Thursday, January 4, 2024

My Week in Pictures

Hello everyone!

How's your week after Christmas going?

My week has been slow and yet energizing and just what I've needed to reset my mind after a long Fall and holiday season.

Today I'm just sharing some random photos I have from the past week or so. So here's what I've been up to lately...


I bought myself a new mug at the grocery store this week. 

Every now and then, it's fun to get a new coffee mug, 

don't you think?

I got creative with my notebook this week and

mod podged the front of it.

It was just plain, brown leather, which I grew tired of looking

at, so I grabbed some scraps and things from my

craft table and brushed some Mod Podge over it all,

and I love how it turned out. 

I've done a bit of baking this week.

While I was at the store, I was so tempted to just buy

some slice-n-bake cookies, but had to remind myself

that homemade is always better...especially when you already

have everything on hand.

We've had some beautiful days over the past few weeks,

so I've spent a little time on the back porch.

I couldn't pass up this beautiful picture of the sun rays.

One day I took one of my favorite magazines,

Daphne's Diary

out on the porch and spent time reading page after page.

It felt good to actually read each article and not just skim the pages.

I want more of this in my life 💛

David had a few days off over the holidays, so he worked

on a project with Emmy, teaching her how to make

a step stool from scratch. 

That's her pink toolbox we bought her for her 8th birthday.

I love her desire to learn new things.

I also love seeing my grandkids reading

and interested in books.

This always melts my heart.

This is Addie, by the way, with her new friend,


Aren't they sweet?

I just had to snap a picture of Asa and PawPaw.


And here we were at church on Christmas Eve.

It was a beautiful service and as you can see...

my grandkids are adorable. 

I may be a bit biased, I realize. 

This week has been so enjoyable and just the break I've needed.

I've finished one book that I started a few weeks ago 

and am almost finished with another one.

I've set my Goodreads goal to 35 books this year,

which is what I read last year, even though

my goal was only 25. 

I love striving for that goal because it causes me to pick up 

my books more often.


Well, that's all the random photos I have for today.

It's time for me to catch up on blog reading

and see what you all have been up to lately.

I hope to be back on a regular basis from now on.

Have a wonderful day and Happy New Year!

Until Next Time...

Stay cozy!


  1. Happy January to you my friend! Yes, your grands are quite adorable!!:) And love your creativity on your notebook. You have such a fun artistic flair! And love the photo of your sunny porch. Here's to more sun-filled afternoons and time to actually read the magazines! Happy New Year!

  2. Great photos. Yes, your grandkids are adorable. Hope your days continue to be enjoyable.

  3. Happy January! Your grands are so cute and of course, you are a bit biased. I love the notebook and that coffee mug is great

  4. We've had a busy week working at church. :)
    Lovely to see your photos.


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