Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Traveling, Spending, and A Busy Week


Well, it's been a week or so since my last post, so I thought I would stop in today and catch everyone up on what I've been up to. 

Last Thursday David and I drove to San Antonio for my mom's surgery. We took an alternate route, trying to avoid I-10, which is basically the highway from the devil, and we ended up making a long trip even longer. David kept saying he felt like Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation, just trying to get to Wally World 😂 But, we finally made it and had a few hours to spend with my aunt, uncle and my mom, before heading off to the hotel.

Friday morning we were up at the hospital by 5:00 a.m. and didn't leave until 7:30 p.m. that night. All went well and my mom was released on Saturday. We were very thankful for how smooth everything went and how quickly she bounced back. She is now recovering at my aunt's for the week. 

On Sunday, our oldest granddaughter, Emmy, was getting baptized, so David and I went to church with the kids. It was a very special service - great worship, great message, and then the baptism. What a blessing! Emmy was so excited to finally get baptized. She had been waiting for a while.

After church we went to lunch with all the kids to celebrate David's 60th birthday coming up this week. The week is busy, so we had to fit it in among other activities going on. Morgan's birthday is next Sunday, so I would say this is one of the busiest weeks in December. Then again, aren't they all?

Yesterday I had to pick Banjo up from the vet, where he was being boarded while we were gone. I brought him home and gave him a quick bath. I think he was so glad to be back home. He basically hopped up on the couch and slept all day. 

I had lots of laundry to catch up on, as well as bills, a few more gifts to wrap and just overall catching up on things that didn't get done while we were away. 

I'm the weird lady who loves to get home and clean after I've been gone. This is my happy place, so making my home fresh and clean makes me feel good. Not to mention, sitting at a hospital for hours on end, will make you go nuts! I'm not a sit-around kind of person, so by the time I got home, I needed to get busy. 

Today I will spend the day cleaning out the freezers and making a grocery list for my next shopping trip. I'm trying to use up much of what we already have on hand, just to make the money stretch. I feel like we've spent so much money in December already. But, we can save that discussion for January 😅

Well, I'm off to get a 2nd cup of coffee and do some reading before the day gets going.

I hope your December is going well, so far! 

Until Next Time...

Merry Christmas and stay cozy!


  1. I'm so glad your mom's surgery went well and that she is recovering peacefully. I watched that baptism video on Instagram, it was so sweet! Those always get me, even the ones in our own church, and bring me to tears almost every time. I'm glad you're back home and in your happy place, even if it's a record breaking week for being busy! Mine was like that last week, so I understand how you feel. Enjoy the day, my friend!

    1. Hi Jennifer! Thank you for the well wishes for my mom :) And yes, baptisms are always so special, especially this one :) I hope to catch up on your posts this week. Looking forward to seeing what you're up to this week!

  2. I am so happy to hear your mom did well with surgery and is now recovering with family.
    How sweet on the baptism. I saw a video a week ago of my 14 year old gr.gr. niece get baptized. It is all so moving.
    Take care and hope you get to slow down your pace a little!

  3. Glad to hear your mom is doing well and you are happy back home again. :)

  4. Hello, my friend. So glad you are Home Sweet Home, and that your mother's surgery went well. Like you, I love being home making it cozy and festive for my loved ones. Have a lovely evening!

  5. That traffic around San Antonio is terrible!
    Our dog always slept for a day or 2 after a week of boarding because he played with all the other dogs and was just tired!

    1. Banjo has been hoarse, I guess from barking so much in the kennel.

  6. Glad that all went smoothly for your mom...I hope she is recovering well. You are the best of daughters for making such a quick trip to be there!! Congratulations to Emmy - what a special day!!


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