Monday, August 12, 2024

A Surprise Visit and a Much Needed Hug

Happy Monday my friends!
You know I love Mondays 😀 Here's hoping this one won't let me down.

My fancy lunch on Sunday

David and I spent Sunday packing up his mom's apartment.  We will make room in our storage building until we get the new house. It seems we have also found a home for her cat, which is an answered prayer. 

Today I have items to complete on the list of things to do when buying a house. Why is buying a house so nerve wracking? So much to do, think about, pray about and then you still have to pack and move. It's kind of like having a's tough, but the end result makes it all worth it.

 Millie and Asa Miller 

After getting back from the apartment, we got a nice surprise text from Morgan, saying they wanted to come over. When you haven't seen your kids in two weeks, who cares if the house is clean or your hair is not fixed? This hug says it all. 

These visits are the best! No agenda, no planned dinner, nothing but family just missing one another and grabbing leftovers out of the fridge, throwing some bacon in the microwave for sandwiches, pulling snacks out of the pantry to munch on while you talk.

Morgan and I threw together some oatmeal protein balls for her to take home. We mixed oats, chocolate chips, honey, maple syrup, and peanut butter together and though I didn't intend for her to have to roll them all, I might have gotten distracted by the cute 2 year old running around. I had to get in all the hugs I could. 

Collin and I talked for at least an hour on all of his research he's been doing on some theology topics. I love having conversations with my grown kids. He has always been my kid who will research deep topics and I love that about him. 

While Morgan, Collin and I sat at the table, David and Asa were building things and destroying things with Magnetiles in the living room. That's right up PawPaw's alley! And Asa's too 😀

They headed out about 8:00 p.m. and it was such a needed visit. We will see all the rest of the kids and babies on Tuesday for family dinner. I can't wait!

If you think about me today, pray that I can find good insurance for the new house. I only have this week to secure the insurance, to make sure the monthly note is still affordable. I greatly appreciate all the prayers!

I will keep you all updated on the progress as the weeks go by.

Thanks for checking in!

Until Next Time...


  1. Hello, my sweet friend. I will indeed pray for all your intentions. Love your pictures today. Hugs!

  2. Boy oh boy, that is so much to go through at once. Prayers sweety that all things work out well.

  3. So glad you got in those hugs! And you are still rockin those headbands!! Good for you...and your fancy lunch looks right up my alley!!:)

  4. Hello my Lovely! Oh that hug is precious. I pray for grandkids one day already so i can stock up on hugs like that one day. 😉 Prayers sent about all the house stuff. 🙏🏻 Enjoy your dinner tonight!! xoxo


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