Monday, January 15, 2024

Good Morning Beautiful and Lots of Kitchen Time


Good morning beautiful!
(I'm talking to you, friends!)

I woke up Saturday morning and this was the first thing I saw 
when I got to the coffee maker.
My husband has always been good with sweet words
and after 35 years of marriage 
he still manages to surprise me like this. 

Of course I kept it.
Just like he keeps the notes I slip into his lunch each week. 

We had a nice and easy weekend.
Friday night we kept Asa for a few hours,
which is always so much fun. 
His parents are already celebrating their 3rd anniversary,
which has gone by really fast!

Saturday David worked on this side porch,
building columns around the metal poles.

Interesting fact about this little house...
It's backwards.
Yep. The people who built it,
put the front door facing the lake,
so this side door is the one we have to use as our main door.

It's kind of strange not having a front door facing the road,
but then again, there are a lot of odd quirks about this
That's what you get when you buy a fixer upper! 

So we are slowly working on things,
but it takes a while when you only have
one man, who technically has one day a week
to do the work. 


Here's the after...
It looks 100% better!

He obviously still has to paint and actually since this photo,
he has also replaced that top brown board with a new board
connecting the two columns.
All of that will be painted white, to match
the rest of the house trim.

But the columns have made a huge improvement!

I spent a lot of time in the kitchen
the past few days.
I made a batch of salsa and put one in the fridge
and two in the freezer. 

Sometimes I use a jar of store bought salsa,
add Rotel, salt, garlic powder, onion powder,
and a little bit of sugar.
I blend that together and I freeze some for later use.

Chips and salsa are basically a food group to me!

I also made these egg squares for the freezer.
I take breakfast sausage (cooked and drained),
mix with 8-10 eggs,
shredded cheese,
seasonings, a bit of spinach, and some jalapeño.
Stir all ingredients and bake at 350 until firm.

I wrap each one individually in saran wrap and put them in the freezer.
This is what I like to eat on weekday mornings for breakfast.
Just put on a plate, microwave for 1 minute and you have a 
hot, savory breakfast!

On Sunday afternoon I baked one of my favorite cakes.
I've been making this cake for years and it is the BEST cake
to have with a cup of coffee.

I use a classic yellow boxed cake mix.
Mix it up as usual,
but then add at least a cup of Butterscotch chips
to the batter.
Pour into your bundt pan
(could work as a sheet cake too)
and bake according to the box instructions.

Let the cake completely cool in the pan
before turning over onto the cake plate.

Many times the chips will stick to the bottom and you will
need to take the crumbles and place them back on top.

But that's ok!!
It makes for a super moist cake and a slightly 
chewy-crunchy topping.

Try it!
You won't be disappointed.

This week we are experiencing freezing temps here in Texas.
I have no idea what the next few days will hold.
We lost power last week, due to wind.
Hopefully the icy weather won't be a problem 
and it's Texas after all, 
which means it won't last long.

I know many of you are already seeing snow,
so stay warm and cozy.

This is a great time for a good book,
a puzzle, some sewing or craft projects,
or even a good organizing job.

Whatever you find to do,
I hope you have a wonderful week doing it!

Until Next Time...


  1. Oh, I hope you are not freezing too much. Snow in Texas is just not cool. Haha. Unintentional pun. I am going to make that cake...AND those egg squares except I don't have a cute square pan so I will make egg round/cups/mini cupcakes!!:) The porch looks great. I love the lights on the columns. What fun - making it your own!:)

  2. What a sweet note. Asa looks to be busting a bronc! LOL - so cute.
    Yesterday I did some cooking and baking as well. Too cold here to do much else.
    All looks yummy.

  3. I like those egg squares - great idea.
    And the cake looks delicious.

  4. I love that note on the coffee pot! I always love reading about your life there. I hope you all stay warm in the next few days! I was wondering if you were having the same weather much of the country is experiencing. That cake looks amazing! I love butterscotch flavored things, so I know I would love this. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Good morning, the porch look so nice!
    I’ve never heard of that cake- sounds good.


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