Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Look at the Junk Garden, The Library, And a Summer Cold

 Hey Friends!

It's Tuesday already! Yesterday I took it slow and steady; working on laundry, cleaning bathrooms, and sitting in between. I've got a bad case of summer allergies (or a cold) that is making it hard to breathe right now, but it's getting better each day, so I think I'm going to make it 😅

I did manage to walk outside in the sunshine and get a few pictures of my ongoing "junk" garden in the front yard. It's definitely a work in progress. We will add some rock and stepping stones inside the border, just to make it look nicer, but for now, it's just the natural pine straw look. 

It was hard to get a picture from different angles, because my shadow kept getting in the way. I'll keep trying. 

Here's the giant bird bath a friend gave to me. That black thing in the middle is a solar-powered fountain we bought to keep the water moving. It works great when the sun is shining and it helps attract the birds to the water. 

I mostly planted various flowers here. I wanted everything in pots that can be moved here and there, as I wish. It's just easier to take care of, in my opinion. 

In the bathtub, I did plant some Japanese Oregano, Rosemary and Citronella. The lady at the plant store helped me with these. The oregano is the pretty one on the right side. If you rub the leaves, it smells like oregano, which I don't even like, but I liked the look of it, so I bought it. It should grow and kind of cascade over the side, which is what I wanted. You can also see an empty pot in the bottom corner. I just need more dirt and more plants. 

Next, I want to go thrifting for some fun things to add to the garden, such as the metal animals they sell. I know I could buy them new, but I'll look at the junk stores first. I also have plans to let the girls create their own fairy garden in an old plant box I have. That will happen soon. They are pretty excited about that. 

I've always wanted a junk garden, ever since I saw a backyard in this style. Some people I knew had their entire backyard full of plants, old chairs and objects, perfectly placed to give it a fun look. It does take a tiny bit of strategy, because you don't want it to look like a true junk yard. It needs to be fun and natural, yet a bit whimsical and adventurous. I want to leave space for the kids to walk in between and find little hidden features. They can even help place objects here and there, which they will love. 

Well, enough of that...

Today I'm going to try my hand at some strawberry bread that Billie Jo shared HERE. I'll take a picture if it turns out as pretty as hers 😃

I'm trying to finish up a book that has to be back to the library tomorrow. Have I mentioned how much I'm enjoying the library? It's so fun to bring books home, read them, return them and never spend a dime. I love that I can check out several, just in case I can't really get into one of them. I just move on to the next and it's no big deal. What I have started doing, when I see a book that I'm interested in, on Goodreads or Amazon, I will save it to a list on my phone and then look for those at the library. It's a fun outing and knowing I have to turn them in on time, pushes me to read more. It's a win win!

Well, I'm off to take some cold medicine with my breakfast. Hopefully I'm on the tail end of this thing! 

Happy Tuesday!

Until Next Time...



  1. I love the garden!!!! That is right up my alley!

  2. Hello Friend! I have found your blog through Danielle (& I adore Billie Jo too) :) Always fun to find a fellow kindred spirit in blogland. I love how your garden is coming along. I'm such a flower gal too. I have a thing for fairy gardens ever since my daughter was little and I still do fairy pots everywhere. 💗 You've reminded me I need to take a long overdue trip to my local library!! Blessings on the rest of your week. xo

    1. Hi Carrie! I'm so glad you stopped by :) I'll come visit you next!

  3. I love your junk garden! I would love to have one but I am afraid my husband would want his own and I just can't take that amount of junk! Broken down cars, lawnmowers, boats, etc...! LoL I hope you are on the mend!

    Grace & Peace,

    1. Pam, that's hilarious! Yes, husbands have their own junk collection going on, don't they?

  4. Oh wow, what a neat idea ~ Ive never send one before, it's very cool!

    1. Thank you! You can find some really nice ones on Pinterest.


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