Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sharing a Little Bit and A Few Glimpses of Our New House

 Hello Friends!

Well, I'm back for today 😀 I've enjoyed catching up on your blogs today and that has inspired me to give some updates on what's been happening around here the past few weeks.

We bought a house, just 3 houses down from where we live now. We've been busy with all the financing, inspections, appraisals and all it takes to purchase a home and I have to say, it's not my favorite thing to do. I'm glad that part is over!

Since we closed on the house, we've had a few rooms painted and then had it professionally cleaned; both absolutely worth paying for!

I'll give you a glimpse of the difference a little paint can make...

After painting...

Before painting...

This has all taken place in the last week, which meant having to wait before we could start moving anything. 

After the painting was done, I hired a team of cleaners to come in and clean every surface - cabinets (inside and out), floors, doors, baseboards, fans, lights, bathrooms and all appliances. It was worth every penny!

The couple who lived there had been there for their entire marriage. The house was very well built and updated with quality features. But being that they were elderly, there was a lot of years of cleaning that needed to be done and I could have never done as good of a job as the team of young ladies that came in.

When I walked in yesterday, after the cleaning, it smelled and looked so fresh and clean and it made me so happy. 

Now the real work can begin! 

Yesterday I packed my car full of boxes and waited for David to get home from work. We drove down the road and unloaded the boxes into the house and that's what I'll be working on this morning. I will unpack those boxes, put everything in it's place and take the boxes back home to load them up again. I purposely scheduled the movers for two weeks out, so that we could take all the little things, put them away and leave only the furniture for the movers. This is how I've worked the last few moves we've made over the years and it really does make the process so much more doable. The thought of moving all at once and having a house full of boxes just seems like chaos to me. I would much rather take my time and not live amongst boxes. 


Since we bought this house, I've been a little concerned about decorating it, which seems so trivial in the big picture of life. We've lived in this little "cottage" for 4 years now and cottage style comes very naturally to me. Our new house is definitely not a cottage, although it is tucked nicely into the trees. I think I will have to step away from some cottage-style curtains and a few other things that just wouldn't look right, but hopefully all of my colorful decor will be ok there. On the other hand, each house tends to bring on a style of its own, so maybe this one will too. 


In other news, we celebrated our first granddaughter's 9th birthday and had a few parties over the past few weeks. We have another coming up next week (my DIL Alex is turning 31). Family dinner has been put on hold for now, just until we get moved in. Dinner right now consists of take-out and me trying to use up the food we have on hand, so we don't have to move it. 

All in all, everything has gone so smoothly. The Lord has absolutely been in this decision and that truly makes these big circumstances seem doable. 

Well, I'm glad I felt inspired to share my life a little this morning. 

I've enjoyed catching up on yours too 💛

Until Next Time...



  1. That paint makes such a difference!
    My Dad passed away last year and had lived in the same house since my parents built it 50 years ago. It was pretty clean in the main areas, but rooms in the basement that were never used anymore needed some work. We hired professional cleaners to do the whole house before it was sold and it was so worth it!

  2. Congratulations on your new home! What you've already done (the painting) makes a wonderful difference. I am very happy for you and look forward to more pictures as you move in, unpack, and settle!

  3. Congrats on the move Sweetie! It looks so pretty! Yes, that paint job did wonders and I can just feel the cozy about it already. I think decorating should be whatever makes you happy and brings joy - the rest just falls into place. Welcome home! I hope the rest of the work goes smoothly and quickly. Blessings over your new home and all of you, always. 🙏🏻❌⭕️

  4. Hello! Welcome back!!! Congratulations on your new home! I absolutely love the space you have shared, and the paint really brightened it up! As for the decorating, I am of the opinion that we can do what we like. However you choose to fill your home will be perfect, because it will be you. Prayers for a successful, stress-free move!

  5. Lovely!!! Congrats on the new place. Heck girl, decorate the way you want and with what you love - make it yours. Cool it is so close, sure makes moving a bit easier!

  6. I think the way you move is brilliant! I'm tucking that away for my future self. I can't wait to see more of your new home, but I agree about the professional cleaners/painters being so helpful. I am excited for you in this next phase of life!

  7. It looks beautiful and spacious! I am so happy for you!

  8. Well hello friend....and congratulations on your new house! How very exciting....you have already made such nice changes and are making it your own. I think it is nice that you bought a house that was a home well loved! Think of all the memories to made as you make it your home! Will you be selling your cozy cottage?? And I will say it is wonderful that the Lord has been in the move:)


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