Friday, January 19, 2024

My Week in a Nutshell


Happy Friday, Friends 😀 

How's your week been? Freezing? Faucets dripping? Faucets frozen? Hot water heater on its last leg? Stuck inside for days on end? Not hating it that much and then going nuts?

That sums up my week 😀

But really, it's been a week of wacky weather and I've spent a lot of time this week editing books, uploading manuscripts, editing some more and learning how to navigate all the technical stuff of self-publishing. More than I ever wanted to learn. But it's been a productive week and I am happy about that!

On the home front...I think I've eaten all of January's calories in the past 4 days😅  Being stuck inside is not good for my diet! 

Some of my plants didn't make it. That's kind of sad. And I've discovered that I'm not really a winter kind of person. When it warmed up to the high 40's yesterday, it felt like spring had arrived and I was so happy!  Now tonight will bring more freezing temps and then next week it will rain on most days. Welcome to Texas. We change our minds a lot!

Today I'm picking up my three granddaughters and we're having a Millie Day. I know I'll get my exercise today, so I can feel better about all the calories I ate this week. 

I've been itching for a good redecorating project or a spring cleaning session or just anything that doesn't have to do with computers or sitting. 

Well, my week has been less than eventful (except for all the weather), so there's not much more to report.

If you've done any fun household projects or organizational things, please indulge me and tell me all about it in the comments. I need motivation!

Until Next Time...

Stay cozy!


  1. Sounds productive and a good way to stay in and keep busy. It has been cold here. Snow this AM, then cold again over the weekend. Looks to warm a lot next week!
    Have a great day with the littles.

  2. It has been cold, windy, and snowy here this week so I have not been very motivated to do much. I did clean one closet and I have read quite a bit. I cleaned my father in laws house and began deep cleaning my bathroom. Our faucets have not shut off for a week. Warmer temps coming next week, but lots of rain. I don't like the cold, but I don't miss the mud here on the farm either.

  3. Well, the central ac/heating went out, yeah. LOLOL...Wishing you a beautiful day my friend.

  4. Not much "mind changing" here with the weather. Just cold and then some more cold. I did get out this morning. All that staying cozy at home in the fireplace starts to get routine...and does not burn a single calorie, let me tell you. Of course, met a friend for breakfast when I went out. Oh, those pesky extra winter calories!! I think I need a Millie Day in my week:)


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