Friday, August 9, 2024

Never Tell God You're Bored!

 Happy Friday, Friends!

I hope you've had a nice, cool week (wishful thinking here in Texas). The skies have been gorgeous lately, but the heat is unbearable. 

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind, to say the least. We've had David's mom in and out of the hospital twice and now she's in a rehab facility to hopefully improve her health and physical strength.

We've been faced with some life-changing decisions this week; ones that have changed the direction of our very near future.

Because of a multitude of reasons, it looks like David's mom will be coming to live with us, once she's released from rehab. She really can't live alone anymore (she's 83) and she doesn't have the money to go to an assisted living, so it's up to her family to take care of her. Needless to say, this will change our day-to-day living, for sure.

The Lord has brought some things to light this week, that have turned into David and I needing to make some decisions about buying a bigger house. I think we've both been feeling this for a few months now, but sometimes life pushes you off the edge you've been teetering on

Over the past few months, we've realized that this house is not working for our long-term future. We are about to have 7 grandkids, 4 big kids, two elderly moms still living and the tiniest house we've ever had. I remember writing about this house a few months back and saying that we would just have to make it work, but that's about when things started to shift.

Sometimes in life you can feel the Lord bringing about a shift in your life and you basically just have to hang on for the ride. Well, that's what's been happening around here and now we know why.  We have also grown very uncomfortable having the lake in the back yard and 7 little babies to protect when they're here. This just isn't the place to do that. 

So, in the near future, we will probably be moving and gaining a house guest for the long haul. But that's ok. Sometimes the situations that seem the hardest, turn out to be great blessings. I just have to trust in the Lord's love for me and my family and call on him daily for the grace and strength to handle whatever comes about. 

As for today...

I'm going to take the day to recharge myself. No hospital visit, no rehab visit. Just me and my house, cleaning, organizing, making lists of things that need to be done in the coming weeks and hopefully sitting down now and then to a cup of coffee and a good book. It's what's needed today.

One little blessing I'll share before I go...

Since having to make this decision about my MIL living with us, we've discovered so many of our friends who have had to do the same thing, at different times. It comforts us to know we have people that have already walked where we are about to walk. Thank you, Lord 💚

"He always comes alongside us

to comfort us in every suffering so that

we can come alongside those 

who are in any painful trial.

We can bring them this same comfort

that God has poured out upon us."

2 Corinthians 1:4


Thanks for hanging out with me for a few minutes today 💛 I'll see you soon.

Until Next Time...



  1. Those are some big changes and I know it won't always be easy, but I also know God will bless you and direct you through these things.

  2. Big decisions. That is the one sure thing about life - it changes all the time. Hope you find what you need and in a good price range. God will show you the way.

  3. I love that you will have your mother-in-law living with you! That is wonderful! What a blessing and a help to her that will be. Your thoughts on getting a bigger house makes so much sense. I am looking forward to reading more as you go along. God bless you!

  4. I completely understand what you are going through. A few years ago, my husband, son, and I moved in with my parents to take care of them. It's a hard decision to make because it changes your entire life, however I cannot stress enough what a wonderful experience it's been that I do not regret, even for a second. Your mother-in-law is so lucky to have you! It makes sense about the house. Look at it as a new adventure and another chapter of life. Have a nice weekend Debbie! I hope you got some rest and enjoyed some alone time today! :)

  5. Oh, my friend. I have so many things to say, first of which is wonderful your attitude is at facing a big change. I love what you said about how sometimes our greatest blessings are amidst the hardest of times. I am living that now myself and I wholeheartedly agree. I will be praying for you and David in this time, asking the Lord for wisdom and insight as He guides you every step of the way. I'm excited to hear more about this in the days to come! Keep us posted! In the meantime, I hope you have a nice weekend, with the perfect balance of rest and productivity. Much love! xoxo

  6. You are an inspiration...I am the (legally/my husband's family refused, and the court hinted at worse, so I stepped up) POA, financially responsible etc. for my mother-in-law hasn't been easy, and I have been able to keep her in her home, but's just one wants to make hard decisions, but they are going to have to be made. Sadly, a lot of people are going through the same or similar. Keeping in prayer, please keep us updated when you can.

  7. Wow! So many bit changes taking place all at once... but, I guess that's what happens in life, isn't it? You have such a wonderful perspective and I have no doubt that your faith, your love of family and your resilience will see you through! We've been there with both sets of parents and while it's a challenging season of life, I wouldn't have changed a whole lot... I only wish we'd had more time together! I'll be holding you, your family and especially your MIL in my prayers!


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