Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Getting Used to the New House


Pioneer Woman's "Monster Cookies"

Happy Tuesday, Friends!

It's week 3 in our new home and the first week that feels somewhat normal. I've been learning to cook with the oven, which seems to be a convection oven. Everything cooks in record time and gets brown very quickly. If I master this situation, I think I will appreciate it in the long run. The first few times I used it, things came out very well done, and that's not always a good thing. 😅

The decorating is coming along. We've hung quite a few things on the walls and the furniture is all in place. The only room that's incomplete is the big family room, which needs a piece of furniture, but I'm not sure what. I think it will take me a while to get that room done. 

In the meantime, we are in the process of selling our little lake cottage, so more house business to be done yet. 

On the mother-in-law moving in situation, it's been a disaster. Just being honest. We had to take her to another facility where she could get some intense physical therapy, in hopes she can learn to stand up and walk again. She was walking and taking care of herself before going into the hospital in July. She will (at some point) be going into a nursing home full time. There is a lot more to the story of her two-day stay here, but nothing I feel like sharing, so I'll just leave it at that. 

On the upside...we are having our first Family Dinner in this house tonight! We are also celebrating my birthday, which is on the 20th, and Calem's 2nd birthday, which was this past Sunday. Alex is cooking and all I've had to do is supply the drinks and paper goods. That's my kind of dinner 😀

Today I'm heading out to see if I can find a Blue's Clues balloon for the birthday boy and maybe slip into a little boutique along the way. My wardrobe is in serious trouble these days! I'm down to t-shirts and jeans, with a few nice blouses, but not many. David and I are sharing a closet these days, which is good! It helps keep shopping in check. 

As you pray this week, please keep us in your prayers. We have several things going on that we need help with - David is having some walking issues, due to his back being in bad shape. We need some miracles getting his mom to the right place and need to sell our other house quickly, so we're not paying two house notes. (Our neighbors are actually buying it, but we need it to move along quickly). 

If you do pray for us...thank you from the bottom of my heart 💛 It makes all the difference. 

Until Next Time...



  1. Good morning Debbie...thank you for your visit to my blog. First of all..Happy Birthday Celebration to you and Calem. And...Congratulations on your new home. Just last year, I got a new double oven and I am still learning things..hopefully you will have no issues with yours. You described my closet to a T. My closet is full of t-shirts, jeans, and black pants. lol. Prayers for you as a family. We have been going through a similar issue with my FIL. He is now is a memory care facility and adjusting has been a battle. Happy Tuesday to you. I am now your newest follower.

  2. It's been very busy over there; lots of things going on and decisions to make. I'm praying for you.
    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your family dinner and time together!


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