Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Random Photo Catch Up

 Happy Tuesday, Friends!

Well, we are officially into summer and the heat index today is already reaching 103, according to our weather man, Greg. It's going to be a hot one!

I thought I would catch you up on some things I've been doing around here lately. So here are some random photos from the last few weeks.

The girls and I have been watching LoveMeg on YouTube the past few weeks. This is someone I watched for years, then she left YouTube and has now come back and I'm really enjoying her new content. 
In the link I'm sharing her video that has this Taco Tater Tot Casserole recipe. The girls and I made this a few weeks ago and it was so delicious! In fact, they talked their mother into making it for them over the weekend too. 

Now that the girls are not going to co-op, they are once again having Millie Day every week, which means I'm always looking for fun crafts to do. They love crafts and it's the first thing they ask for, when they walk in the door. 

So I found this easy craft online and we tried it a few weeks ago. You simply use glue to draw something, sprinkle your design with salt and let it dry. Once it's dry, you can paint the salt with water colors. 

I wouldn't say it was the best craft we've ever done, but it kept them satisfied for the hour or so. It took some time for the glue to dry and that's always tricky, to have to regroup in order to finish the artwork later. 

At the end of May we celebrated little Asa's 2nd birthday. David and I set up a water slide for the kids and they had so much fun playing in the water. We had burgers and fries and Asa got some fun gifts. I can't believe he's already 2 years old!

Now currently...yesterday we finally had the landscaping company come back and clean up our front flower bed. It's been two years since they built this for us and it was overrun with weeds and all the plants needed a refresh. We had been trying to keep up with the weeds, but it was out of control, so we asked them to come back and get it back in shape. Now it looks so much better! 

They also put some rocks in two side flower beds and put a border around my junk garden. I will share pictures of those spaces as I work on them this week.

This week I'll be visiting my favorite plant nursery, looking for more flowers to go in my junk garden. I also have an eye appointment, Millie Day and then lunch with all the kids on Saturday. We haven't had our traditional Tuesday night dinner for a few weeks now. Ted has been traveling to a church in Baytown for rehearsals for a worship conference he's a part of, so we are finding other times to get together. This week it will be for lunch on Saturday. 

We don't like to eat out as much, now that there are so many of us. It's much better when the babies can run and play at our house. But sometimes you make do with what you have, right? I'm just thankful I get to see my kids and grandkids weekly. What a blessing that is! 

Well, time to eat breakfast and start the day.

I hope your Tuesday is wonderful! Come back soon 😀

Until Next Time...



  1. Your flower bed is just lovely. The casserole looks so yummy.
    The kiddos have such fun with you - I love you always have activities for them.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl :) I have fun with my grands :) They are such a blessing.


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