Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Days after Christmas


Happy Monday friends! Just kidding. It's really Wednesday, but I'll be confused all week and most likely next week too. David is going back to work today, so today feels like the beginning of the week.

For me, I will spend my day taking down Christmas. I love Christmas, don't get me wrong. But I love taking down Christmas, just about as much.

I'm a January kind of girl. I like the new beginnings; the new promises of starting over. I'm a fresh start kind of person. 

And that doesn't diminish my love for the holidays. It just means that I'm ready to move on to a less stressful time of year.

So today I will pack Christmas away in boxes and spend the day catching up on laundry, bills and cleaning out the fridge. I have books stacked all over my office, which I need to find a place for. I'm thinking about a new bookshelf. My collection is getting out of hand. Last year I gave away 2 bags full of books and now I'm kind of regretting it. Do you ever do that? Give something away and then want it back later? Uggg.

Tonight I will have a little visitor named Asa, who will keep me busy for a few hours. I'm sure we will play ball and eat snacks and maybe even read a book. If I haven't gotten all my steps in during the day, I will make up for it while Asa is here. 😅 Of course, I will sneak in some snuggles too, before he's off again, exploring the world. 

The girls will be coming tomorrow for Millie Day, which usually consists of crafts and playing outside. Maybe the days with the grandkids should be considered my "workout" days 💪😅 They keep me going, that's for sure!

I'm already starting my "Winter Project" list, which I will share more about, next week. In the meantime, have a wonderful Wednesday!

Until Next Time...



  1. Enjoy the grandbabies! I am getting a break as ours went to Florida. I miss them, but they are not here every day. I need a new bookcase too

  2. I am with you about the home stuff, my friend. As much as I love the cozy feeling of Christmas, I am always really ready for it all to come down the day or two after. I have always been like this and have never left it up until the new year! I spent yesterday doing what you're doing today. It feels good to have things clean and fresh again! I also agree about the month of January, for those same reasons. I love fresh starts, clean slates, new beginnings. They remind me so much of the Lord's mercies that are new every morning; great is His faithfulness! I hope you enjoy your evening and tomorrow with your grands; until then, happy cleaning!

  3. Enjoy the heck out of all the littles! I kind of like the idea of a new start as well. My week has been messed up too - holidays sure can get the brain all mixed up!

  4. I try to wait until New Years Day to take down the Christmas decorations but rarely make it! :)

  5. Hello there - hope you are in the midst of a wonderful Millie Day! And that Asa helped you get in all the steps yesterday! I am right there with....and am a January girl, for sure! Haven't quite boxed Christmas away but am ready for the fresh start of January!! Hoping to catch up more soon! Have a wonderful day and weekend ahead!

  6. I love January too! And it’s starting on a Monday, too? Even better! My husband already took Christmas decorations down too. We love the season, but once it’s done we’re ready to move on.

  7. Hello! I too love January. I lOVE Christmas so much! Yet, once the initial sadness of it being over eases, I am excited for a less stressful, less frantic, less planned time. January is cozy, clear, and fresh. Happy and Blessed New year!

  8. Wishing you a beautiful New Year my friend.


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