Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Quick Update

Hello Friends!
I didn't intend on it taking me until Wednesday to blog this week,
but here we are.

Monday I had a little visitor named Asa come to stay with me
all day while his mommy and daddy
made a birthday trip to Houston.

We did all the usual things...
wagon rides, swinging, playing with toys,
naps and lots of ball throwing. 

He is the sweetest, funniest little guy. 
His laugh has always melted us.


Yesterday I had lots of catching up to do
and yet, time to rest, as well. 

I caught up on laundry,
some bills, a bank run,
and even had time to watch a movie 
and finish a book's last few chapters.


Today I will be packing for a quick trip to
San Antonio.
My mom is having surgery Friday morning,
so David and I will be traveling there to be with her.

We will be getting up very early Sunday morning and 
driving back in time to see our oldest granddaughter Emmy
get baptized. 


December always brings weeks of busyness,
which can certainly be stressful.
With several birthdays thrown in the mix,
I think you have to really be intentional about
making sure everyone feels special.
December birthdays tend to be rushed through or
even overlooked.
David and Morgan both have birthdays coming up next week,
so once this trip is out of the way,
it's full steam ahead with birthdays!


Here are a few pictures of Asa on the day he was here.
He's such a curious boy.

I bought him this bouncy toy,
but he would not get on it.
However, he was ok to lay by it and
watch some cartoons. 

Well, I'm off to get ready for my day.

I hope to be back to the blog soon.
In the meantime,
have a wonderful week!

Until Next Time...
Stay cozy and warm!


  1. What a cute little one!
    Travel mercies to you and your husband and prayers the surgery goes well for mom.

  2. I like the snowman in your first picture.
    Pray all goes well with your mom's surgery and save travels.

  3. Prayers for your mom's surgery, my friend. Have a safe trip!


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