Thursday, February 1, 2024

Hello Friends and Happy February!

 Hello Friends!

As I stopped by a few blogs this morning, I read Jennifer's post and thought it would be fun to answer some of the questions on her list today and a few of my own. Here goes...  

#1 - What we've been up to...

Over the weekend we had our oldest granddaughter Emmy spend the night with us. We love spending one-on-one time with all the grands, because they really thrive when they have space to just be themselves, without their siblings. 

So we picked Emmy up on Saturday afternoon and she stayed until Sunday night. As always, she had us blowing and going, with her agenda, which included her learning how to latch hook, watching I Love Lucy and Pink Panther reruns, going to church, eating cheeseburgers for lunch and then taking her PawPaw to a museum he had never been to. We also stopped by City Hall so she could see her daddy's star on the Walk of Fame. We taught her how to play Crazy 8's (card game), marbles and just had such a fun time all weekend. 

We were all sad when it was time to go home, but full of love and good memories too. Plus we knew she would be back on Tuesday for Family Dinner, so we knew we would survive the goodbye. 😂

#2 - What I've Been Working On...

I've been wanting an extra bookshelf just for photo books and albums, to go in the living room, and last week I bought one. However, it was too plain and didn't really add anything to the space, so one day I decided to try a little DIY project on it and I think it turned out pretty cute.

I had some Pioneer Woman sticky shelf paper laying around and it was the perfect thing to use for this project. It wasn't a hard project, so I would definitely do another one of these, if I need a bookshelf again. 

My goal is to have all of my photo books out on this shelf for the kids and grandkids to look through whenever they want. As a kid, I remember photo albums being a huge part of our lives and I want to share the same with my kids. 

#3 - What I'm Watching and Reading...

This week I started an online Bible Study with a group of ladies. I am friends with one of the leaders, so I know one of the participants. I'm not sure if everyone is local or from other places, but so far I've really enjoyed it.

It's a study about slowing down, which is always relevant, in this day and time. 

As far as what I'm watching - I've been watching Season 2 of The Traitors and All Creatures Great and Small.  One is a game show and the other is, of course, the story of James Harriet, the vet. 

#4 - What I'm Looking Forward to...

Today I'm having a craft day with my friend Kim. This always includes lunch at our favorite place (which we get to-go and enjoy it back at her house. Then tomorrow I'm meeting up with an old friend, who I haven't seen in months. Every now and then we will meet for a catching up lunch, which I thoroughly enjoy.

#5 - What I'm Dreading...

Something I'm dreading is doing my taxes and gathering all of last year's paperwork and putting it all away. It's not a hard task, just one I dread doing. 

#6 - What I'm Looking Forward To...

Spring. I am so ready to see a pretty yard again! The ideas are starting to flow and I'm looking forward to having some color back in the yard. 

#7 - What I'm Excited About...

My 3 books are in print and e-book format now and available on Amazon! (See the sidebar).

I originally published my books on a platform called Blurb and they sent them to Amazon. But I knew I would need to switch over at some point, just for the sake of simplicity and cutting out that third party, but I dreaded it, due to the technical aspect of learning a new thing. But the week of the freeze, when we were all stuck inside, I took advantage of the time and got all of my books switched over and created the e-book versions. This was a huge accomplishment for me and one that will allow me to move forward now, with new projects. 

And with that, I'll close this post out by saying Happy February! Also, this post was started on Wednesday, but I wasn't able to finish and hit publish until Thursday 😅 But we're all caught up now, so I hope you enjoyed it. 

Have a wonderful day and I'll see you soon!

Until Next Time...



  1. I like how the shelves turned out. Very pretty.

  2. The book project must have been a tremendous amount of work! I am so happy for you that you got it finished! It is wonderful to spend time with the grandchildren! God bless you!

  3. Looks like lots of fun at your house! Love the shelf - it is so pretty.
    Good job on the books - you should be proud.

  4. Congrats on your book project! Have a cozy weekend, my friend!


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