Friday, June 21, 2024

Sharing My Favorite Authors and a Recap of Millie Day

Happy Friday everyone!

How has your week been? Slow? Fast? Busy? Relaxing? Maybe all of the things? Regardless of how it's been, I hope it's been a good one 😁

This week, as I was sitting down to read my Bible in the mornings, I put aside my current devotional book and reached for some old favorites. These books have been with me for many, many years and they're like faithful friends. Sometimes I set them on a shelf for a while and go with newer books, but I always come back around to this stack, when I need some sweet fellowship with kindred spirits. 


Ruth Harms Calkin, Marjorie Holmes and Margaret Jensen are old school writers. Honestly, I don't even know if they are still around, but they will forever be my favorites. 

They write essay style, which is similar to my own books. We tell short stories, built on emotion. When I was first introduced to these ladies, I think that's why I was so drawn to them, because I recognized my own stories in theirs. 

For many years I've turned to their writings for relational stories about family and faith. They aren't afraid to question what the Lord is doing in their life. They often talk about their struggles and then share what they felt the Lord was saying back to them. 

If you've ever just wanted to talk to Jesus like he was your best friend sitting in the room with you, you would enjoy these short stories. Basically they are sharing their conversations with Jesus and it's very relatable, as they were moms, daughters, wives, who lived through all the trials that are common to many of us. 

I don't know if any of these books are still available for purchasing, but you could possibly find them on Thriftbooks. I just wanted to share my favorite ladies with you, in case you needed some new inspiration. 


Now...on to Millie Day...

In case you have children or grandchildren, I'm sharing what I did with the girls yesterday. I've been reading in Galatians about the Fruit of the Spirit. I think it's so important to refresh our minds on what our attitudes should be giving out and there's no better reminder than the passage on the fruits of the Spirit.

I searched Pinterest for coloring sheets and activities on the topic. Then I bought some "fruit" flavored treats to go along with the study.

I printed out the verse and the "fruits" and put them in a folder for each girl. I cut out a tree trunk and they colored the fruits and glued them to the top of the tree. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of any of their finished papers, but they were colorful and they did a great job. 

I laid out the snacks and even these cute drinking cups I bought at Dollar Tree. I had various fruit flavored candies, some dried fruit, fruit juice and even a tube of Cherry lip balm for each of them.

Don't worry! They only had one treat each and the rest went home with them for another day.  We did make strawberry shakes that afternoon and after that, we were all snacked out!

The girls surprised me by singing a song they had already learned in church, about the fruits of the spirit. I laughed at me thinking I was going to teach them something and them turning it around and teaching me something! Isn't that the way it is with kids?

However, even though they had already learned about the fruits, we had a great discussion about which ones they struggled with and they were very talkative about how to demonstrate those things better. It was a good lesson and they enjoyed the artwork as we talked. 

My point was to have them think about the fruits in the future, maybe the next time they pick up an apple or a bag of fruit chews. We all can use little reminders in life, on how to be better at producing good fruit. 

Millie and Ella (7)

The girls stayed extra yesterday. I usually take them home around 4 p.m., but I kept them until after 7 p.m. yesterday so they could visit with David when he got home. Needless to say, they all fell asleep in the car on the way home. Thankfully they were all bathed and in their jammies. 

Oh, and Ella wanted to take a picture with my phone, so here's our selfie together 😍 

We had a great day and boy was I tired when we got home!

Today will be all about cleaning up the playroom, dishes, laundry and hopefully lots of reading and relaxing. Whew! This Millie is worn out!

I hope you've enjoyed this little recap of Millie Day, as well as the book recommendations. 
That's all I have for now!

Until Next Time...


  1. He is our best friend forever!
    What a fun day with the littles - it all looks and sounds fantastic.

  2. Precious selfie! I'm sure you don't mind taking those type of selfies anytime:) Sounds like a great Millie Day...who knows all the "fruit" that will come from these special afternoons!:) I'm so behind on blog reading but hope you are surviving the heat and enjoying summer...even if there is plenty of sweating in the process!:) Enjoy the rest of your week!

  3. Love everything dear Friend! You are such a wonderful grandma sharing in your love of Him even through play and stories. And so much fun too! I love that they taught you a song. :) The selfie is adorable. Blessings on the rest of your week. xo

  4. What a fun Millie Day for you all! I love the fruit theme and the ways in which you wove it into your day together! In fact, I'm pretty sure that each time I eat fruit now I'll think of the Fruits of the Spirit and ask myself how I'm spreading and sharing His love with those around me! Thanks for the great idea!


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