhausted and starving!

The first two days I struggled with some sadness over having a job. I know that sounds silly, but it was a big change and we've had too many changes lately. By the 3rd day, I was not dreading it and have come to enjoy the lady I've been working with. Today a new lady will start her week-long shift, so I'll be working with a different person and I hope it goes well. 

Talking to a friend recently, she said to enjoy this time of learning and growth and she's so right! We need seasons of growth and change, don't we?

I remember a friend telling me about this sign (the one above) years ago and I bought it to remind my husband that it was ok to do something different than he's always done. Well, I think I'm the one who needs the reminding now. 

Life is full of changes and obstacles and new adventures and we can roll with them and grow and learn things or dig our heels in and try to keep everything as it was and be miserable. 

But growth does come with pain - even when it's positive growth. 

So far this week I've had to adjust how I do things during the day, such as cooking a big lunch, so there is food ready when I get home. I'm having to remind myself each day that I have somewhere to be at the end of the day, which feels strange. The blessing of this job is that I still have almost the entire day to do what I would normally do, since I only work from 4-6pm. But it's been an adjustment to make sure I use my time wisely, since I've been so exhausted when I get home. 

I know this will all become normal after a few weeks and I will come home with more energy (I hope!). But for now, it's a matter of making a few changes and seeing what works best. 

I did go to Sam's for some groceries yesterday and picked up some food items that were convenient, such as some grilled chicken breasts that I could just heat up quickly for dinner. My mom suggested using my crock pot too, which I will do once I get the hang of all of this. 

Well, that's enough of that!

Are you going through any changes in your life? If so, what advice do you have for these times of growth?  I would love to hear your thoughts 💛

Until Next Time...


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

I Started a New Job, Won a Prize, Felt a Little Sad

 Happy Tuesday everyone!

I hope your week has taken off in the right direction 💛

Mine is off to a good start. I started my new job yesterday, at the library. It's a lot to learn, but the women are all so nice and the camaraderie is very inspiring. I felt very welcomed and am looking forward to being there for years to come. 

I never realized there was so much to do at the library! But it seems it's a place of many resources for the public, such as tax forms, packets, newspapers, computers, copy machines, passports and then the normal resource...books. 

I had been in the habit of going every other Wednesday or so, to get a fresh stack of books, but there are so many other things that people use the library for. Who knew?

I'm looking forward to going again today and learning more things. It was really hard to walk out last night and not take a stack of books with me! But I have plenty of days to start a stack to take home, so no worries there 😅

In other news...I won this beautiful flower arrangement, which is actually made out of paper! Isn't it beautiful? Carrie, over at Northwoods Scrapbook was having a give-away and I won one of her prizes!

I never win any contest, so this was a fun surprise!

Here is a picture of the package. She included a card set for me to use, as well as a Starbucks card, which I've already taken advantage of.  It was fun getting real mail 😀

Over the weekend David and I visited some of our oldest friends (as in time, not age). It was like a balm to our souls to sit with our friends and be inspired by their faith and have them encourage us as we go through my husband's health issues and job loss. 

It truly reminded me of why we need to share our burdens and testimonies with those around us. God's word says that we go through things so we can comfort those who come behind us...

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,

who comforts us in all our troubles,

so that we can comfort those in any trouble

with the comfort we ourselves

recieve from God."

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 

I've always loved that verse. It's the perfect example of how to use our trials as inspiration for those who will eventually walk through hard times. Everything has a purpose. I like to say that God doesn't waste anything. 

On the homefront...

Not much of anything new except trying to establish a routine this week with my new work schedule. I work 4pm-6pm so I need to have dinner prepared ahead of time. When I got home last night (about 6:05), I was starving! My mom suggested fixing a big lunch (like our dinner meal) and that way we can just heat up leftovers for dinner. That's a great idea! That means I'll have to be very organized and deliberate about how I spend the morning and afternoons before work. 

There was a moment yesterday, as I was standing in the library, that I felt a pain of sadness. I've been home for 32 years and it's been the biggest blessing in my life, to be a stay at home mom and Millie. I wouldn't have traded those years for any amount of money. But as I stood at work yesterday, my heart was aching a bit for the change that time has brought about. Not that I expected to never work again, but the reality hit me, that the season I've been in for so long, has come to an end. 

I heard someone say the other day, that mom-guilt is real and so very strong, and to that I say I agree wholeheartedly! I've always been available for my kids and my grand babies, so just the thought of not being available for something they might need, is hard for me to imagine. However, I know that they are fine and it's just growing pains, but it's real, nonetheless. 

Change is hard. But God is so good. And in his infinite love, he gave me the one job I said I would ever want to do, should I ever have to work outside the home. Thank you Jesus 💝

Well, that's a lot of news for a Tuesday, huh? 😊 I'll sign off now and pick this up later in the week when I have a few more days under my belt. 

I hope you all have a great day! Share your testimonies today and be a blessing to those around you. There is someone who needs to know they can make it through the hard times, because you did. 💛

Until Next Time...


Saturday, February 1, 2025

We Had a Blizzard and I Made Soup Last Night

 Good morning friends!

It's a week after "Snow Week" and though the snow has melted by now, I wanted to share some pictures and thoughts from the strange weather we were having. 

First off, I've learned that I'm not really a cold weather gal, not even the least bit.  When I looked out the window that first snow day, it felt like Christmas had come all over again. I was so excited to see everything covered in snow. It was truly a winter wonderland. 

But, by the second day...I was over it. I found myself wishing for the sunshine and the warmth. As the sun came out and I watched the snow start to melt, I was feeling the familiar comfort of our southern weather coming back and I was opening doors to let the sun rays in. Of course, the thermometer outside still said it was below freezing, but it eventually turned to the 40's and it felt like a summer day, compared to what we just experienced.

I did love seeing pictures of my grandkids playing in the snow. Especially the older girls. They were having so much fun and it was such a blessing to know they finally got snow. The toddlers weren't too sure about it, but it was cute seeing their reactions too. 

I did a lot of cooking before the freeze, so we would have plenty in the fridge in case the power went out. Thankfully it never did and our pipes didn't freeze either. Whew! What an answered prayer!

But something I learned that week is that it's not just important to stock up before the freeze, but buy enough for afterwards too and here's why...the days after are just as crazy at the grocery store. The shelves are still bare, because the trucks haven't been traveling and bringing supplies. So all of the crazy shopping that people did beforehand, has now carried over into the days when I am low on coffee creamer! haha

There's a lot going on in our life right now. My husband is still looking for a job. He's had so many interviews and lots of interest, but the right job hasn't come along yet. In the meantime, the Lord opened a door for me to work down the road at the local library, which I'm very excited about. 

It's the first time I've worked outside the home in over 30 years, with the exception of a few months here and there. But the way the circumstances played out, showed me that the Lord sees us and is working things out for our good. I will be working part time, closing up the library and on Saturday mornings, which actually leaves me having every day at home, until 4:00pm. So it's the best of both worlds - being able to still do all of my homemaking tasks, see my babies, and then I get to work a little each day. 

It's definitely a new season in our life right now and it feels a little shaky. But I trust in knowing that God is taking care of us, as he always has. But change is hard.

On a lighter note...

I made one of my favorite soups last night - Sausage and Tortellini Soup. It's so easy to make and tastes delicious. Here's the recipe:

Sausage and Tortellini Soup

1 lb breakfast sausage
1 block cream cheese
2 cans Italian diced tomatoes
1 32oz container of chicken broth
1 frozen bag of Cheese Tortellini
4 cups fresh spinach

Brown sausage and drain.
Add sausage, cream cheese, tomatoes and chicken broth 
to crockpot and cook on low for 4-6 hours, making
sure to stir often to mix the cream cheese as it melts. 

Add frozen tortellini and spinach
and cook for 30 more minutes.

Serve with biscuits or garlic bread.
It's so delicious! 

I'm hoping to catch up on reading blogs this weekend and get back to writing on my own blog. Sometimes it just feels like too much to share and then at other times, not enough. But it always feels like good therapy when I do it. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until Next Time...

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Training Wheels


Yesterday David and I took the girls to the park to ride bikes. We discovered a great park with plenty of toys to play on, as well as a walking track that circled the entire playground, which was the perfect place to ride our bikes. So down the track we went...Addie on her tiny bike, Emmy on her thrifted bike, David and I on our bikes we bought a few years back and Ella's brand new bike we just bought for her birthday. 

As I rode behind Ella for several trips around the track, I was focused on how fast she was able to ride and attributing it to the training wheels she decided to leave on her new bike. You see, when we bought her new bike, the one that fit her best was one that had training wheels on it. We removed them on the day we brought the bike home, but after testing it out, she decided she preferred the help of the extra wheels and I agreed. 

So, as we rode lap after lap around the walking track, I couldn't help but think about what those training wheels were gifting her at the moment. Instead of constantly feeling unsure, becoming unsteady and falling over, time and again, she was moving on like the rest of us. She never wavered. She rode until her little legs were tired and we all took a rest, but it wasn't because her bike was too much. It was because she was using her muscles and getting the job done - all because of her extra wheels. 

I was so proud of her for not being too embarrased to ride with extra help (she is 8 years old, after all), because it truly was the difference between enjoying our time there or everyone being frustrated and ready to call it a day.

It reminded me of how perfect we all try to be these days. If you've spent five minutes on social media, you have to admit, you've felt the pang of not being able to create beautiful loaves of bread, or get your child to sleep in five easy steps. If you aren't able to organize your pantry in matching containers or whip up a gourmet dinner with a cute apron on, using your own herbs from your perfectly grown garden, then you're not adding up. It's almost too much to take in, anymore. 

My heart breaks for the pressure on young moms who have grown up with the comparison of the world, right in their hands, 24/7. It's too much. I'm 59 and it's too much for me! I can't live up. 

When I was a young mom, my greatest comparison was my circle of friends. But we learned from one another, we weren't always trying to one-up one another. We didn't have to appear on everyone's screen, looking like a model while cooking a three course meal, with a baby strapped to our chest.   

We also didn't have to run a business, be a life coach, have a website, create a course, produce a product, all while birthing our children and chasing toddlers. These days, if you can't do all of that by the end of your 20's, you're already behind. 

What does all of this have to do with training wheels?

As I rode behind Ella that day and watched those training wheels keep her steady and on track, I was so proud of her for using the help that was there. She had no shame. She wasn't trying to be cool or act brave. She just took her bike, equipped with extra wheels and she had the best time. 

We are no longer a society that can admit we don't have it all together. We wouldn't dare admit or show to the world that we need help. We're all too busy proving that we are more than equipped to "have it all" and yet, we are a society that is more mentally unstable than ever. 

Be the girl that admits you need training wheels. Be the girl that lives out the season you're in, and not the one that is constantly trying to prove you've got it all together. Because really...you don't. None of us do. And that's ok. 

Life is so much more fun when you're steady on your feet, propped up by an extra set of wheels (or hands), and not trying to be someone you're not. 

There will be a time to fly (or ride) without the extra help, but until then, use the help you have. Buy the store bought bread. Use the herbs from the store, the pizza when you don't feel like cooking and the ivory soap that costs 95% less than what they're selling you on Instagram. 

Be the girl that's not too cool for training wheels. That's all I'm saying. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

How I've Made My Living

"And then she realized she was replaceable in every area
of her life,
except her home."

(J. Benfield)

I just had my 59th birthday and it's given me some time to reflect on the years past.

Have I given life my all?

Have I contributed enough?

Should I have done more?

Then I look back to the 31 years I've been a homemaker, mom, wife, homeschooling teacher,

accountant, cook, cleaner, driver, wardrobe coordinator, deadline keeper, dog walker,

mother-in-law and now a Millie to all my babies and I see a life 

well lived.

I see a life of sacrifice.

I didn't earn my living in dollars;

I earned my living in love and service to this amazing

life that God has gifted me with. 

And I would do it all again.

I don't know what the future holds or where God will use me

over the next 20 years,

but wherever that may be,

I'll never regret one moment of the ones

I spent taking care of 

house and home.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

The Winter List


Many years ago I wrote an article for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, titled The Winter Blues. In that article I shared the fact that every year, between Christmas and the month of February, I would start to feel the winter blues and how I came up with a plan to combat those feelings, called The Winter List.

Today I'm sharing this little tip with you, in case you have ever felt those wintery blue feelings and need a way to get through the next few months with purpose. 

The Winter List came about the year after we had all suffered through the flu one February. As the next year rolled around and the days got shorter and darker, I started to feel anxious about the inevitable winter.  I knew I needed something to occupy my mind, once the holiday rush was over, and to get me through to spring, when the sun would come out and the darkness would be over. 

So, that Fall I started making a list of projects I wanted to do around the house. I always have a list of projects pending, but this was a special list that I would save for winter. I grabbed a notepad and went from room to room, writing down things that needed to be fixed, decorated, embellished or decluttered, and kept the list divided by rooms. Even if these things could have been accomplished way before then, I saved the work for January and February and started calling it my Winter List.

As the holidays ended and the new year arrived, I would take my list and start working on the projects, day by day. All these years later, I don't even remember what all I accomplished, I just know that for several years, I got through the winter months with my trusty list. I would make a new list every Fall, hold it until after Christmas, and use it to get through the "boring months" as I like to call them. 

It's been a few years since I've written a Winter List, but I would do it again in a heartbeat, if I needed it. 

Maybe you dread the winter months. Maybe you're not a fan of the cold, dark season and you need a plan to make it to spring. Or maybe you just like to work on things while you're stuck inside. Whatever the reason, grab a notepad and start looking around for things that need your attention. Do a little each day, work on the list weekly or maybe just choose a big project for the month. There's no right or wrong way to make a Winter List, so just do it your own way.

Here's an example of some projects on my list this year:

Sell items on eBay

Hang pictures

Paint the paneling in the living room

Write letters to family

Empty the boxes in the garage

Work on family photo project


My list has evolved over the years, since we no longer live in a fixer upper (thank goodness!). But there are still many things I would love to accomplish during the next few months. Putting them down on a specific list helps to establish a timeline in my mind (Jan.-Feb) and will hopefully keep me motivated to keep working, when what my body wants to do is hibernate 😅⛄

I hope this idea will motivate you to make a list and feel free to share it on your blog or here in the comments. I would love to hear what you're working on this winter. 

And, if you want a keepsake notebook to keep your lists in, you can purchase The Winter List by clicking the link or visiting my page The Winter List at the top of this blog. 

Until Next Time...


Monday, December 30, 2024

Looking Forward, Setting Goals, and Growing Through the Failure

 We are a universal people, aren't we? Most of us taking this week to look ahead, make goals, change what didn't work last year and contemplate what might work better going forward. 

We make plans, choose words, vow to do better, lose weight, ditch the bad habits, and a few weeks later we feel like we've already failed.

I gave up making resolutions for many years because I just couldn't trust myself to actually follow through. 

There have also been years when I've laid it all out - new goals, ideas galore, a chosen mantra to live by - and you guessed it...still failed.

But here's a different perspective for those of us who have that drive inside of us and yet, feel a bit timid about trying once again:

Do it anyway.

Doing it and failing isn't really failing if you learn and grow along the way. As long as you can look back and see what you might have done differently, then you're growing! Take that knowledge and go forward and do better next time.

I'll give you an example...

I love budgeting. I love playing with numbers and fitting all the pieces together, like a puzzle. Call me a nerd, but this is fun for me. 

But I'm actually better at the process of budgeting, than the actual carrying out of the budget. Can you relate?

So every month I give it a go. And sometimes I try cash and sometimes I realize that cash flies out of my wallet faster than the credit card does. And sometimes I try details and I fail at that because I'm not a detail kind of person. I'm a black and white - point A to point B kind of person. The shortest route always wins for me. 

But I keep trying. Why? Because every time I try something new, I learn. I learn what works for someone else, might not work for me and that's ok! I learn that simplicity is my friend and details trip me up. I learn that having too many methods is a recipe for disaster for me and others really thrive on them. That's ok too.

The same goes for goals for the new year. 

I love what Mrs. White said in this post, that she wants to be ready to do the work that the Lord puts before her each day, rather than make a bunch of goals (paraphrasing). I love that! And while I have lived like that for many years, this year I am setting some goals for myself. But only a few and only the ones I've prayed over for years and am finally getting up the nerve to try.

And you know what? If I fail at every single one of them, I've still grown in ways that I never would have, had I not tried. 

So here's to giving it a go! Whether you're going to sit this year out and just see what God places before you each day, or whether you're going to finally step up and do something he placed on your heart a long time ago. Either way, as long as you're seeking him and his plans for your life, you really can't go wrong.

Failure isn't trying and failing. Failure is never trying at all and wishing your entire life that you would have tried something. 

My friend, I encourage you to pray and ask the Lord what he wants for you in 2025. Spend some time listening to what he's saying. You don't have to follow the world and all of their crazy goal setting ways. Just see what God has for you or what he's been speaking to you, that you've been saying "no" to.  Be brave and trust that if he has laid something on your heart, he's going to continue doing the work in you.

I believe in you and so does he!

Here's to an amazing new year and many blessings along the way!

Until Next Time...


A Busy Three-Day-Weekend

  Good Tuesday morning, my friends! It's been a busy few days! I was actually off work this weekend, due to President's Day, so it w...