Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Catching Up and Lots of Family Time

Good Tuesday Morning, Friends!

Last week David was off for a few days and we spent those days moving the rest of his mom's belongings out of her apartment and into our storage building. On Thursday David and I did get away for a bit, about an hour or so down the road, to a town called Kemah. We indulged ourselves in a full lunch, complete with an appetizer, salad, main dish and dessert, just so we could sit and enjoy being away for a few hours. It was really nice. 

After that, it was back to work, moving, visiting with his mom, keeping Asa while Collin helped David move things and doing all the normal daily things around the house.

Saturday Collin, Morgan and Asa came back over to hang out. I mean, when your DIL calls and says they want to come hang out, you never say no to that! It's always fun conversation and built-in entertainment with Asa running around. 

Sunday they came back over for lunch and we had a lazy day drinking coffee, talking and just enjoying a  day at home.  I made chicken fried steak, rice and gravy and green beans. It was so yummy!

I snapped these silly pictures of Morgan and Collin. They are the mini-version of David and I, which makes us laugh all the time. 

I love getting to hang out with my big kids! I don't take it for granted, ever. 

In the meantime, our other kids are currently in Scotland. They spent last week in London and then moved on to Scotland. They are having such a great time. 

In this picture they are standing in front of Abbey Road Studios, the famous music studio where the Beatles and many other famous musicians recorded music. This was a dream for Ted to go to Abbey Road because he actually partners with them in his own business. He has been working with them for a few years now, but on this trip he actually got to meet the man he works with and the whole family was able to take a tour of the historic building, which is not open to the public. What a dream for Ted to be able to do that and have his family along too. 

They will be coming home at the end of this week and boy, have we missed them!

As for the new house news...we were waiting on the appraisal, hoping it would be favorable and it came back yesterday and it was great! We are so excited! I will continue to update you on that, as it moves forward.

Today Morgan and I are having a girl's day out and I expect a pedicure, some lunch and who knows what else is on the schedule. I'm looking forward to a fun day. 

For the rest of the week, I think I'll start packing a few things in boxes. I'm getting excited! Moving is a pain, but the setting up of a new house is always enjoyable. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week and hopefully I'll be back soon!

Until Next Time...


  1. What a wonderful week - family! Such a cutey baby.
    Happy for you on the house front. Have another wonderful week.

  2. You had a great week - time with kids, time with your grandson, a good appraisal and that lunch with David. What a special trip for Ted and family!

  3. Congrats on the house news! Yes, moving is a lot of work, but once you're to the stage of unpacking in the new place, it gets better very quickly.

  4. Looks like you got some treasured time with family - always a wonderful thing. 💗 And you're such wonderful kids honoring your MIL's home and helping with all of that. I hope all goes well with the rest of the house stuff.
    And what an adventure your other Crew is on in Scotland! Sounds like dream. :) I hope to get there one day - it's supposed to be so beautiful.
    Blessings on the rest of your week. xoxo

  5. What a sweet week you have been enjoying! Getting work done but lots of "lazing over coffee" visits too!! I have to say - again - I am jealous of your family traveling the UK. What a dream!! I know you will be excited when everyone is back in their proper place though:) I responded (on my blog comments) with a question regarding pictures. You always have such wonderful photos. Do you take them all on your phone? I would love to be able to do that....take lovely photos on my phone. Or just take lovely photos:)

  6. I loved reading of the family time you spent with your kids this week! These are the times that make me sad for what lies ahead, knowing that Todd and I won't be together to share in the joys of growing older and watching our grandkids. I tried telling him this at one point before I found out the whole truth, but even that fell on deaf ears. I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer here today, but I thought I'd speak from my heart. You're so very fortunate to be able to have these joys in your life! I can say the same, and I know that will continue, no matter if my future looks different than what I'd hoped. I know you love seeing pictures from your kids' trip to England/Scotland! I'm excited to hear more about your house. I hope your week has been good so far!


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