Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A Clean House and A Grateful Heart

Happy Wednesday, Friends!

I'm having trouble believing it's already Wednesday. The week is halfway over. We started our week with Hurricane Beryl, which brought lots of heavy rain and some winds, but thankfully we didn't get the worst of it, like the Houston/Galveston area. David worked from home that day (Monday), so it threw me off for a day. 

But, here we are!

 I spent yesterday preparing for Family Dinner, which happens on Tuesdays. 

It always feels good to clean the house and put everything in it's place. It's such a satisfying feeling.

As I was cleaning yesterday, I was thinking about the "rules" of housekeeping and wondering how often everyone else cleans those random things, such as baseboards, ceiling fans, windows, etc.

Have you ever wondered that?

You can find all kinds of suggested schedules for cleaning, but they wear me out just reading them!

When I have questions like that, I actually prefer going back to the 50's wives and reading about their methods. Which reminds me that there are some fun posts on YouTube that show women of today trying to keep up a 50's wife's schedule. It seems like a lot of work! But I like the simplicity of that era. 

Today there are too many methods, suggestions, courses, etc. and it takes something simple and makes it way too complicated for me.

Anyway...back to family dinner...

We usually order tacos from a local restaurant. It's delicious and everyone likes it, so it has become our favorite way for that particular night. But for dessert last night, I cut up some frozen pound cake, strawberries, blueberries, mini chocolate chips and whipped cream. Everyone loved it and the kids had fun making their own creations with the chips and cake. At one point, Addie (she's 5) just requested whipped cream and chocolate chips on her plate. 😀

Sometimes, for a late night snack, I will just have strawberries with whipped cream, sprinkled with chocolate chips. It's light and yummy.

Today I have a list of to-do's, plus some toy organizing to get done. I haven't really felt like working on any specific projects lately, such as the never-ending photo albums I'm trying to put together.

Is it the heat? Maybe so. I've just felt kind of lazy all summer. I guess this isn't my most productive season. 
I have a feeling my energy will kick in, as soon as I feel that first autumn breeze blow in. It could be a while. 😅

I've enjoyed catching up on most of the blogs today. I hope to write more this week. In the meantime, here are some cute pictures from the 4th of July.

Emmy was brave enough for the sparklers.
Calem and Ted on the side here.

Calem going for a drive.

Calem (and me) enjoying the watermelon that Morgan brought. 
Isn't it cute? She put popsicle sticks in each piece, which was such a great idea. 

Here's Emmy enjoying the evening.
Look at her shoes and cute dress.
Now, look at the next picture...

Addie, who insisted on dressing up fancy and wearing heels 😅

Don't you just love this age?
All the dressing up and costume changes
are so adorable.

This was our first time to have a "kid's table" and
Asa was determined to sit there with his favorite girls.

I just love this picture that Alex got. David (the grandfather), 
Ted (our oldest) and Calem (the youngest baby). 

Just looking at these pictures makes me so thankful
for all that God has done in my life.

I'm truly so blessed to be able to have this little family.

Well, enough for today.
I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday and I will be back soon!

Until Next Time...


  1. Your home looks lovely and your family is just precious.
    Home is sure a place to be.

  2. Such a cheery post with good people (LOVE the dress-up!!!), a pretty & homey house, and good food! Thanks for sharing your fun with us!

  3. You had a wonderful time with your sweet family! I love that last photo too.
    I loved the little girls dress up, and your idea of pound cakes, fruit, whipped cream.
    I have a standing joke with some friends about how all of us work like crazy to get our houses really clean when people are coming over - and that's when the baseboards get done!

  4. Looks like some wonderful memories made over the 4th. You have such a beautiful family. Blessings for sure! And your home looks so lovely and homey and I'm now craving pound cake and fruit. Guess what's getting added to the grocery list. Lol Blessings always. xoxo

  5. Looks like so much fun! I, also, prefer to do things the old fashioned way but add in a few modern air conditioning! LoL It's been entirely too hot and I get that summer lazy feeling as well. Have a blessed weekend!

    Grace & Peace,

  6. Your home looks so cosy and it looks like you had some fun on 4th July. It is so nice to clean and organise the home, it's a good feeling.

  7. Your post made me smile for so many reasons! Family is everything! And now I'm craving strawberries with whipped topping and chocolate chips! YUM!


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