Thursday, July 18, 2024

Two New Mugs and Some TV Talk

 Hello everyone!

I hope you've had a great week so far. It's Thursday, just before 7:00 a.m. and it's currently thundering outside. We have a big line of rain heading our way. It feels like the perfect day to be inside with a good stack of books. However, it's also Millie Day and my day will be occupied with 3 little girls in a few hours, so no resting for me! 😅

I've had somewhat of a slow week. We didn't have family dinner Tuesday. We've decided to all meet up for lunch on Saturday instead. That means that I had some extra downtime at the beginning of the week. 

I've stayed busy making bread, doing a grocery pick up, going to the library, cooking and working on the budget for the rest of this month and prepping for next month. 

I've caught myself moving a few things on my To-Do list to the next day and the next and the next. Do you ever do this? Why are some things just too easy to put off? I figure I will get to them when I'm in the mood, one day. 

I did manage to buy myself two new mugs 😀 I love them. They are gorgeous! They are from my daughter-in-law's shop and you can find them HERE. They have some beautiful floral mugs, plus several vintage designs. Of course I had to choose a cottage and books. I mean, what else would I have chosen?

Lately I've been in "budget" mode, watching videos on budgeting and personal finance. I've always been a budget nerd, as they say, and I love figuring out new ways to make the budget work. To me, it's like a puzzle and it's fun to discover new ways to make all the pieces fit just right. 

David and I have also been watching America's Got Talent and we're actually enjoying it! It's a nice change from our usual British crime shows. Our question will these people who do outrageous acts, do even more the next time? And then some of the acts are so lame, you get embarrassed for them. But it's all in good fun and entertainment. Of course, the singing acts are my favorite. 

I'm also watching one of my favorite shows, Claim to Fame, which I've mentioned here before. I love that show and have enjoyed trying to guess who is related to whom. The premise of the show is this: all of the contestants are related to someone famous. The point of the competition is to figure out who each of their famous relatives are. There are games and clues along the way and at the end of each episode, someone goes home. It's hosted by two of the Jonas brothers and it's lighthearted and just a fun show to watch. 

Then, of course, I'm watching The Bachelorette's new season. I've been watching this show for 25 years, with the exception of a few seasons. 

It sounds like I watch a lot of tv, but I only watch it during lunch and at night, so it's not as bad as it seems.😅 

What are your go-to shows right now? I would love to hear about it in the comments!

Well, I'm off to get prepared for my little visitors. I hope to be back soon!

Until Next Time...



  1. Ohhhhh I love the mugs, books and cottages, my favorites. I also shared a new mug today hahahah Great minds!

  2. I love the mugs! Books and cottages are the best.
    We love British Crime shows too and have streamed through a bunch of them. Right now we are watching Endevour - really good!
    I love America's got Talent and like you, my favorite is the singing talent. I also enjoyed Claim to Fame. I've just checked and it looks like there's a new season out, so I'll have to look for it!

    1. Mari, Endeavor was amazing! We watched that one first and then found Morse, which is so good, as well. I think you'll enjoy Claim to Fame!

  3. Thank you for the link to your daughter in law's shop! I am heading there as soon as I hit Publish here! They are so beautiful! Never apologize for television time. Time together with your man or family is together time. And I think, something families are sorely lacking today! I am with you watching Bachelorette! So far, we are liking it. And then Big Brother!!! If you haven't tried it yet, give it a try. It is like a cozy summer staple! Well, I need to shop for some mugs! Have a cozy, stormy day!

    1. I'm back! I love the mugs!!! Did some Christmas shopping!

    2. Billie Jo, thank you so much for visiting the etsy shop! She will be so thrilled! I've never really tried Big Brother, but I think I will. I'm always looking for a good show to watch with my afternoon coffee :)

  4. I love those mugs!! Am anxious to take a look around the shop. One more way that I can put off some things and move them to tomorrow's to-do list - ha! You are not the only one!! Enjoy your afternoon with those cute girlies!! And, please, send some of the rain our way!!

    1. Jennifer, thanks for checking out the shop! We are going to have plenty of rain this week! I'll try to blow some your way :) hahaha

  5. I really like those mugs. Never have gotten into the talent shows at all. Nor have I ever seen a bachelor or bachelorette show. I do watch crime shows.
    Have fun with the girls!

    1. Cheryl, I've always been a variety show/talent show kind of girl. I used to watch all of the old ones when I was growing up.

  6. What a lovely week you've had! Thank you again for reaching out to me on IG today; I greatly appreciate your prayers and encouragement. Sometimes easier weeks are nice, aren't they? I know you'll enjoy having family dinner on Saturday, and I hope the rain cooled things off for y'all. It happened here for us, too; we've been enjoying the cooler temps these last couple of days, and it's been glorious!

    1. Jennifer, I'm praying for you daily :) And yes, the rain tends to cool things off, sometimes. We are living in the rain forest down here :) humidity levels are through the roof, most days.

  7. I don't watch much tv during the week, and now since I have watched all 24 seasons of Midsomer Murder on the weekends, I have to find a new show, lol. Have a beautiful weekend, my friend.

    1. Midsomer Murder was one of our favorites! We loved Shetland, Broadchurch, Morse, Endeavor, Inspector Lewis, Grantchester and Doc Martin.

  8. Hello dear Friend! You are such a kindred spirit. I totally move my to-do list around ALL THE TIME! Lol And the mugs are so beautiful!! We watch AGT too and I'm a Bachelorette gal too. I watched for lots of years...took a break...and now watching again. Marcus grew up in my neck of the woods and I really like him so far!
    Blessings xoxo

    1. Carrie, Marcus is the only one I like this season! He seems real. Which means he probably won't last long :) hahaha. You know how it is on that show!

  9. I too am a bit of a budget nerd! I have a complex spreadsheet but am always on the look out for good suggestions! The mugs are so pretty. Which are your favourite British crime shows? I was always a Morse fan and then the Lewis spin off. We also watched Line of Duty, but that was more about internal police investigations than external crime fighting.

    1. Sarah, we loved Morse, Endeavor, Father Brown, Shetland, Grantchester, Inspector Lewis, Broadchurch, Doc Martin, Vera and probably others I've forgotten. Midsomer Murder, Death in Paradise...We are watching the Last Detective right now. We try to stick to the cleaner ones.

  10. Moving items on the To Do List to the next day, and then the next.... Yes, I do that, too. What happens is that eventually the To Do really doesn't matter enough to keep it on the list, or it absolutely has to be done NOW, in which case, it gets my attention.

    As for TV, we watch the news, a lot of westerns, and on Friday Night Date Night, my husband agrees to some sort of a chick flick because he loves me. We did go to the movies last week to see "Fly Me To The Moon," which we both enjoyed.


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