Monday, August 7, 2023

Clear Your Agenda, Clear Your Head


It's Monday morning at 4:00 a.m.
I'm laying here awake after a good night's sleep,
wondering if I should wait for the 5:00 a.m. alarm,
or just get up and start the day.

I give it another 30 minutes
and then wonder why I'm not up 
making coffee yet.

I make my way into the kitchen,
turn on the Keurig,
grab my favorite mug
and get the coffee going.

It will only take a second or two,
then I can head to my office
and begin my routine of reading blogs
and reading my Bible.

As a sit down in my pink office chair,
take a sip of my hot coffee,
some words begin to form in my mind;
"I cleared the agenda,
I cleared my head."

I hear it plain as day
and I know where it came from and why.

It's the Holy Spirit,
reminding me of something that took place
last night
when I got into bed.

So I grabbed my journal and begin to write
the words that came to me this morning
and I want to share it with you all,
in case you need the words too.


Jesus on my Bed

I cleared the agenda,
I cleared my head,
I got myself into the bed.

I took to the phone
for a minute or two,
then realized I was missing you.

How long has it been
since I've nothing to search,
but you and your heart,
instead of Facebook?

Too long since I've just
sat in the dark,
and poured out all of the stuff
that's weighing on my heart. 

So I cleared my agenda,
I cleared my head,
and there I sat with
Jesus on my bed.


So many nights,
I fall into bed, exhausted and too tired
to pray.
But I always manage a game or two on my phone
or a quick, last minute browse on social media.

But the Holy Spirit has been showing me lately,
that I'm consuming too much...
too much input.

Blogs, podcasts, tv shows, Youtube,
games to pass the in-between moments.
It's a constant battle between silence and consumption.

But the problem is, all of those things,
though they may be great content,
are not leaving much room for God,
his voice, his input, his word.
And that's not ok.

It's not ok to find time for all the other voices,
but not the one voice that matters most.

This is not a new battle.
In fact, I would guess we all fight it at some
time or another.
If you haven't, you might.

It's a noisy world out there,
and all the more reason we have 
to be intentional about making room
for the Lord.

Clear your agenda,
clear your head...
Jesus is waiting to come sit on your bed.

Take care my friends.

Until Next Time...


  1. Good Morning Debbie,

    I so loved your posting for today. I find that the early morning is a time to sit quietly spending time with my Heavenly Father. It is such a good way to begin my day. Throughout my day, I spend time with Jesus and at night when my head hits the pillow, although some nights, I fall asleep praying. Thank you for sharing. I pray that you find sweet pleasures and simple blessings in your day sweet friend. Homespun Hugs, Teri

    1. Teri, it's always so glad to hear from you :) Have a beautiful day!

  2. Good morning, and YES. It's something I began to mindfully do in the lead up to our retirement and move last year. Never one to be glued to my phone, it was TV and laptop and too much "news". Then it was everything related to a cross-state move and setting up a new house. I began to realize when I don't have a solid block of quiet time with the Lord, I don't do well. Feel overwhelmed. Sometimes hopeless. No cable now, but I have to mindfully stay away from all the negativity. Accept that some days I'll get a lot accomplished and other days not so much. You've put it so well, Debbie... clear the agenda, clear the head, and rest in Him. --Elise

    1. Elise, I had to quit watching the news and even quit following some who were always sharing the negative news on social media. And my weeks sound like yours - some are productive and some, not so much :)

  3. Beautiful post! Yes, we all need more of that quiet time to clear our heart, minds and souls and give it all to God. I wake many times during the night, and I always lay there and pray - calms me and back to sleep I go. God knows my heart and knows when I need to 'talk'.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I try to pray in the middle of the night too. It calms my mind.

  4. Such a great post this morning! All so true, making time for Jesus, to be with Him with prayer and praise.

  5. Wonderful post. We certainly do need to be intentional about taking time to be in the Word, to pray, and to listen to the Lord's still, small voice in a world of constant noise.

    1. Wanita, this is so true. I want to hear his voice over all others.

  6. I love what you wrote, and yes, this does describe my life in great detail right now.

    1. Mandy, that's why I shared this post. I always figure there has to be someone else struggling through similar things.

  7. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for the reminder and the encouragement. Oh, the overconsuming through a small screen. It wastes so much time and crowds my mind with some much "fluff" leaving me mentally tired and drained for much of what matters - and what I desire.

    1. Jennifer, that is a good way to put it. Too much "fluff" crowding up my mind.

  8. Beautiful poem! And SO true! It is far too easy to fill our minds and hearts with any manner of things instead of the Lord. I don't have social media on my phone (and am not on FB anyway), but I did have a Sudoku app. After watching a show with my husband at night, I sneak away for an hour before bed to just write in a journal, read an evening devotion, and pray. I was finding that in recent weeks, I was sneaking away to the bedroom, but instead of doing those beneficial things, I was doing 4 or 5 sudoku puzzles. So I decided to remove the app from my phone.

    1. Patti, this was me with Candy Crush! Too tempting!

  9. You sure do get up early. I like early mornings but not quite as early as you. :)
    I find when I put God first in my life everything else has a way of working out! :)

    1. Karen, I like to get up at 5:00, but my brain likes to wake up around 4:00-4:30. :)

  10. You speak my heart. Love your poem. How many times when I read the Psalms David is crying out in the Night Watches. I too find facebook a real distraction. I tell myself I just looking for pictures of my daughter or dear friends from times past....but the danger is in the quickly time passes when you are looking at things that are SO un necessarily. Thanks for a sobering reminder of where how alliegence God's Word and living it out! Love You!

    1. Wanda, yes, God should always come first above FB, games, etc. I think we are all just falling into bed exhausted from the noise and we just want to escape. I'm trying to be more intentional about escaping in conversation with Jesus :)

  11. Beautiful words from your heart to your paper, my friend. I could not agree more. The scrolling, the picking up the phone just to check something, the games...all things keeping me form peace and time with our Lord. P.S. We have almost the identical morning routine! I'm just a coupe hours behind you!

    1. Billie Jo, I think we are the same human :) Just a few details apart :)

  12. Great structured mornings you got there. Groovy.

  13. I loved this, Debbie. I have often felt this same way, and I think I wrote about it on my blog a few weeks ago. You actually greatly encouraged me in the comments that day, and I've not forgotten your words. Since then, I've been spending time in prayer all throughout my day, and even as I fell into bed exhausted last night after helping Drew move, I was thanking the Lord for a great day and the good kind of tired that I felt. Sometimes that's all I say at night as I lay in bed -- I just tell Him thank you for all the things. I had many yesterday!

    I also get it about the phone or tv...just last week, I started reading on my Kindle when I go to bed. I have the screen set to dark mode, and I have the lighting set very low on top of that, so it doesn't burn my eyes like the phone. I've been reading for about 15 minutes each night, and I'm falling to sleep faster. It's been wonderful! I am like you and love getting up early. I was up at 4:50 this morning. Thanks for always encouraging us, sweet friend!

    1. Jennifer, sometimes a "Thank You" is all I can manage before falling asleep. I love that scripture tells us that God knows our heart :) This brings great comfort to me during those times.


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