Tuesday, July 23, 2024

This Week and A Cute Video

Hello everyone! 

It's Tuesday and I'm finally sitting down for another post. I haven't been taking many pictures lately, so that affects my writing, for some reason. I need to get better about taking pictures throughout the day, but sometimes things just seem so uninteresting that I don't bother taking pictures. However, I did snap these yesterday as I was working in the kitchen.

Gingersnaps in a jar. I just about love the look of anything in a jar, don't you? There's something old fashioned about putting things in jars, in my opinion, and I love old fashioned ways. 

I also got a shot of the brownies I made for family dinner coming up (tonight). After they cooled, I cut them into squares and put them on my cake plate and as I was doing that, I was thinking about how the girls walk into family dinner every week and spot the dessert right away. It's amazing how little girls (namely a 5 year old) can get so "full" while eating her dinner, but have plenty of room for dessert 😉

I also made a pot of spaghetti sauce yesterday, in preparation for the lasagna I'll be fixing for dinner tonight. I try to do as much as possible on Monday, in preparation for Tuesday night dinner, so that I'm not exhausted by the time the kids get here. 

This morning I have a grocery pick up and this afternoon I will put two lasagnas together, prepare the garlic bread and side dish, vacuum, wipe down both bathrooms, set the table and then hopefully get some reading done while cooking dinner. 

I got 4 books from the library last week and have read one and started on another. I got side tracked reading 2 ebooks on my tablet, so that slowed me down a bit. 

These are the books that sidetracked me. They are two in a series of short stories and I really enjoyed them. The third one isn't due out until February, so I will be waiting a while to read it. They were good and short, but still found a way to endear you to the characters quickly. I'm looking forward to the third book.

I will admit, I had time to read yesterday while cooking, but I had clothes to fold, so I indulged myself in some tv time while the sauce was cooking on the stove and the laundry was going. I started watching America's Sweethearts on Netflix. It's the show about the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and the process of the organization and all they go through to be on the team. 

David and I had recently watched the documentary on the Miss America Pageant organization and it was really eye opening, as to what these women endure just to be in the pageants. So I thought this would be similar and it is. The thing that surprised me the most (so far), was the veteran cheerleaders having to try out every year, no matter how long they've been on the team. Most of these women have full time jobs, in addition to being at practice every night for hours and hours. What a grueling schedule! Of course they showed the history of the organization and in the 70's, when they first started the team, the girls only got paid $15 per game! I found that so surprising, considering the enormity of the salaries of the NFL and how much money the football team brings in. But enough about that!

Last Thursday, when the girls were here, we kept seeing this butterfly in the driveway. When we went outside to check it out, it didn't fly away, like they usually do. It kept flying around us and got so close to us, like it was playing with us. I got out my phone and tried to capture it all, because the girls were having such a good time with it.
Here's Ella trying to get close to it.


Well, I hope you enjoyed this little recap of my life lately. I'm off to start my day. I'll remember to take more pictures this week and hopefully be back with another post or two. 

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon!

Until Next Time...


  1. Yes, putting things in jars adds charm!
    The books sound like a series I would like/
    I like the butterfly video.
    Have a good day with the kids.

  2. My goodness, those jars with cookies look so lovely! What a wonderful idea!! I have never thought to do that! Your dinner sounds amazing, my friend. And we watched the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Show too! We used to watch the old series every year. I will have to check into the Miss America one. Thanks for the tip. Have a wonderful family dinner tonight!

  3. You are right, just about anything in a mason jar looks inviting, and homey. Good idea!

  4. I love things in jars too. Momma had a big clear cookie jar at home - and it was always exciting to see cookies in it - even as adults.
    Sweet video!


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