Monday, July 15, 2024

Things You Might Not Know (about me)

 Good Monday Morning Friends!

There's so much to say about the weekend news, but I'll leave that for later in the week. Today I'm linking up with Sandra (HERE) for a post about old fashioned blogging. I hope you enjoy getting to know me a bit in this post. 

1) How long have I been blogging and why did I start this blog?

I started blogging back in 2008, on my blog called A Million Skies. As a young homeschooling mom, I wanted to connect with other moms at home with their kids, so we could compare notes and share ideas. It was a great community back then and I am still friends with several of those ladies today. We've watched each other's kids grow and become parents themselves. What a blessing that's been! 

I quit blogging for a while, when blogs became all about making money. I just didn't want to play the game. I lost my mind one day and deleted the entire blog, which I still regret, in some ways. 

But a few years ago I was longing for another community, that wasn't social media, so I started my current blog and have, once again, met some of the best ladies, who are also just wanting to share their lives through blogging and it's been such a blessing. 

2) How did I choose the name of my blog?

Millie's Cozy Cottage comes from the name my grand babies call me...Millie. We live in a small cottage and my goal is to make it cozy, colorful and very homey, so that's how the name came about. 

3) What is my blog about?

My blog is mostly about my family, some daily routines, books, and many thoughts on various topics. I love to write deeper pieces, but I try to keep it to a minimum here on the blog. As a writer of my feelings, I can tend to want to share my thoughts and feelings about things, but I try to save that for my journal and my books, unless it's something I think would benefit others. 

4) Tell us a little about yourself and your family.

I am a Texas girl, about to turn 59! I've been married for 35 years to my husband David. We met in Hurricane Gilbert, down in Corpus Christi (1988) and we've been together since then. We have 2 boys, Ted (31) and Collin (25) and we think they are amazing, of course. They are both married to beautiful young ladies, who we love like they're our own (Alex and Morgan), and they have given us 5 grandchildren with two more coming this winter! We are blessed. 

Thankfully, we all live in the same area and we have Family Dinner once a week, Millie Day with the granddaughters on Thursdays and I try to keep Asa when he's free 😀 Calem and I are still forging our relationship, so one day he'll come for a visit, I'm sure (he's not even 2 yet). 

5) A few of my favorite things (collections, things that make me happy, etc.).

My biggest collection would have to be books. I love collecting books about homemaking, personal finance, cozy living and heartfelt essays. My favorite authors that I have multiple books from are: Fiona Ferris, Sharon White (Mrs. White), Jennifer L. Scott, Ruth Harms Calkin and Marjorie Holmes. 

Around the house, I collect magazines, decorative birds, candles and lots of stickers for my journaling. 

6) What do you like to do in your spare time (hobbies, crafts, etc..)?

I love to read, write, create things with paper, journals, stickers, watch tv, organize, rearrange furniture 😅 I also love crosswords and other "figure it out" type games I can play while watching tv. 

7) What does your dream house look like? (Describe and/or include photo)

My dream home is an old Craftsman style house with a front porch. It would be on a tree lined street, with other Craftsman style homes, in a little town where people walked every evening, neighbors stopped to talk and kids could still play outside like kids. 

8) If you could visit anywhere, anytime, where would it be and why?

I would love to go to England and walk through an old English village, visit the church, the pub, walk along the canal. 

9) Would you share with us a favorite homemaking/organizing tip or recipe, etc..?

Well, I believe in tweaking a room until it feels good, every single time you walk through. Eventually you will get it right. But it's important to love your home, so keep working on each room until you are happy every time you are in that room. 

I also believe that it's important to have a place in a corner (or an entire room, porch, etc.) where you can call it your own. It needs to have a cozy chair, basket of books or craft, cozy blanket or throw and a little table to set your coffee on. Even in the smallest house, a woman can create a cozy spot where she can relax and just breathe. 

10) Tell us something about yourself that we might not already know from reading your blog. (something unusual, etc..)

I was in the Miss Teen of Texas Pageant in 1984. It was 3 days of prep and I competed in formal gowns, interviews, and poise. Of course I didn't win, but it was an honor to compete and fun to do something out of the ordinary. 

11) Tell us a way God has blessed you and/or your family.

Well, God has taken such good care of us all of these years, but I have to marvel at how he pursued me when I was 22 years old and as lost as could be. He began to call me out of a lifestyle and change my desires, before I even knew him. That led to me going to church with my stepmother and sisters, hearing about Jesus and laying down one night and giving my life to him.

From that moment on, the events were all divine timing, because one month after I gave my life to him, I met David and my life has only gotten better since then. 

He continues to provide for us and our family. He is our comforter, friend, guide and our father. We would never make it through this crazy ride, if not for God. 

12) Share any words of wisdom and/or a favorite quote you'd like to leave with us.

Worship the Giver, not the gifts. Worship the Creator, not the created. 

When we look so much for the gifts (even the gifting), we take our eyes off the Giver. When we focus so much on what's been created, we often forget the Creator. We are here for him. Everything we do and how we live should be about him. 

Well, this was fun! I hope you've enjoyed learning something new about me in this post. Thanks to Sandra for inviting us all to participate.

Until Next Time...



  1. I love your testimony of God's redemption of your life!
    I've also been blogging since 2008. It's a diary of sorts that I can look back at to see when something may have happened.
    You have a beautiful family and are so blessed!

    1. Thank you Mari :) We started blogging at the same time :) That seems like forever ago!

  2. I never tire of reading testimonies and seeing how God has worked in our lives. Thank you for sharing yours. And thank you for joining in, I love your blog even if I don't comment often, I'm hoping to change that.
    Thank you for joining in and allowing us to know you a little better ♥

    1. Sandra, thank you for hosting this fun link-up and for still being invested in blogging :) I love your blog too!

  3. Absolutely loved this post Millie! We are definitely kindred spirits as I love books, paper crafting, family time and I DREAM of having grandkids one day and a family meal together once a week! I also love craftsman style homes (lots of them up here in the northwoods of WI/MN) and my kids grew up on a tree lined street riding their bikes, trick-or-treating with neighbors in the Autumn, playing outside) Blessed we've always had a sense of neighborhood.
    And I LOVE your testimony and agree without Him nothing else really works. That pic of you is gorgeous hot Momma - I'm surprised you didn't win!
    Blessings. xo

  4. Hi Millie I really enjoyed reading your post. Your family photo is just beautiful. I too deleted an old blog and then regretted it. Your dream house is very pretty, I do love the American style porches (although we'd call them verandas in the UK and would be more likely to have them in the back garden, a porch is a much smaller enclosed extended entrance with a door) it would be nice to sit and watch the world go by.

    1. Hi Sarah :) On my current house I have a back porch instead. I'm so glad you stopped by the blog to visit! I'll do the same and come visit you :)

  5. Thank you Cheryl :) I'm blessed to have all of them.

  6. It was so fun to learn more about you, your reasons for blogging and what brought you to today. God, family, friendships, dreams and things that make our life fun and worthwhile is what its all about and you seem to have all those things in abundance! Thanks for sharing!


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